Beware - iPhones have an "infidelity App"
Make sure you've got nothing to hide, or your phone might reveal your secret flings.
It has emerged that iPhones have an 'infidelity app' that can secretly keep track of love cheats and could be viewed by a jealous spouse.
Two British software developers recently exposed that the Apple iphone saves the user's locations and movements, along with a time and date stamp, and stores them in a file.
It then copies the data to the owner's computer whenever the two are synchronised.
"Apple has made it possible for almost anybody - a jealous spouse, a private detective - with access to your phone or computer to get detailed information about where you've been,' the Daily Mail quoted Pete Warden , one of the researchers who discovered the file, as saying.
Warden and his fellow researcher Alasdair Allan have set up a web page giving away a programme that lets Apple users check what location data their phone is storing. Other GPS-enabled smartphones do not have the same function, they said.
And anyone with access to an iPhone user's computer could run Warden and Allan's application and see a map of the phone's movements.
Iphone..dont you get the I in the Iphone. It stands for Intelligence.
So it could any one of the following behind it, just listing a few
1. CIA
2. MI6
3. ISI. (there are double chances of ISI it has two I's)
and so on..
Too many of us blase about such goings on ...
see following link
MI6 also seems to be involved :(
CIA is behind all this sh!t. :(
Just when I was thinking of buying one. Might think twice now. Not that I have anything to hide but this whole Iphone tracking thing is so weird..
thanks hawk10
It will store only the location. Some people do something in their own location and does not move to OUT OF BOUND areas.
will it retain even the previous conversations?
Mrs. Khanan has already been briefed on the process :o)
Will they able to extract that data??
Nothing to worry!
@ Posted from my iPhone 4.
ok thanks for te info now ill not buy an iphone as no one should know where i stalk in the night when i become a werewolf i m happy wit my SE
omg i want it!!!!
i know what to gift my husband now. Haah!
Sounds like the perfect wedding gift.
Android users are save then.... :)
Sheeww... ;)
iPhone for sale!
For free if you're married!