If the schools are yet another business module, what more to talk. School should make characters and discipline. I have emphasized previously and will stand in future as well that academicals qualification should be followed by the character.

Btw: In relevant to the teacher’s salary In general should go up. No matter which nationality it is. The teachers should be respected and they should be well paid. We used to stand when a teacher, or parent pass by during the college days. The principal just stand still and say “Good Morning” when the student say good morning to the principal.

I like to see that happening in all the school.

In the meantime a contribution of a 100 more riyal monthly to the school to uplift the teacher’s salary by the parents, will this make a different. If a school has 2,000 Kids for an example, the total would be 200,000 QR. Can this be distributed to the teachers. How many parents are agree on this. At the first instance I agree.

Above is my personal opinion only.