Ahhh Leg End... Appreciate that you manned up and posted something.... But... ahhh, dude... Are YOU translating the text?
Tell you what... The be all and end all inshaAllaah.... Here is an online version of Sahih Bukhari.... Find the 'hadith' you are speaking about and post it with the source.
I have done a search based of what you posted and have found nothing....
So here is the sahih of imam Bukhari... Have at it!
1. Alaam wal afkaar, P/ 379, Al Zawaj Muharama; Saheeh Al Bukhari....The Book "YOU TRUST ON".
BlaBlabla ....... I am no scholar and I do not need to be one. I never assume myself to be one. It takes one to know oneself. One has to respect onself in order for other to do the same.
"besides Rasulullah S.A.W. NOBODY is able to do that - cause he is who HE is!!! "
what do you mean by 'he is who HE is'?
Are you equating Rasoolullah with Allah? then you are damned. Your foolish argument is responded well by MD. Hope atleast you learn some lesson now and speak with reason without assuming yourself a great scholar who can clear the doubts of all.
If you need a housewife,take her from the agency, if you need an extra girlfriend, keep her in secret from your wife. I'll get bored one day, then you brake up. Why marry the second time?
If you love your girlfriend too much, divorce your wife and marry your girlfriend.
Leg End, I will not address your dribble until you:
1) Post the text from your source... like a man...
And 2) Get your English tutor to proof read your posts... Your English is honestly atrocious and I do not have time to decipher what you are trying to type...
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Singazax, I heard about some fictive characters called Adam and Eve, but I don't think they ever existed and you won't be able to prove it because I also don't believe in your fiction books that tell these stories. Going into "the roots of origin" I surely know that hominids were found in Tanzania and Ethiopia dated at 2.8 million years back. I don't have to "believe" it. But because you won't accept this proven knowledge there seems to be absolutely no common grounds for further discussions between you and me. Thanks for your precious time. And, yes, women are stronger. I have heard about one or two male individuals who can satisfy more than one woman sexually equally. But, almost every woman is able to take more than one man sexually (if she wants).
Legend, I am sorry to say but you are critisizing peoples english when in all actuality I can barely understand a word you are saying... this is what I meant.
Play nice everyone....
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
MD - dont get me wrong when comes to gender. Equality in Islam is great but before I continue further have you gone deeper into the roots of origin?(ADAM/EVE) My advise - analyze and absorb.
ALEXA - We should enlighten those who are in doubt and if they are not accepting it let HIM decide.
Yes, Singazax. Women are better. I know of women who can easily satisfy more than one men. So actually they should be allowed to have two or more husbands. Unfortunately Islam is a male religion, so it will never be just to both sexes.
Muslim Guys marrying 2 wives or more .... hmmm sounds good huh!!! Just because Rasulullah S.A.W did that you guys think you can?? Ask yourselves these questions. Can you be fair to all your wives: financially, emotionally and when sex is concern can you be equal and satisfy all of them? If you can, then prove to HIM because as we knew, besides Rasulullah S.A.W. NOBODY is able to do that - cause he is who HE is!!! Learn more before opening your big mouth as it only reflects your shortcomings and your stupidity. I am not reflecting anger .... NO...NO...NO I am just defending the rights and to correct the wrong Muslim ideology.
Leg end are u using an internet tool to translate? Because honestly, I cannot grasp what you are trying to say. Even your attempts at putdowns are quite strange...
Dude post the text to your source like a real man....
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Oh! I didn't know that you are quite weak in English comprehension...I felt pity on you...and let me tell you something pretty important....GET CONCERN TO YOUR ENGLISH N' LET THE REST AWAY...
I believe, I didn't need somelike permission to join the forum nor so to write....Zip your pocket n' let rim the rest...
What more else do you need?!. I've posed the Book, page and section. Do look into it if couldn't find due to your low ethical knowledge, Do search a soft copy through a search engine.
I am pretty well known of this is internet forum but didn't know of such insolence lives in the forum.
I feel sorry for MD if he is hurt of my reply but he was repeatedly asking a question, rather, a demand to allow four husbands to a woman which counters the very nature of humans and agreed by all as unethical. Later I argued why Islam gives such a right to the men. Even though polygamy and Islam are considered synanymous by many, the fact remains that it is practiced by the men in all religions in some form or the other. In west man has several marriages if not several wives living together. In islamic community however, many muslim orthodox families consider women as caretakers of the family and give less importance on their professional education. Thay raise their female children with that view point, not to earn. As a result muslim women are less confident in pursuing life alone and do thier best to discourage the practice of polygamy. But the trend is changing now. there are lot of opportunities for women to make a living for themselves and not depend on the husband. The same is leading to more divorces leaving burden on kids......
I have been researching this all day... and Brit is right.
Islamically he does not need his wives permission but it is advised he tell her.
You may be confusing civil and shari'a law. In Egypt, a civil law was passed requiring the written consent of the wife for a man to take a second wife. This may be the confusion, I am not sure of the law in other countries but Shari'a law does not require any permission.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Live the life you wish Scarlette, no one is stopping you. These are social issues. I am not fighting here but putting the facts in place leaving the rest to interpreters. I don't have any interest in how people interpret. I agree this is internet and prepared to take the blame....
But your remark that muslim women have no say in family affairs is not fair. They are dealt fairly if their husbands are too real muslims though...
what a bunch of hooey...just let this person go talk to an Islamic cleric and be done with it, stop all the fighting!!
From an outside perspective it does seem that Muslim women are just plain screwed in that they have basically no say in what the husband does and if they don't like it, they are screwed again when they divorce him since they lose the financial support.
As far as if women had 4 husbands, then who would be father of the children be??? Simple...one of the four husbands'....
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Well, Amoud its great if you didn't mean it but what did you find interesting in Daniela's post you didn't mention. Yet the fact remains you don't justify a second wife!
Interesting Daniela, except that in divorce she doesnt get half the assets as in a lot of countries, and also it becomes increasingly difficult for her to remarry, hence the reason a lot of women suck it up and stay married as sometimes it is better to eat than not.
Can a Muslim man take a second wife without the first wife knowing?
As far as I know it's different in every country .In some countries the first wife's approval needed -in other countries not .
In some African countries the first wives themselves urge their husband to take a second wife -as they regard her as a friend or a maid a babysitter .
The Koran gives permission for marrying up to four - but says it is better not to do so -as it is too big challenge to be just with every wives .
