Visa and Ban
I have existing visa at qatar. The type of visa is work visa isuued last April 5, 2008 and to be expired on October 10, 2008 given by employeer A. After issuance of visa by employeer A, I receive a good offer at employeer B. In short I turn down my application at employeer A.
1.0 Is this visa can be cancelled automaticaly or expired with in the period of one (1) month due to the non appearance and action taken by both party (the company and employee) after it has been issued?
2.0 Do I need to get NOC or NOL eventhough I dont have resident card at qatar?
3.0 If the work visa was expired or cancelled due to non appearance and action taken by both party, Do I have a ban?
Kindly advice me what to do?
the work visa issued in ur name should be cancelled in order to accept second offer,there will b no ban,since it is not a resident visa,or otherwise the period of visa should b expired in order to go for a new visa from second employer.ok