Agony Continue
Before I came here in Qatar I'd thought that it will be a good start to build up my dreams but when I was here it suddenly changed. I came here in Doha with tourist visa expecting that I can easily find a job. My girlfriend help me to process the papers because she was already 6 months in here. Going here is easy but being here starts my headache. To make the story short my girlfriend got a visa from illegal person and make money on us. In my 1 month tourist visa I found a job that at first I thought it would be a good starting point. I was hired as a sales executive on one of Filipino magazine here in DOHA(quite comfortable at first because I am a Filipino). They have a lot of promises that nothing was been made. They said they will provide transport, gave phone allowance and most of all fix my visa that is already expired. In my 3 month in that company no promises was been made, I don't have my transport, no phone allowance, very delayed salary and the worst is they didn't fixed my visa T_T which started me to worry because of the penalty I'm going to pay. I keep on reminding them and begging to fix my visa which quite helpful because they told me that I will undergo medical and fingerprint. So I've done medical and fingerprint, but on the 4th month on my job another problem happened. The sponsor just told me that I was fired because one of my workmate which get his passport in the office w/o asking permission to our sponsor and never come back to work. Our sponsor got mad and I'm the one he blame for what my workmate did. So everything going to be harsh in Qatar. I've work on that company for 6 months and in my last 2 months of being there I didn't got my salary. They released me from that company because the sponsor and the management got problem on finance. First I thought that it will be a good opportunity to look for another job but it makes me wrong. Mostly the company is looking for transferable visa. I pay my flat rent my food and no work until now. My visa is 6 months and I need more month to be transferable.... My agony continues day by day thinking how to pay my bills and survive in this dessert land.
Everyone, ching respects all your opinion im pretty sure about that but please dont add fuel to the fire. I myself is having a hard time finding work here.Im on visit visa as well and i have extended for 2 mos. Instead of saying 'go home ching', try encouraging him and give more words of wisdom. As from what we have read from ching's post, he had been working for 6 mos without anything from the company,could you even imagine where he got his money for his food and transpo for that span of time?Im pretty sure he has just the exact amount of money for him to believe in himself and go on with his life here, May awa ang Diyos pare.Goodluck!
It's also called "burying your head in the sand".
Yeah I know and its too late to back off. All I have now is my faith and believes that I may overcome all of this. I don't have plans to surrender and its the time for me be strong and look things on a positive way...
who thinks that Doha is the land of opportunities for everyone.
If you came here by trying your luck with no proper or legal documents, chances are you will end up the loser.
There are a lot of agencies in Manila who are processing legal workers to come to Doha - we got a lot from them. Check with the POEA - for the list of the legal agencies.
You shudn't be here with visit visa u shud apply for work visa rather than visit visa.
Many consultancies in PHILIPINES who suppose to hire people like you with work visa provided by the company.
I dont know y you chosen that path.
may b its ur love with your G/f.
But its a mistake you have to accept it.
I agree with Brit , its better to go home and try your luck there.
ching, the cost for RP are on the sponsor!
This has nothing to do with "being a loser". There is no shame in trying and saying "I made a mistake". If you stay here, there is a strong posibility that you will get into debt and possible put yourself under unbearable stress
go home end your miseries!
last thign you want to do is stay put inside a prison!
They are the one who process everything
Best of luck :)
If your visa is legal, why do you pay the person anything?
which I think is a agent is putting a big charge on my visa that makes it double.
You are a case for (Mr.) QatariSun!
My family didn't know my situation. I don't want to go home like a loser and have nothing. As long as I can hold on I will. And I believe that theirs a rainbow after the rain. I now in time my agony will turn into success.
" ...girlfriend got a visa from illegal person and make money on us.."
The person is not illegal. The visa is illegal. Therefore there is absolutely nothing you can do but run.
Sadly , you have discovered that its not milk and honey. the best thing is to end your misery and go home.