100K tax free
+ free family accommodation(furnished or furnishing cost)
+ around half or more of educational expenses for children (I am not sure about the percentage)
+ Less work stress
+better working hours(Not sure of this too as i am not CNL)
+ more safety
+less legal issues
-distance from relatives
-adjusting to a different climate
-adjusting to a different culture
-adjustment of children(I think they will adjust)
may be some more unseen negatives
as a whole U Know
it depends on what u make there
CA pays better but the cost of living is also high, right? Here COL is far less especially with the Accommodation provided.
Welcome to HMC .
NB: The processing may take bit longer than u expect
100K tax free
+ free family accommodation(furnished or furnishing cost)
+ around half or more of educational expenses for children (I am not sure about the percentage)
+ Less work stress
+better working hours(Not sure of this too as i am not CNL)
+ more safety
+less legal issues
-distance from relatives
-adjusting to a different climate
-adjusting to a different culture
-adjustment of children(I think they will adjust)
may be some more unseen negatives
as a whole U Know
it depends on what u make there
CA pays better but the cost of living is also high, right? Here COL is far less especially with the Accommodation provided.
Welcome to HMC .
NB: The processing may take bit longer than u expect