A friend of mine was expecting the fifth baby when she got a call from abroad .it was the second wife . There was big scandal , suffering for the kids especially - it was not any better than discovering a lover .
Amoud, Read your post to Daniela once again. Besides that I have nothing to say. I don't know the prejudices you have taking your religion but I am talking about muslims who believe in full Islam not selective one.
Blabla I never once said that I condemn these men to hell, nor did I support Daniela post. If I personally do not support polygamy as a muslim is that not my choice? If I do not wish to accept that it doesnt mean I condemn those men who do to hell. It was quite the contrary... I was defending the reasoning... didnt you read?
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
To those who question the legitimacy of this discussion on this thread pls know that I am not addressing the question asked here but the Title "Taking a second wife?"
Among such men are great men of the Islamic and world history. Its really surprising to see that Amoud who claims to be a muslim and talks here with an intention of dawah joins with daniela to condemn these men to Hell!
In fact the polygamy is more condemned and argued among muslims than non muslims and muslim women actually are a step ahead in criticising the practice. Their sense of insecurity is the main reason for this. They don't bother about the freedom of choosing mates which the westerns respect and gracefully leave their partners. Unlike Daniela observed most muslim women in such situations don't want divorce but force the man to correct his ways or badmouth him.
Islam in fact has solutions to many problems by way of polygamy....
I am well aware of how you spelled your name. Yet I will not legitimize a name for someone who makes no sense in his posts.
SO... until you make sense and post your proof (not the source, but the proof WITH the source) then you are a LEG END (ie, a foot)... and in no way a LEGEND.
And to make yourself a better family member could you get your English teacher to proof read your posts... I believe I speak for everyone that it will make QL a much better place for us all....
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
allows you to rescue and own four maltreated Pit Ponies but no more. A wife may ride them but never offer them sugar lumps. A husband may feed said ponies sugar lumps but never own up to the fact that they belong to him - the correct response when asked is -
"well the wife felt sorry for them and how could I refuse, they're more trouble then they're worth, mate"
A alternative solution to your dilemma umhamad.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
Interesting Daniela, except that in divorce she doesnt get half the assets as in a lot of countries, and also it becomes increasingly difficult for her to remarry, hence the reason a lot of women suck it up and stay married as sometimes it is better to eat than not.
I am certainly not justifying a second wife, but as I said before you have to fully understand the culture, religion and economical standpoint before you can pass such harsh judgements.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
I believe, my username is LEGENDWAR or LEGEND but not "Leg End" as posted by you. This seems, you are not pretty gud in pronuncing any Noun which resulted in your bad sense of humour & mis-understanding of what I wrote.
Keep in mind that I am not a regular QL's reader nor writer but do use to log on during my spare time.
I'll appreciate of what ever you post or scrap should not personalize me or the issue. I am not your dude nor a buddy but a member of QL. I am not fool nor would like to pose any fake or unrealistic piece of knowledge in between the members.
I did provide the reference of a book and if that complies to you, get read that and throw back a reply. Get clear of I am exactly neutral in ever scraps & expect same from others.
And one thing more Islam itself is not well complicated and one needs to take care of it. RESPECT is prior.
Finaly, I've not extracted myself to any of the member in QL but would love to stay in and live like a family member between them.
"Allah warns that this is most difficult (and some even say that Allah is saying it is impossible and thus, one should not do so -- but that opens up some other issues)."
PM can you explain this How is it impossible? You yourself seem to be a scholar because you are a professor.
Amoud, the ayah you quoted (4:129) is not a proof against plural marriage. I would advise you to read the tafser of that verse. Alexa I'm curious to know what verses of the quran did you read that lay out the conditions for plural marriage.
I dont know if u've a gud knowledge of Ahaadith or an oppurtunity to look into history but let me ask u a question! Dont u think, if woman has a right to agree or disagree to her marriage...?!Offcourse Yes! Then exactly, In Sharee'a she has pure rights to allow or decline her husband from 2nd marriage...unless she is suffering from symptoms like seductive health problems...!!
Hadith: Alaam wal afkaar, P/ 379, Al Zawaj Muharama; Saheeh Al Bukhari....
Be Clear, when you right & if you found tough to look into Sehaah, let me know, I'll scan u a part of it!!!
Cherukkan.... but he failede to add the 129th of the same... which is also posted. If you get into a conversation about polygamy with non-muslims doing it this way gives a very bad impression...
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
I have seen many interesting answers to the question. Blablabla has given a proper answer to the question by quoting chapter Nisa of Quran. There are certain strict rules and regulations for a Muslim man to marry a second wife and there should be valid reasons for it.
MD it is not the same here in this society as it is in Europe. Some women dont have the education to take care of themselves, or perhaps the shame of being divorced is too much to bear. We cannot judge the society and base it on religion when we are not aware of its intricate workings. There are a lot of social, religious and economical aspect to such cases. You cannot judge one part of this without understanding the others.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
As for your doubt regarding my being a muslim, yes I am a muslim and trying to say my religion is quite practical and reasonable only if people understand it.
"and yet you try to Label Allah the perfect as a hypocrite according to your comment. Qoute"Don't you think when all women say loud and clear we don't accept it, it is hypocrisy!"
Just correct your english buddy. I am refering to the women Hypocrites here...
Just think of a world war3 and a majority of men die of fighting war (old wars didn't effect much of the women and children, but new war do bomb civilian targets and civilians reg: neuclear bomb in hiroshima and nagasaki). Who is gonna take care of the impoverished , alianeated , widowed and orphans.
Thats where the beauty of Islam shows, The marriage protects them gives rights on oneself and becomes legal heirs. What other way on earth can this people get a safe heaven? In a refugee camp?
and she can go to the courts and open a case ... So said that she can't do that much and he can do? Life does not go this way ... go back to your religion books and you will know the truth.
Never give your personal views about things that you don't know about ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Well many Qlers know who i am, but i just wanna know? who are you? i recall you mentioning "i am practicing Muslim , I pray and so on so". and yet you try to Label Allah the perfect as a hypocrite according to your comment. Qoute"Don't you think when all women say loud and clear we don't accept it, it is hypocrisy!"
I just like people to make themselves clear and look dont sympathy from different groups. So please let us know where you stand.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
"i am tired of nonsense arguments, I am sure a true Muslim women is happy for what she got from her lord and accepts this world as means of temporary world and doesnt need lessons from hypocrites."
