QatarAirways or Emirates?! Help!
By MariaLisboa •
Wich one is better after all, aren´t they pretty much the same?
Dubai vs Doha.. is there much of a difference?
As a family we need to make a decision, and your help we'll be verymuch appreciated.
Im sorry about the portuguese part everyone, its just easier! No worries, nothing bad to say :D
May be I will not like your serice
i'll go for the lower fare..
jmendez & Ines ain't Interested in Listening...
site here, jmendez and Ines!
Ola Jmendes, lamento que estejas cansado de aqui estar, espero que tenhas mais sorte no futuro... estas aqui a muito tempo?
Eu estou em Doha, e já me cansei.
Em breve vou-me embora...
Conheço muita gente da área da aviação e outros serviços que, assim que podem, mudam para o Dubai.
Apesar de ir nas mesmas linhas culturais, já se encontra mais aberto e ocidentalizado.
Percebi que tens filhos, então se vieres para Doha é obrigatório que estejas casada. Eles não aceitam mães solteiras/div.
O teu marido tb terá de arranjar um trabalho, com muita dificuldade conseguirás fazer o "sponsership" para ele...
Se tiveres propriedade em Portugal, é preciso reconsiderares seriamente! Com as novas medidas de austoridade, os residentes nesta região terão de pagar uma taxa de IMI de 5%/7,5%, o que é só por si uma pequena fortuna!!
Pensa bem se nesse contexto compensa vir!
talk's in's the's english's pls lol
For crew, Emirates. Much better salary and working conditions.
Thank you thwho!!
Obrigada pela vossa resposta,
Algum de vós está a viver e trabalhar em Doha ou Dubai?
Podem dar me os vossos feedbacks em termos gerais?
Ah, e conhecem alguma assistente de bordo(caso estejam a voar) que tenha filhos?
Muito obrigada!
if your working i'll say qatar airways, it have higher salaries and the risk for bankrupcy is nearly zero plus you dont need to be super kind to passengers
Im sorry, i had not been clear.. it is NOT for flying, but for work!
Allowances, company itself, family life?
Isn´t Doha, kind of a "smaller" Dubai?
anyday its EMIRATES. Qatar airways sucks on top of it reaps off the money. Emirates i have been travelling for so manmy years services wasnt consistent but improved each time i travel except minor airport related issues. complaints are also handled professionally and customer oriented resolution, UNLIKE Qatar Airways definitely not a family friendly airline, rude staff to deal with. I have no choice and stuck with Qatar airways, but sooner options available I shall ditch them
emirates in terms of service and food,, qatar airways is better in terms of monitor features, the one in front of you where you can watch movies etc.
O jmendes tem razao!
Falo por experiencia própria.
Se puderes escolher, e não importa se é para trabalhar ou viver (visto que estão ambos interligados), ir para Dubai é uma opção melhor.
I don't use both airline
I don't like serives from both airline
I think u can choose fly Dubai/Emirates its better than other Airways B cos QA is very expensive.
Quatar airways is has better and new aircrafts and the service is not too bad except both airlines are 100% selfish the OVER BOOK and and put you in trouble if you dont do ON LINE check in 36Hrs earlier. They both have a simple policy: HEADS WE WIN TAILS YOU LOOSE.God Bless
QA is much better than emirates, we stopped flighing emirates: old planes, too expensive, crappy service, constant changes on their mileage programm...if you wann fly in between dubai & Doha, i can recommend FlyDubai: cheap flights and youre a quickly in and out at terminal 2 in dubai - another advantage, you can book in advance as much as you like luggage!
Qatar Airways service is rubbish!! I use them quite a lot becaue I have airmiles and they are the only direct flight to my home country, but I have flown Emirates before, and friends have flown with them recently and always had good reports.
If I had a choice, I wouldn't fly QA. I don't know how they can say they are the worlds only 5* airline... A lot of other airlines provide a much better service!
Emirates no doubt...eventhough iam a pemanent traveller in Qatar airways(only due to direct flight to my home country) and travelled only 4 times in Emirates...Really excellent service and value for money.QA is very expensive wherever you travel across globe,Go for emirates
I agree, Emirate service much better.
EK anytime !
Emirates is better bcoz of Boeing 777's largest fleet.
i think Emirates is bettter
question abt flight or job ?
To fly? To work for? To visit? To live?