@acchabachha.. Sorry, if their names were written on their foreheads or had they given me their names on a silver platter, then I would not have hesitated to include their names here in the post. If the authorities wanted to track the driver, they can track it using the license plate and the indication of the nationality. One more thing, had I wanted to really humiliate, I even had a picture of the driver himself. It is up to authorities (if they are reading this) investigate, based on the leads given. if the authorities wanted to catch the sweka selling guy, they know where to go and fish out all the *&*#$@# cockroaches out, because this is not one bad apple that I am talking of, but the many many many bad apples out there, who take people like me for granted.
@acchabachha.. Sorry, if their names were written on their foreheads or had they given me their names on a silver platter, then I would not have hesitated to include their names here in the post. If the authorities wanted to track the driver, they can track it using the license plate and the indication of the nationality. One more thing, had I wanted to really humiliate, I even had a picture of the driver himself. It is up to authorities (if they are reading this) investigate, based on the leads given. if the authorities wanted to catch the sweka selling guy, they know where to go and fish out all the *&*#$@# cockroaches out, because this is not one bad apple that I am talking of, but the many many many bad apples out there, who take people like me for granted.