Well, this is the weapon that most muslims throw when their religion cann't stand upto their belief!
i am tired of nonsense arguments, I am sure a true Muslim women is happy for what she got from her lord and accepts this world as means of temporary world and doesnt need lessons from hypocrites.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
Whos is more obedient to allah one who hides the facts or the one who speaks? you decide..
But it is for the reluctance of muslim women to accept the right given to muslim men, many divorcees, widowed and the poor women are singles and struggling to get their bread and a better education for thier kids. A muslim woman who boasts of enjoying a spiritual bliss condemns other women to hunger and oppression protecting her own ego...
"Ye will not be able to deal equally between (your) wives, however much ye wish (to do so). But turn not altogether away (from one), leaving her as in suspense. If ye do good and keep from evil, lo! Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful"
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
every women is afraid of polygamy and its difficult for all men too, but by the wisdom of Allah he allowed and we have to accept it.
its not forced on us instead we are encouraged to marry just one if we cant make justice. and i believe the ordinary men of today cannot do justice because of financial, emotional issues therefore they should just stick to one unless there is a need.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
The mother of Tipusulthan (Shahbas beegum) From india (tipu sulthan,the tiger of Mysore who was the myartydor of islam) has been forced to her husband (hyder Ali)for a second marriage because she was in illness. But refused at first time but she forced him again and again. Finally he agreed...
blablabla , I dont belive that you are a muslim.You are a new muslim? Here you are trying to blame islamic womana and its culture. I strongly disagree that the muslims are afraid of polygamy. If we afraid about polygamy we would be bann it. But most of the christian and hindus are keeping one more wife than muslims. but islam allowed polygamy.
But blablabla that the name hints you, you are making blablabla only. shame of you in qatarliving
umhamad i personality think you should put this question to legitimate Islamic scholars and not to this biased people.
consider islamonline.net they have ask the scholar section they will give you advice on this issue.
but i can 100% guarantee, you wont get a honest advice from the people on QL but they will rather create inflammatory comments and unnecessary bashing.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
Dear SheDbabe, I am not doing bashing job, in fact it would be foolish on me to do so I am a practicing muslim.
What I think is that we ourselves don't understand religion well. how can we answer others. Why a muslim is afraid to say the fact that polygamy is allowed in Islam. I do have the answer...
I myself can't understand it fully, but I recall a case in Saudi whilst i was theer, where a lady actually "selected" and proposed a second wife for her husband..
SheDbabe, Do you think Prophet then didn't mind his beloved daughter's husband Ali taking a second wife besides Prophet's daughter? If so when the prophet didn't mind then why should the men now?
MajicDragon what the hell is your cry here? that a man can have more wifes then why not woman is your rhetoric, right? well, then I have four wifes among them is a mad, stupid one who wants to marry another man because I did. Are you interested to marry her?
Here in Doha I know a Filipino couple. He wanted to start a relationship with another woman. He was Christian and actually did have a few (very few) morals and did not want to have an affair. His solution? He became a "muslim" (in name only) so that he could have 2 wives. 1st wife ended up divorcing him.
MD equality and being the same are two different things. In the sight of Allah men and women are equal but we have different rights and roles. For example, my wife works but Islamically she doesn't have to spend her money on the bills if she doesn't want to. I on the other hand have to maintain the house and provide for my family. So does that mean that I am being discriminated against? No it means that even though my wife and I are equal, we are not the same.
I know I joined the thread a little late but I am suprised no one called out Supernurse for her shoot him while he is sleeping comment. So if Eco Savy is a racist according to you for her statement, what does that little comment of yours make you? Even if you claim to be joking that was a vile and despicable comment. I wonder what the reaction would have been if someone would have said that a woman who has sex out of marriage should be shot in her sleep.
Magic Dragon men and women are not the same and are not equal in the dunya so stop with your BS... It is ever so redundant and mundane... Get a life dude... If you don't like Islam then go back to friggin Germany...
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Umhamad ask this question in islam online. You can get an answer from one of the Imams.. or better yet take yourself on down to the ministry of Awqaf,Qatar guest center or Fanar. If you dont want to go down there give them a call, Q-tel can give you the number for both.
Reality is there isnt much you can do, he is supposed to consult you out of courtesy but sadly enough it doesnt happen. If you divorce him you give up the rights to your divorce money and depending on the age and sex of your children you may also not keep custody of them. A lot of women in this situation wait until they go on holiday to their countries and stay with their parents to keep the kids. You may not hold onto them for long but it is worth a try.
The reasoning behind multiple wives was to ensure that war widows, divorced women etc had someone to take care of them. This was practical in the time of the prophet when war widows were left stranded as women really didnt have the ability to earn a living like we do today.
Islam permits up to 4 wives if you can be fair to them all equally, but if I am correct ot also says in the Quran that you cannot be fair... you can interpret this as you like but I think it is pretty obvious. Polygamy is not encouraged but I think people can use this to their advantage, which I think is abusing it a bit.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Ladies!! Ladies! please there are far more important things in QL to fight over than over who can have more wives! If you must, who wants to fight over who can cuddle up with my Kitty Kat in their laps? any takers? let the fight begin.....
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
would anyone put ANY personal topic on a public blog It's like going on the "Jerry Springer Show" and expect to be taken seriously. I feel bad for these people and hope they can find help..even if it comes from a "Dial a Scholar" it at least will be kept as it should be, private!
You can't help her. She can't do anything as long as he treats her the same as his second and third and fourth wife. That's the beauty about being a male Muslim.
See this is why its so hard 4 people to search and find answers on this site, cuz it turns into a mud slanging competition. We all have our opinions but this woman was asking 4 facts. So anyone who can help her should, other people should just leave it.
ok people i asked this same question to a muslim friend of mine about why a man can take more than one wife and a woman can't...its common sense he said...When one man has many wives its easy to know who the father is when they get pregnant. If a woman has many husbands its NOT ;) now dont tell me about DNA testing coz all that wasnt there years ago when Islam started. Now that we know the answer to this question we can all get on with our evening.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
I'm a terrible nosey parker....but infact this is a public forum where I can post what I want and where I want...... you come on this thread with a blatant racist remark lovey.....very spiritual of you....
