11 year old rape victim wants abortion in UK

By britexpat

Pregnant 11-year-old Romanian rape victim may travel to UK for abortion because of our longer legal limit
By Daily Mail Reporter

Health ministers in Romania are due to decide whether a pregnant 11-year-old girl who was raped by her uncle can be brought to Britain for an abortion.

The girl is 20 weeks pregnant, which is over the legal limit for abortions in Romania, but in the UK an abortion is legal up to 24 weeks - the latest among most European countries.

But the case, which surfaced earlier this month, has bitterly divided the medical community, child rights groups and the public.

The girl is 20 weeks pregnant, which is over the legal limit for abortions in Romania, after being raped by her uncle.

Now the Romanian Government are set to hold an emergency meeting to decide whether she must continue the pregnancy, before it become illegal even in Britain.
The girl's parents say they found out she was pregnant on June 2 when they took her to a doctor because she seemed unwell.

She told doctors that she had been raped by her 19-year-old uncle, who has since disappeared.
Two local committees in northeast Romania where she lives have passed contradictory rulings.

One committee said the girl should be allowed to have a legal abortion in Britain, as her parents want.
Another committee ruled that because both the mother and fetus are healthy, the girl should give birth.
Abortions beyond 14 weeks are illegal unless the pregnancy threatens the mother's health.

A Romanian living in Britain has volunteered to finance the costs. On Wednesday, the parents received passports.
The National Child Protection Authority said the girl should be allowed to have an abortion because she is already traumatized by the experience of rape and pregnancy.

The National Doctors Council said that the rights of the fetus should be considered and the pregnancy should go ahead.

They argued that abortion laws should not be liberalized further.

Constantin Stoica, a spokesman for the Orthodox Church, to which most Romanians belong, called the case 'an exceptional situation which must be treated in an exceptional manner and the family is the only one to take this decision.'

He said the church considers abortion a crime, but this belief applies to normal circumstances, and not to incest or rape.
Health Minister Eugen Nicolaescu said the case was delicate because it involved medicine, the law and morality.

A government committee will publish a decision on the girl on Friday.

By superdoc• 27 Jun 2008 22:34

how can an 11 yr old have consensual sex with her uncle? Only a dracula can buy that

By Dracula• 27 Jun 2008 21:10

Hallo Alexa....bevor die Deutschen als Heuschrecken über Euch hergefallen sind....gab's zuerst die Amerikaner. Sie haben mit Euch gemacht was sie auch mit uns hier in De. gemacht haben und überall in der Welt. Es ist der sogenannte "American way of life".

Vor etwa 60 Jahren als die Karten schon gemischt waren haben sie zu Euch gesagt, Ihr sollt Wiederstand leisten und abwarten bis sie kommen.

Sie sind gekommen....allerdings 60 Jahre später !!!

Und vor ein paar Hundert Jahren als die Mongolen das Land verwüstet haben, wart Ihr brav und habt euch in den Bergen versteckt (taktisch sehr klug !)

Anfang der 90er kamen die neuen Mongolen vom Übersee und anstatt sich in den Bergen wieder zu verstecken...was hat der Rumäne gemacht ? Sie mit offenen Armen empfangen !!!

Also, Alexa, es gibt vieles wovon Du keine Ahnung hast. Kein Mensch kommt nach Rum. um Euch in den Arsch zu pusten, aber wenn schon welche da sind, sehen sie leider keine andere Alternative als euch in den Arsch zu tretten.

Ein bisschen Drill wie beim Militär, wenn die eigenen Synapsen von alleine nicht funktionieren wollen...Ihr seid ein Teil Europas trägt endlich verdammt nochmal auch dazu bei dass Ihr auch bleibt.

Ansonsten Alexa....Pace !!!

By Dracula• 27 Jun 2008 19:17

"... all the fruits of sacrifice are supposed to be borne 30 to 50 years from now."


"cheap labour, social outcasts..looked down upon, crime..."...

The wooden language doesn’t speak open and free, but cloaked and hidden!


...only people who lived during Ceausescu’s regime and felt the HUMILIATION in that period, can realize how good the life is now.

Not everybody realizes this because in that time there was a special category of people who thought that they were smarter than others and deserved more then anyone else.


People like YOU, Alexa!


Really, we dont need another HUMILIATION!


Or call it RACISME!


I’ve had enough of all those bad things and bad times!

By heero_yuy2• 27 Jun 2008 19:07

so far, I've grown up in a country life with limited resources and I only got TV in high school. Doesn't hurt me now even if I got an average salary. I still got the knowledge resources right and unabused. I still get to buy comics in my limited allowances when I was studying. I go as far away to get one. I've lived a life where anything we receive, whether it's a gift or a relief good, we accept. I learn to be self-contented with what I have. I can manage to build a house with my average salary. So far the benefits of the company (some) seem fine by me. I do not buy stuff if I don't need it...but I still got hobbies even a rich person doesn't have. I have unexpectedly gone to doing animation drawing stuff to building/supervise a house for the client to being a president of some organization...and to jumping on a job bandwagon outside my country...and Qatar was just another first step.

