your comment
"the parents don't know what is good for their children"
means one of the following:
1. These parents are Ignorant and can not handle responsibility.
Then, do you think that parents who can not be responsible for their children are good parents?
2. You consider all parents are idiot, is all parents idiots?
I said that the parents experienced this certain way of life and it made them happy and relaxed, so they want their children to be happy and relaxed, when parents choose a good way of life for their children is this an abuse and something weong?
Thelnonius what are the functions of the parents?
Is their function to bring kids only for example and thats it or to bring kids and raise them in a propper way?
Does a "propper way" mean to be good and respect all and understand life and the value of life or it means to waste your life and have lack of respect?