Sorry super, what I mean to say is that she seems to be looking to the facts of the situation, not the rights or wrongs. We all have our own idea about that and what we would like to do the guys involved! These kind of topics tend to get long and mixed up with opinion, would be hard 4 her to find some really useful answers, unless she was looking 4 ideas on how to finish him off!!! lol
I read that muslim women are asking muslim men to promess that they'll be the only one, my girlfriend asked me the same just that i ain't muslim, yet ;)
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
So, in other words, allowing a Muslim man to marry more than one woman and not allowing a Muslim woman to marry more than one man is what is called "equality". Now, I understand.
Hey thats an interesting thought MD and Supernurse, now i'm thinking if it was ok in Islam to have 4 wives is it ok for gay men to have more than 1 wife(men wives)????
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
umhamad, this probably isn't the place to come if you want a serious answer to a question like this. This topic has come up before. You could try to do a search and try to sift through all the crazy anwers and dig out the serious ones.
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Legend the translation must be messed up... but if you read arabic maybe it is a different story.
There are no credible hadith stating a man must take his wifes permission to marry.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Ahhh Leg End... Appreciate that you manned up and posted something.... But... ahhh, dude... Are YOU translating the text?
Tell you what... The be all and end all inshaAllaah.... Here is an online version of Sahih Bukhari.... Find the 'hadith' you are speaking about and post it with the source.
I have done a search based of what you posted and have found nothing....
So here is the sahih of imam Bukhari... Have at it!
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Sure, Y Not!
But I copied and posted them as were is. I believe, translation is being written word by word by Suhaim Ahmed Al Samawi, a writer who is from Morroco.
Legend can you post these in arabic? It seems the translation is a bit funny.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
1. Alaam wal afkaar, P/ 379, Al Zawaj Muharama; Saheeh Al Bukhari....The Book "YOU TRUST ON".
These are the words coppied from above mentioned books. Look for them, search if you are eligible to....!!!
LIKE A MAN.....most funny word I've ever seen on thIS forum....FROM YOU...
BlaBlabla ....... I am no scholar and I do not need to be one. I never assume myself to be one. It takes one to know oneself. One has to respect onself in order for other to do the same.
I do value your expressions and apologize to HURT you of my words.
Singazax said
"besides Rasulullah S.A.W. NOBODY is able to do that - cause he is who HE is!!! "
what do you mean by 'he is who HE is'?
Are you equating Rasoolullah with Allah? then you are damned. Your foolish argument is responded well by MD. Hope atleast you learn some lesson now and speak with reason without assuming yourself a great scholar who can clear the doubts of all.
Take care...
LOL, not enough headache with one wife?
If you need a housewife,take her from the agency, if you need an extra girlfriend, keep her in secret from your wife. I'll get bored one day, then you brake up. Why marry the second time?
If you love your girlfriend too much, divorce your wife and marry your girlfriend.
Leg End, I will not address your dribble until you:
1) Post the text from your source... like a man...
And 2) Get your English tutor to proof read your posts... Your English is honestly atrocious and I do not have time to decipher what you are trying to type...
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Singazax, I respect your opinion, too. Peace be upon you.
MD - I respect your decision
Singazax, I heard about some fictive characters called Adam and Eve, but I don't think they ever existed and you won't be able to prove it because I also don't believe in your fiction books that tell these stories. Going into "the roots of origin" I surely know that hominids were found in Tanzania and Ethiopia dated at 2.8 million years back. I don't have to "believe" it. But because you won't accept this proven knowledge there seems to be absolutely no common grounds for further discussions between you and me. Thanks for your precious time. And, yes, women are stronger. I have heard about one or two male individuals who can satisfy more than one woman sexually equally. But, almost every woman is able to take more than one man sexually (if she wants).
Legend, I am sorry to say but you are critisizing peoples english when in all actuality I can barely understand a word you are saying... this is what I meant.
Play nice everyone....
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
MD - dont get me wrong when comes to gender. Equality in Islam is great but before I continue further have you gone deeper into the roots of origin?(ADAM/EVE) My advise - analyze and absorb.
ALEXA - We should enlighten those who are in doubt and if they are not accepting it let HIM decide.
Yes, Singazax. Women are better. I know of women who can easily satisfy more than one men. So actually they should be allowed to have two or more husbands. Unfortunately Islam is a male religion, so it will never be just to both sexes.
Muslim Guys marrying 2 wives or more .... hmmm sounds good huh!!! Just because Rasulullah S.A.W did that you guys think you can?? Ask yourselves these questions. Can you be fair to all your wives: financially, emotionally and when sex is concern can you be equal and satisfy all of them? If you can, then prove to HIM because as we knew, besides Rasulullah S.A.W. NOBODY is able to do that - cause he is who HE is!!! Learn more before opening your big mouth as it only reflects your shortcomings and your stupidity. I am not reflecting anger .... NO...NO...NO I am just defending the rights and to correct the wrong Muslim ideology.
MD does this answer your doubts to equality?
ALEXA - Enlighten thos who are in need.
I wont do bad...Amoud!!
Trust Me!
Um sure, u've been lived in b/w the English Community n' learned quite of them...!!
Y don't u...study English Literature...4 a meanwhile...?!
tha' myt do...put u on track...
Legend... Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house....
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Leg end are u using an internet tool to translate? Because honestly, I cannot grasp what you are trying to say. Even your attempts at putdowns are quite strange...
Dude post the text to your source like a real man....
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Well Good to know of your miserable Post....!!!
Oh! I didn't know that you are quite weak in English comprehension...I felt pity on you...and let me tell you something pretty important....GET CONCERN TO YOUR ENGLISH N' LET THE REST AWAY...
I believe, I didn't need somelike permission to join the forum nor so to write....Zip your pocket n' let rim the rest...
Good Boy...!!!
What more else do you need?!. I've posed the Book, page and section. Do look into it if couldn't find due to your low ethical knowledge, Do search a soft copy through a search engine.
I am pretty well known of this is internet forum but didn't know of such insolence lives in the forum.
I din't expect sweets from you nor your quicks...
Anybody will buy a Tea Estate to drink a cup of tea. Marrying a wife is just same like that..
One is very much enough my friend....
I feel sorry for MD if he is hurt of my reply but he was repeatedly asking a question, rather, a demand to allow four husbands to a woman which counters the very nature of humans and agreed by all as unethical. Later I argued why Islam gives such a right to the men. Even though polygamy and Islam are considered synanymous by many, the fact remains that it is practiced by the men in all religions in some form or the other. In west man has several marriages if not several wives living together. In islamic community however, many muslim orthodox families consider women as caretakers of the family and give less importance on their professional education. Thay raise their female children with that view point, not to earn. As a result muslim women are less confident in pursuing life alone and do thier best to discourage the practice of polygamy. But the trend is changing now. there are lot of opportunities for women to make a living for themselves and not depend on the husband. The same is leading to more divorces leaving burden on kids......
