DBS is now getting worse... im a student there, the teachers are not so great, for example, in geography my class don't really understand the lessons or him because of his accent.. I am not blaming him but in my opinion teachers need accents which can be understood more... and in English class, there is this teacher who probably doesn't know English well, as an example, she uses the word "wrongly" all the time, she even teaches so slow that other classes have already finished a unit before us! when we were in yr7, we had about 5 different English teachers because they kept leaving and we got bad grades in the end because a teacher only had only 3 lessons to grade us! it was not really fair... the administration office is now just a big mess, my sister was going to get in reception, they had to asses her first, and was rejected! when I went to the school I did not know a single word in English, now anyone who just met me thought English was my first language... my sister knows more english then I did at her age and she got rejected, they said they will asses her again in May, but after May no schools accept more admissions so how can we do this now? she has 2 siblings in this school!!! and just a few days ago they sent an email that they will remove us from the school for overdue fees!! I went there myself with a cheque for the school fees! they also said that they will not give us the reports and certificates if we haven't paid on the due date!!! MY 8 YEARS THERE WILL BE FOR NOTHING NOW!!! and it will be hard to be accepted in another school without them! I am leaving next year and I STRONGLY DO NOT recommend DBS!! what is quite mysterious is that ever since Terry Mcguire became the school principal, the school has been getting worse and worse... my dad has also heard from a parent of an IB student that they think the school is getting worse too..