Who is the best Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) man in Doha?
I have this really small dent on my hood (if I know who's done it, I'll fix them instead of the dent!) and its near the front edge so there is the metal seal underneath so I doubt if anyone can really reach the dent from below.
Any way, I saw this great guy, Dan Schwarzkopf, from Iowa on monkeysee.com doing an absolutely wonderful job of paintless dent removal using a PDR kit.
So I think there must be someone in Doha who can do what Dan does on the video. There's got to be a demand for this kind of work.
I'd really appreciate I could get contact details of someone or some workshop they know can do this really well. The reason I would not try it myself (even if I could get the kit) is that there's the risk of doing more damage than good.
This is nothing that you learn overnight. It is a very hard skill to learn. Need taking coursese for about 4-6 weeks and then practice at your house for at lease 8 months to a year for 5-6 hrs a day before your are ready to face the real world and work on peoples vehicle. Buying one of those kits your are online is a waste of time and money. Those kits don’t do anything. They are misleading.
Sorry that I couldn't help you, sal. Just wanted to cheer you up.
Yes I'll post an update on how it goes...L-Pirate you have a point i guess...this is going to need precision!
You might want to check out a good dent-ist!
Please give us an update here for the exact location and contact number for our future use.tnx
Ok thanks Khan sb. I'll try Teyseer ....any other suggestions?
I cannot open the video from here but there is shop in Teyseer Petrol Station by Midmac Interchange who do paintless denting using some vaccum technology.
There is also another shop along the salwa road but I am not sure about its exact location.