French kiss can you post the source for the opinion you provide? Or is it a fatwa of your own making?
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
I have been researching this all day... and Brit is right.
Islamically he does not need his wives permission but it is advised he tell her.
You may be confusing civil and shari'a law. In Egypt, a civil law was passed requiring the written consent of the wife for a man to take a second wife. This may be the confusion, I am not sure of the law in other countries but Shari'a law does not require any permission.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
From what i have read and discussed, Purely from an Islamic perspective, he does not need to inform her or ask her permission.
Absolutely not! The husband has to get the consent of the 1st wife (not forced) b4 he can get into another commitment of marrage.
Here is an interesting read from islamonline....
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
french kiss , yes ur rite..sorry.
sorry but BritExpat is wrong.
she has to know and to accept
Live the life you wish Scarlette, no one is stopping you. These are social issues. I am not fighting here but putting the facts in place leaving the rest to interpreters. I don't have any interest in how people interpret. I agree this is internet and prepared to take the blame....
But your remark that muslim women have no say in family affairs is not fair. They are dealt fairly if their husbands are too real muslims though...
My last say....
What can women do if their hubby takes a mistress?
Not a lot....same thing
a) put up and shut up
b) divorce the git
just 2 pages?..wondering y it didnt make 10 pages.
Umhamad , ur Question is answered by BritExpat:
The questions asked was simple and the answers as given are simple also.
Can a Muslim man take a second wife without the first wife knowing?
A: Yes.
If she finds out, after the fact, what can she do about it?
A: She can choose to continue as his wife or opt for divorce.
Can a Muslim man take a second wife without the first wife knowing?
A: no.
If she finds out, after the fact, what can she do about it?
A: She can choose to continue as his wife or opt for divorce.
Islam said that it is permitted to marry 4 at one time, but they should know and accept and the man HAS to treat them equally, which is not possible
what a bunch of hooey...just let this person go talk to an Islamic cleric and be done with it, stop all the fighting!!
From an outside perspective it does seem that Muslim women are just plain screwed in that they have basically no say in what the husband does and if they don't like it, they are screwed again when they divorce him since they lose the financial support.
As far as if women had 4 husbands, then who would be father of the children be??? Simple...one of the four husbands'....
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Well, Amoud its great if you didn't mean it but what did you find interesting in Daniela's post you didn't mention. Yet the fact remains you don't justify a second wife!
...and where is the codemnation to hell? Because I dont accept this for myself? Shame...
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
" Amoud said Interesting Daniela, except ...
Interesting Daniela, except that in divorce she doesnt get half the assets as in a lot of countries, and also it becomes increasingly difficult for her to remarry, hence the reason a lot of women suck it up and stay married as sometimes it is better to eat than not.
I am certainly not justifying a second wife,..."
Can a Muslim man take a second wife without the first wife knowing?
As far as I know it's different in every country .In some countries the first wife's approval needed -in other countries not .
In some African countries the first wives themselves urge their husband to take a second wife -as they regard her as a friend or a maid a babysitter .
The Koran gives permission for marrying up to four - but says it is better not to do so -as it is too big challenge to be just with every wives .
A friend of mine was expecting the fifth baby when she got a call from abroad .it was the second wife . There was big scandal , suffering for the kids especially - it was not any better than discovering a lover .
I have read it blabla, still dont see where I condemen men with more than one wife to hell. Please enlighten me oh great one.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Amoud, Read your post to Daniela once again. Besides that I have nothing to say. I don't know the prejudices you have taking your religion but I am talking about muslims who believe in full Islam not selective one.
PM hypocrisy has a face and some people behind the keyboards on this site are clearly showing it.
it not necessary that you agree with me but its necessary that you agree with the principals accepted by all Muslims.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Blabla I never once said that I condemn these men to hell, nor did I support Daniela post. If I personally do not support polygamy as a muslim is that not my choice? If I do not wish to accept that it doesnt mean I condemn those men who do to hell. It was quite the contrary... I was defending the reasoning... didnt you read?
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
To those who question the legitimacy of this discussion on this thread pls know that I am not addressing the question asked here but the Title "Taking a second wife?"
Daniela said
Among such men are great men of the Islamic and world history. Its really surprising to see that Amoud who claims to be a muslim and talks here with an intention of dawah joins with daniela to condemn these men to Hell!
In fact the polygamy is more condemned and argued among muslims than non muslims and muslim women actually are a step ahead in criticising the practice. Their sense of insecurity is the main reason for this. They don't bother about the freedom of choosing mates which the westerns respect and gracefully leave their partners. Unlike Daniela observed most muslim women in such situations don't want divorce but force the man to correct his ways or badmouth him.
Islam in fact has solutions to many problems by way of polygamy....
Adey, who is skirting the issue and arguing over spelling, etc?
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
I see the spoof was lost on the dogmatically righteous,and they prefer to skirt around the issue and argue about points of spelling etc.
I suggest you use COMMON SENSE umhamad.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
I am well aware of how you spelled your name. Yet I will not legitimize a name for someone who makes no sense in his posts.
SO... until you make sense and post your proof (not the source, but the proof WITH the source) then you are a LEG END (ie, a foot)... and in no way a LEGEND.
And to make yourself a better family member could you get your English teacher to proof read your posts... I believe I speak for everyone that it will make QL a much better place for us all....
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
MD, can u give me an answer for the following:
If a lady got more than one man as partner, who will be the father of her kids???
allows you to rescue and own four maltreated Pit Ponies but no more. A wife may ride them but never offer them sugar lumps. A husband may feed said ponies sugar lumps but never own up to the fact that they belong to him - the correct response when asked is -
"well the wife felt sorry for them and how could I refuse, they're more trouble then they're worth, mate"
A alternative solution to your dilemma umhamad.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Interesting Daniela, except that in divorce she doesnt get half the assets as in a lot of countries, and also it becomes increasingly difficult for her to remarry, hence the reason a lot of women suck it up and stay married as sometimes it is better to eat than not.
I am certainly not justifying a second wife, but as I said before you have to fully understand the culture, religion and economical standpoint before you can pass such harsh judgements.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
I wish I can marry a 4th wife :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Mr. Merry!