My advice to people: you don't need to force yourself to get the happiness you want. Just flow along the will of the wind and God will take you there...

"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

By britexpat• 27 Jun 2008 19:00

Romanians, like the Poles before them will leave their homeland for a better life outside.. Natural progression..

Romanians and Bulgarians are already flocking in large numbers to do seasonal work and work in the service industries..

Sadly, there is already resentment to their presence...

By anonymous• 27 Jun 2008 18:59

I hope she's bloody paying for it....moneywise I mean and not another scrounger on the NHS!!!GGRRRrrr

By Dracula• 27 Jun 2008 18:50

I am no expert on the matter but what I see is what I will say.

Romania has joined the E.U. on the 1st of January,2007 and is newly accepted members of NATO.

Promises of a brighter future with a first-world standard of living for the commoner abound.

But all the fruits of sacrifice are supposed to be borne 30 to 50 years from now.

More probably than not, the economies of nations subscribing to this trend towards a global government will flourish with the inevitable influx of investment and political influence.

Large multi-national corporations will move in and set up shop in Romania providing European standard services, big European banks will provide credit with lower interest rates.

Before Hungary joined the E.U. a couple of years ago certain commodities were cheaper in Hungary than they were in Romania. This led to a situation where Romanians would cross the border into Hungary to do their shopping.

Romania’s admission into the European Union does not represent the end of the road.

It is just a foundation which, if we will continue reforms with enough speed, will turn Romania into a successful country.


I see the future of Romania: a state without a say in its own affairs, with an economy which profits foreign corporations than it does its own, one that has to take what it is given.

"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither" - Benjamin Franklin

By anonymous• 27 Jun 2008 18:46

You want some more? :):)

By anonymous• 27 Jun 2008 18:43

Lucky Romania is a part of EU now.

By anonymous• 27 Jun 2008 18:42

Well what was Communism? In Albania in villages maybe one family had TV and also Albanians had limited TV program, they were able to watch only news in the evening. So everone was going in that time to family who had TV to watch news. Also, if some guests come to some family, family needed to borough tables or chairs, even spoons, forks, plates and other dishies.

By heero_yuy2• 27 Jun 2008 18:31

Maybe it was just...TV...

Do we hear news about these when we do not have TV before?

"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

By Dracula• 27 Jun 2008 18:28

A romanian walks into a grocery store with a notebook.

"Do you have sausage?"

"No." He makes a note.


"No." He makes another note.

"20 years ago, they would have shot you for making notes like that," says a woman waiting in line.

"No bullets either," he writes.

Under communism we had money but there was nothing to buy, now we have no money and there is lots to buy

By britexpat• 27 Jun 2008 18:23

Four dogs -- Mexican, American, Polish, Russian -- are discussing their lives.

The Mexican dog says, "the servants used to leave meat out for me, but now I have to bark for it."

The American dog says, "you have servants in Mexico?"

The Polish dog says, "they feed you meat?"

The Russian dog says, "they let you bark?"

By Dracula• 27 Jun 2008 18:20

Only now we can say that we are on the good way when EU accepts us, even if it’s later than we expected.

The future will be for the young people and because of the natural causes, like over age, we will have fewer and fewer people with bad mentalities(see workers from the former "East Germany"..).

The society can make her own way, based on values and criteria of competence as it existed in capitalistic society for many years.

I’m glad and optimistic because I always wish for a NORMAL life based on truth and trust and I’m also glad because I live in the present.

By britexpat• 27 Jun 2008 18:13

Two years ago, I was on a contract with some workers from the former "East Germany"..

Amazing how different they were from the West Germans. Many wanted the old system back.

By the way, the girl has got the go ahead for the abortion..

By Dracula• 27 Jun 2008 18:10

Lots of bad thing happened during communism. Romania lived under the communist regime for about 45 years. More than 20 million souls lived under unimaginable bad conditions.


Imagine that people in Romania could watch television only a couple of hours.

At 8 pm the lights were out, children learned and wrote by the candle light. ME ALSO!!!

There wasn’t enough food for everyone so if you liked to buy meat, for example, you had to stay in an endless line, and only if you were lucky enough you got it.


Times of communism were very hard for the Romanians.

Nowadays conditions are better, but the better times are not reflected in the public opinion.


In communist time everybody had a job, an apartment or a house.

There was hardly any difference between poor people or rich people because everybody had the same: clothes, furniture.