I believe, my username is LEGENDWAR or LEGEND but not "Leg End" as posted by you. This seems, you are not pretty gud in pronuncing any Noun which resulted in your bad sense of humour & mis-understanding of what I wrote.
Keep in mind that I am not a regular QL's reader nor writer but do use to log on during my spare time.
I'll appreciate of what ever you post or scrap should not personalize me or the issue. I am not your dude nor a buddy but a member of QL. I am not fool nor would like to pose any fake or unrealistic piece of knowledge in between the members.
I did provide the reference of a book and if that complies to you, get read that and throw back a reply. Get clear of I am exactly neutral in ever scraps & expect same from others.
And one thing more Islam itself is not well complicated and one needs to take care of it. RESPECT is prior.
Finaly, I've not extracted myself to any of the member in QL but would love to stay in and live like a family member between them.
PM said
"It is clear from Quran that a man should only marry 2,3 0r 4 IF he can afford it and be fair to them."
But as per the Quran Man should only marry one if he can not afford 2 3 or 4.
It shouldn't be taken literally but the Quran doesn't hint at man shouldn't marry more..
please prove otherwise...
"Allah warns that this is most difficult (and some even say that Allah is saying it is impossible and thus, one should not do so -- but that opens up some other issues)."
PM can you explain this How is it impossible? You yourself seem to be a scholar because you are a professor.
Amoud, the ayah you quoted (4:129) is not a proof against plural marriage. I would advise you to read the tafser of that verse. Alexa I'm curious to know what verses of the quran did you read that lay out the conditions for plural marriage.
Ibrahim Fletcher
Leg End...
Could you please bother to write your post in English for those of us that can't decipher that nonsensical scribble you posted?
Post your hadith dude!!
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
1st of ol get clear of um single yet!
I dont know if u've a gud knowledge of Ahaadith or an oppurtunity to look into history but let me ask u a question! Dont u think, if woman has a right to agree or disagree to her marriage...?!Offcourse Yes! Then exactly, In Sharee'a she has pure rights to allow or decline her husband from 2nd marriage...unless she is suffering from symptoms like seductive health problems...!!
Hadith: Alaam wal afkaar, P/ 379, Al Zawaj Muharama; Saheeh Al Bukhari....
Be Clear, when you right & if you found tough to look into Sehaah, let me know, I'll scan u a part of it!!!
NO!! Not @ Ol!
Man cannot marry the 2nd wife unless is allowed from his 1st wife. If he did so, is certainly a sinful.
Cherukkan.... but he failede to add the 129th of the same... which is also posted. If you get into a conversation about polygamy with non-muslims doing it this way gives a very bad impression...
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
I have seen many interesting answers to the question. Blablabla has given a proper answer to the question by quoting chapter Nisa of Quran. There are certain strict rules and regulations for a Muslim man to marry a second wife and there should be valid reasons for it.
MD it is not the same here in this society as it is in Europe. Some women dont have the education to take care of themselves, or perhaps the shame of being divorced is too much to bear. We cannot judge the society and base it on religion when we are not aware of its intricate workings. There are a lot of social, religious and economical aspect to such cases. You cannot judge one part of this without understanding the others.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Thank you for clarifying. i wish to see that in practical.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
As for your doubt regarding my being a muslim, yes I am a muslim and trying to say my religion is quite practical and reasonable only if people understand it.
Why can't these widows take care of themselves? They don't need a man.
realsome.. said
"and yet you try to Label Allah the perfect as a hypocrite according to your comment. Qoute"Don't you think when all women say loud and clear we don't accept it, it is hypocrisy!"
Just correct your english buddy. I am refering to the women Hypocrites here...
They don't accept it and yet claim muslims...
Just think of a world war3 and a majority of men die of fighting war (old wars didn't effect much of the women and children, but new war do bomb civilian targets and civilians reg: neuclear bomb in hiroshima and nagasaki). Who is gonna take care of the impoverished , alianeated , widowed and orphans.
Thats where the beauty of Islam shows, The marriage protects them gives rights on oneself and becomes legal heirs. What other way on earth can this people get a safe heaven? In a refugee camp?
|Re@ltor Q@t@r |
and she can go to the courts and open a case ... So said that she can't do that much and he can do? Life does not go this way ... go back to your religion books and you will know the truth.
Never give your personal views about things that you don't know about ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Well many Qlers know who i am, but i just wanna know? who are you? i recall you mentioning "i am practicing Muslim , I pray and so on so". and yet you try to Label Allah the perfect as a hypocrite according to your comment. Qoute"Don't you think when all women say loud and clear we don't accept it, it is hypocrisy!"
I just like people to make themselves clear and look dont sympathy from different groups. So please let us know where you stand.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
what about 3rd & 4th wife? lol
walla.... then yella for first wife ... ummmahhh for second one
"i am tired of nonsense arguments, I am sure a true Muslim women is happy for what she got from her lord and accepts this world as means of temporary world and doesnt need lessons from hypocrites."
Well, this is the weapon that most muslims throw when their religion cann't stand upto their belief!
You definitely seem to be a muslim woman..
i am tired of nonsense arguments, I am sure a true Muslim women is happy for what she got from her lord and accepts this world as means of temporary world and doesnt need lessons from hypocrites.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Whos is more obedient to allah one who hides the facts or the one who speaks? you decide..
But it is for the reluctance of muslim women to accept the right given to muslim men, many divorcees, widowed and the poor women are singles and struggling to get their bread and a better education for thier kids. A muslim woman who boasts of enjoying a spiritual bliss condemns other women to hunger and oppression protecting her own ego...
Just blahblah..
Blabla why dont you also quotes the terms of polygamy? What kind of women you shoudl marry as 2nd, 3rd and 4th wives.
Also, does not 4:129 say ...
وَلَن تَسْتَطِيعُواْ أَن تَعْدِلُواْ بَيْنَ النِّسَاء وَلَوْ حَرَصْتُمْ فَلاَ تَمِيلُواْ كُلَّ" الْمَيْلِ فَتَذَرُوهَا كَالْمُعَلَّقَةِ وَإِن تُصْلِحُواْ وَتَتَّقُواْ فَإِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ غَفُورًا رَّحِيمًا {129}"
"Ye will not be able to deal equally between (your) wives, however much ye wish (to do so). But turn not altogether away (from one), leaving her as in suspense. If ye do good and keep from evil, lo! Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful"
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Oh yeah that is what i am talking. and Now you tell me I am practicing MUSLIM??? a practicing Muslim is humble and obedience to Allah's order. SIMPLE.
So please dont misled the people on this site, make your side clear so that we dont get confused to hypocrites like you with legitimate Muslims.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
First time I am hearing that telling the facts is hypocrisy.
You said "every women is afraid of polygamy and its difficult for all men too, but by the wisdom of Allah he allowed and we have to accept it."
Don't you think when all women say loud and clear we don't accept it, it is hypocrisy!
Well blablabla i just find some of your comments on this site little "Hypocrisy " for a practicing Muslim.
but i dont believe its only the economics, there is many ways that the man cant do justice even if he is the wealthiest of all.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
realsomeone you said "we are encouraged to marry just one.."
read the verse below..
3. And if ye fear that ye will not deal fairly by the orphans, marry of the women, who seem good to you, two or three
or four; and if ye fear that ye cannot do justice (to so many) then one (only) or (the captives) that your right hands
possess. Thus it is more likely that ye will not do injustice.
First the man is encouraged to marry upto four if his economics allow then only one if he cann't
So what is encouraged and what is discouraged should be clear.
Its only the economics the only condition otherwise the Prophet too had emotions..
every women is afraid of polygamy and its difficult for all men too, but by the wisdom of Allah he allowed and we have to accept it.
its not forced on us instead we are encouraged to marry just one if we cant make justice. and i believe the ordinary men of today cannot do justice because of financial, emotional issues therefore they should just stick to one unless there is a need.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
The mother of Tipusulthan (Shahbas beegum) From india (tipu sulthan,the tiger of Mysore who was the myartydor of islam) has been forced to her husband (hyder Ali)for a second marriage because she was in illness. But refused at first time but she forced him again and again. Finally he agreed...
Yes, Ahammed I am doing blabla. take it only if matters. Its sometime to create some humor and sometimes to bring some seriousness..
Ask muslim women if they are not afraid of polygamy!
just blahblah;
awkhan this i not about relegion, it is about economics. if about islam, there are lot of scholors,will guide you. everybody can not put its nose.
blablabla , I dont belive that you are a muslim.You are a new muslim? Here you are trying to blame islamic womana and its culture. I strongly disagree that the muslims are afraid of polygamy. If we afraid about polygamy we would be bann it. But most of the christian and hindus are keeping one more wife than muslims. but islam allowed polygamy.
But blablabla that the name hints you, you are making blablabla only. shame of you in qatarliving
good advice realsomeone but I believe there are a good number here who want to give and take religious advice.
umhamad i personality think you should put this question to legitimate Islamic scholars and not to this biased people.
consider islamonline.net they have ask the scholar section they will give you advice on this issue.
but i can 100% guarantee, you wont get a honest advice from the people on QL but they will rather create inflammatory comments and unnecessary bashing.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Dear SheDbabe, I am not doing bashing job, in fact it would be foolish on me to do so I am a practicing muslim.
What I think is that we ourselves don't understand religion well. how can we answer others. Why a muslim is afraid to say the fact that polygamy is allowed in Islam. I do have the answer...
I myself can't understand it fully, but I recall a case in Saudi whilst i was theer, where a lady actually "selected" and proposed a second wife for her husband..
To each his own!
Ahammed Jaseem, if you don't know your religion then you too can keep silent!
Dear...blablabla .......
`what a stupidity it is....
if you dont know the relationship with man and woman, you can keep silent..
SheDbabe, OK then which wife is gracefully allowing this religious right to her man to keep her aware of man's intention?
The questions asked was simple and the answers as given are simple also.
Can a Muslim man take a second wife without the first wife knowing?
A: Yes.
If she finds out, after the fact, what can she do about it?
A: She can choose to continue as his wife or opt for divorce.
Alexa just read what Quran says in chapter Nisa
3. And if ye fear that ye will not deal fairly by the orphans, marry of the women, who seem good to you, two or three
or four; and if ye fear that ye cannot do justice (to so many) then one (only) or (the captives) that your right hands
possess. Thus it is more likely that ye will not do injustice. (Pikhtal translation)
SheDbabe, Do you think Prophet then didn't mind his beloved daughter's husband Ali taking a second wife besides Prophet's daughter? If so when the prophet didn't mind then why should the men now?
Alexa, Quran says marry four if you can, only one if cann't..
Alexa Its not discouraged in Holy Quran if you believe..
just blahblah;
MajicDragon what the hell is your cry here? that a man can have more wifes then why not woman is your rhetoric, right? well, then I have four wifes among them is a mad, stupid one who wants to marry another man because I did. Are you interested to marry her?
just blahblah;
definitely agree. It was hard to watch her and her 11 year old daughter suffer though.
wife's better off without him anyway,...
Here in Doha I know a Filipino couple. He wanted to start a relationship with another woman. He was Christian and actually did have a few (very few) morals and did not want to have an affair. His solution? He became a "muslim" (in name only) so that he could have 2 wives. 1st wife ended up divorcing him.
total BS... when a guy cheats, it's ok, when it's the girl does it, it's a biggie... where's the equality in that?
You can have four wives, she cannot have four husbands, Philly. If you call that "equal" then you are bullshit*ing me.
MD equality and being the same are two different things. In the sight of Allah men and women are equal but we have different rights and roles. For example, my wife works but Islamically she doesn't have to spend her money on the bills if she doesn't want to. I on the other hand have to maintain the house and provide for my family. So does that mean that I am being discriminated against? No it means that even though my wife and I are equal, we are not the same.
Ibrahim Fletcher
I know I joined the thread a little late but I am suprised no one called out Supernurse for her shoot him while he is sleeping comment. So if Eco Savy is a racist according to you for her statement, what does that little comment of yours make you? Even if you claim to be joking that was a vile and despicable comment. I wonder what the reaction would have been if someone would have said that a woman who has sex out of marriage should be shot in her sleep.
Ibrahim Fletcher
Some people having a problem dealing with equal human beings of the female sex. I got it.
Magic Dragon men and women are not the same and are not equal in the dunya so stop with your BS... It is ever so redundant and mundane... Get a life dude... If you don't like Islam then go back to friggin Germany...
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Umhamad ask this question in islam online. You can get an answer from one of the Imams.. or better yet take yourself on down to the ministry of Awqaf,Qatar guest center or Fanar. If you dont want to go down there give them a call, Q-tel can give you the number for both.