The only things that made you think that one was richer, was if one had a car.


The worst thing on that time was that the Government knew that Romanians were poor but they didn’t seem to care.

They considered that if everybody had a job and a place to live, it was enough.

But there wasn’t enough food.


In Romania, on Ceausescu’s times sweets were only dreams for kids.

To get essentials like meat, oil and sugar people had to sit for hours in lines.

The country was so poor that Europe was heaven for Romanian people.


That days of total poverty are gone, but nowadays Ceausescu`s ex-country is confronted with a bigger problem.

17 years after the Revolution, Romania is being split in two social classes.


Living in the 21st century, imagine that in Romania there are people that haven’t traveled by train, people who don’t know how to use a mobile phone.


Nowadays the biggest problem in Romania is that more than 60% on Romanian people don’t have their own place to live, and more than 20% don’t have a job.

There are lots of unhappy men that once had a home, now living on streets and sleeping in parks.

These people blame the system for not giving them the chance to work.


The fact is that Romania was a poor state from the beginning, and it still is, but now it is worse.

By britexpat• 27 Jun 2008 17:59

Read an article a few years ago about the state of Romanian orphanages after the fall of communism. Made me cry. The state of those poor little kids was deplorable.

By heero_yuy2• 27 Jun 2008 17:07

Just plain me.

"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

By Dracula• 27 Jun 2008 17:01

With your uncle or aunt???

By heero_yuy2• 27 Jun 2008 16:58

I'm gonna go get a British passport right now! XD

"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

By Dracula• 27 Jun 2008 16:49

It’s got nothing to do with killing unborn babies and everything to do with not endagering another person’s life.

hope this child gets as much international attention as polish Agata did and she will get her right to abortion.


"Gazeta" admitted that the "rape" thing was false.

They took it back themselves in yesterday's issue of the paper.


It's not the first time that "international reroductive health coalition" has passed on false info.


" Agata submitted written consent for the procedure at the hospital office for the second time. She tells us that she is sure of her decision. – I could go through with the abortion even today. I don’t want this child. I’ll become a mom when I’m grown up – she doesn’t conceal her decision."


By anonymous• 27 Jun 2008 16:41



By heero_yuy2• 27 Jun 2008 16:15

It's better to abort the baby up to 10 weeks as it will not hurt the woman who carries it.

20 weeks? the baby is big enough! it will hurt the girl to abort it!

"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

By Dracula• 27 Jun 2008 16:14

it should be noted that in this particular case the point isn’t driven home for way too many people (like for instance that medical committee) even when it happens to an 11-year-old rape and incest victim. and it’s not really even that it shows “consistency in insanity” as someone commented, but precisely that the desire to control and harm women’s bodies can become SO accepted by society at large, and not just among hardline “pro-lifers”. it’s true that this is particularly surprising in romania, where we have the horrible history regarding abortion rights during the “communist” period… we know very well what the obsessive control over women’s bodies and denial of abortion rights can< mean. but we obviously forget, and very quickly.


I’m just about ready to punch somebody right now.

@ Alexa: it's damn TRUE!

By britexpat• 27 Jun 2008 16:07

Seriously, though. MP, I think this is a one off. The child's welfare needs to be paramount.

By Dracula• 27 Jun 2008 16:03

you're wrong..buddy!

".And theyve already ...recieved Passports"

we have ALREADY UE passports!

@ britex

I’ve known several Romanian people, and they were as nice as can be.

It’s really a shame they had to live in such a f*c*ed-up country.

By britexpat• 27 Jun 2008 16:02

From AP:

Twenty church groups on Thursday urged a government committee not to allow an 11-year-old girl raped by her uncle to travel to Britain for an abortion.

The pro-life Christian Orthodox groups also threatened to press charges if the girl were allowed to have a termination in Romania on exceptional grounds.

Their position was in contrast with the official stand of the Romanian Orthodox Church, which said the decision should be left to the girl's family.

In a statement, the church groups offered "material, spiritual and psychological help" to the child's impoverished family, adding they would also raise the child in a church institution if the family was unable to care for it.

But splits were apparent even within the church.

Constantin Stoica, spokesman for the Romanian Orthodox Church, to which more than 80 percent of Romanians belong, said Wednesday it was "an exceptional situation which must be treated in an exceptional manner and the family is the only one to take this decision."

Perhaps we've forgotten about the welfare of the child!

By anonymous• 27 Jun 2008 15:55

recieved Passports.... FFS, why dont we just give every wanker in the world a British Passport and let all the twats in !!! I am so sick of this croping up time and time again !!!!!

Now more kids will get pregnant for the free Passport and better life.....



By Dracula• 27 Jun 2008 15:49

The fact that the pregnancy stemmed from rape was not taken into account by the panel, for two reasons: one, because rape has not been proven; and two, because the penal code does not allow for any exceptions.