Reality is there isnt much you can do, he is supposed to consult you out of courtesy but sadly enough it doesnt happen. If you divorce him you give up the rights to your divorce money and depending on the age and sex of your children you may also not keep custody of them. A lot of women in this situation wait until they go on holiday to their countries and stay with their parents to keep the kids. You may not hold onto them for long but it is worth a try.
The reasoning behind multiple wives was to ensure that war widows, divorced women etc had someone to take care of them. This was practical in the time of the prophet when war widows were left stranded as women really didnt have the ability to earn a living like we do today.
Islam permits up to 4 wives if you can be fair to them all equally, but if I am correct ot also says in the Quran that you cannot be fair... you can interpret this as you like but I think it is pretty obvious. Polygamy is not encouraged but I think people can use this to their advantage, which I think is abusing it a bit.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Bye, Supernurse. I won't get an answer. Useless thread.
Ladies!! Ladies! please there are far more important things in QL to fight over than over who can have more wives! If you must, who wants to fight over who can cuddle up with my Kitty Kat in their laps? any takers? let the fight begin.....
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
lol Happyday....no, no, I'm ok thanks my fingers are in an irritable mood lol time for them to go to bed.....:)
That doesn't help me. I saw my brother marry a second wife. I want to know if I can do it, too.
Lol MD I wonder what the answer to that would be??mmmmmm its a toughie!
my first and secon post were facts super. u dont seem to be in the best of moods today. hope ur ok :)
Allah is Rahman(compassionate) and I am his slave
Can you help me, too. I am a Muslim women. Can I marry a second husband without telling him? Please help.
Well, you didn't give any facts in your posts as others didn't.....I hope she's sorted through your PM though...
super, where was i unhelpful? i have given her the facts in a PM.
Whos Sam,Ram and Mary?? The Holy Trinity On Line....
Then give her the facts then!
would anyone put ANY personal topic on a public blog It's like going on the "Jerry Springer Show" and expect to be taken seriously. I feel bad for these people and hope they can find help..even if it comes from a "Dial a Scholar" it at least will be kept as it should be, private!
Happyday, I take it that includes your unhelpful comments too does it?
i can help her by giving the facts.
and hadith. And stay connected to Islamic centre's
when you are not practising muslim this is what happens
we ask Sam,Ram and Mary
You can't help her. She can't do anything as long as he treats her the same as his second and third and fourth wife. That's the beauty about being a male Muslim.
See this is why its so hard 4 people to search and find answers on this site, cuz it turns into a mud slanging competition. We all have our opinions but this woman was asking 4 facts. So anyone who can help her should, other people should just leave it.
What a load of pap! Its just an excuse to get a leg over with a different woman every night!
ok people i asked this same question to a muslim friend of mine about why a man can take more than one wife and a woman can't...its common sense he said...When one man has many wives its easy to know who the father is when they get pregnant. If a woman has many husbands its NOT ;) now dont tell me about DNA testing coz all that wasnt there years ago when Islam started. Now that we know the answer to this question we can all get on with our evening.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
and how selective I am, my words are golden
i just dont use them on any topic
Why would you get pregnant? Are you that stupid?
havent you
Eco-savvy...have you had too many beers love?
we just cant handle one pregnancy, yeah imagine giving birth every nine months, would know who the father is
now just dont talk about DNA bla bla
I'm a terrible nosey parker....but infact this is a public forum where I can post what I want and where I want...... you come on this thread with a blatant racist remark lovey.....very spiritual of you....
We can dial and ask the scholar
Eco-savvy, can a Muslim woman marry two man? Yes, or No? If "No", then there is no equality in Islam!
but you guys have no life, and Islam is not pass time
eco-savvy scholars will give u only how it SHOULD be in Islam, not how it is when u actually go to the court.
when it comes to islamic question leave it YOU DONT KNOW ISLAM
If you want to hear a racist pigs views look at Eco-savvys.....touche honey...
islamic question should be askd thru scholars. No one is Scholar here
Do you want to hear kuffar views, they have beer in one hand and they type with other hand
Platao, even when you convert to marry your Marrocan girlfriend, promise me you're not going to marry another one, or you won't be my friend anymore.
Sorry super, what I mean to say is that she seems to be looking to the facts of the situation, not the rights or wrongs. We all have our own idea about that and what we would like to do the guys involved! These kind of topics tend to get long and mixed up with opinion, would be hard 4 her to find some really useful answers, unless she was looking 4 ideas on how to finish him off!!! lol
Fact is that there are Muslim men with more than two wifes. Fact is that there are no Muslim women with more than one men.
facts are the husband is a sly calculating bustard...theres the facts ....
I read that muslim women are asking muslim men to promess that they'll be the only one, my girlfriend asked me the same just that i ain't muslim, yet ;)
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
It needs facts supernurse, not oppinions.
if you need more than 1 wife, its ok for as long as you can afford to give all their needs equally. Good luck and enjoy having 2 wives...
the question doesn't demand a suitable answer!
Again, equality at its best!
I have searched and haven't come up with any suitable answers.
she will loose out where money comes into it if she divorce him, she will get some but not as much as if divorce comes from him.
Nah, who the hell would want more than one husband? Ones enough! Men are stupid enough to want more wives! Yuck...all those hormonal birds around.....
when the husband is sleeping, the wife cuts "it"
oh ok!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
So, in other words, allowing a Muslim man to marry more than one woman and not allowing a Muslim woman to marry more than one man is what is called "equality". Now, I understand.
Hey thats an interesting thought MD and Supernurse, now i'm thinking if it was ok in Islam to have 4 wives is it ok for gay men to have more than 1 wife(men wives)????
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
umhamad, this probably isn't the place to come if you want a serious answer to a question like this. This topic has come up before. You could try to do a search and try to sift through all the crazy anwers and dig out the serious ones.
Or better yet, speak to an attorney.
No Shit Sherlock!
That would fall under "gay" marriage. Not allowed!
Or a man married two men even, or a man had a woman and a man as a wife....mmmmmmmm
Agree with Super Nurse that she can and IMHO shud do:)
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
It would be more interesting to see what would happen if a woman married two guys.
But what rights would she have financially and with regards to her children and housing if she divorced him because of him taking a second wife?
shoot him while he sleeps seems a good solution!
She can divorce him. I learnt here on QL that men and women have equal rights in Islam. Or were they lying to me?
Yes he can and she cant do much.