Forcing an 11-year-old rape and incest victim into giving birth against her will: Those are some life-affirming values for you.

Note a couple of things: First, the fact that the rape wasn’t taken into account in part because it had not been proven. Because, you know, the 11-year-old may have had sex with her uncle CONSENSUALLY.

Second, all that matters is whether the pregnancy is proceeding smoothly. Not whether the girl is going to be further psychologically and emotionally traumatized by the forced pregnancy and childbirth. Not whether there should be other factors taken into account — like maybe the little girl. Only: the incubator is doing its job. Even if she’s a baby herself. Even if she’s willing to go through the humiliation and the difficulty of asking a medical review board for permission to terminate a pregnancy caused by an uncle who raped her.


The way this seems to work is: a girl child is only a vulnerable, innocent child deserving of protection until she has her first period.

Once she has officially entered puberty, with breasts and monthly bleeding, she is A. WOMAN.

And once she’s a WOMAN, she loses her childhood status as a precious, precious CHILD — now she has to be a proper virgin wife to some man, or else, if she gets raped by her psycho-uncle, it’s all her fault.


I am reminded of a saying popular back in my distant youth: “If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.”


I share this only because the simplistic stereotypes and extreme examples put forth from both sides of the debate keep us from ever having a sane and serious discussion of our real differences.

I hope you do not find my comment out of line. I just wanted to share another point of view on your analysis.


By anonymous• 27 Jun 2008 15:34

more worst problem than my friend problem. too many bad people.

By TweetyBird• 27 Jun 2008 15:25

Do you have children? Do you have any idea what an 11 year old girl looks like and what she acts like. An 11 year old girl is a child. Do you think she knows how to flirt? Do you think she came on to her uncle asking for this? She probably didn't even realize she was pregnant.

Do you actually think she knowingly entered into a sexual relationship and then when she realized she was pregnant decided to lie and say that it was rape?

To paint this little girl as a Lolita is beyond ridiculous.

By anonymous• 27 Jun 2008 15:24

level of morality. Those open-mindedness (should we say MADNESS) advocates of immorality, arguing morality and/or immorality is in the eyes of each individual, go FYS!!!!!!!

Rights advocates, com'on, lets start good debate!!!!!

"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"

By aaahmed81• 27 Jun 2008 14:47

that is just sick... really really sick... i wanna throw up..

By Dracula• 27 Jun 2008 14:09


But it's the REALITY in the east Europe.

The subjected 11 years old girs is gypsy one.


A 12-year old gypsy girl getting married in Romania

"BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) -- Human rights activists and Romanians on Tuesday condemned the arranged marriage of a 12-year-old Gypsy girl, saying it was illegal and a violation of human rights."


By britexpat• 27 Jun 2008 14:01

We're talking about an 11 year old girl here..

To me she seems the victim, not the culprit..

By Dracula• 27 Jun 2008 13:50

These kinds of stories always make me a little uneasy. This is the classic "he said/she said" story.I'm not saying this guy didn't rape the girl. Maybe he did. But there's just too many cases of a girl having second thoughts AFTER the fact, and taking this route.

The girl is 20 weeks pregnant....hmmm

Therefore it looks to me like a case of this *victim* engaging in sexual acts, then when someone told on her (doctor), she cries rape to save her own butt.


In the first half of 2006, the Romanian police recorded 549 cases of rape. However, these statistics do not include cases of marital rape, which is severely underreported, given there are no legal provisions recognizing marital rape. Article 197 of the Romanian Criminal Code defines rape as: "sexual intercourse with person of the same or a different sex through coercion or taking advantage of her/his impossibility to self-defense or expression of her/his will." The punishment for rape is imprisonment between three and ten years and increases gradually up to twenty years with different aggravating circumstances.


We can find rapers and paedophiles everywhere:


Uncle gets 35 years for raping and murdering his two-year-old niece


Independent, The (London), Jul 3, 2007


A "violent and dangerous" paedophile has been jailed for a minimum of 35 years for the rape and murder of his two-year-old niece . Michael Mullen, 21, raped and strangled Casey Leigh Mullen in her bedroom at her home in Gipton, Leeds, on 11 February. Leeds Crown Court was told Casey trusted and loved her uncle and "her fear and her pain" could only be imagined.

Police found an image of Casey, who was naked from the waist down, on Mullen's mobile phone. They also found sexual images of children on his computer. He had carried out the attack after bingeing on beer and vodka with his brother, David, the girl's father. Sentencing Mullen, who admitted the charges, Mr Justice Simon said: "The rape and murder of this little girl by someone she trusted and loved were appalling crimes."

By heero_yuy2• 27 Jun 2008 13:36

"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

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