book hunting
hello everybody,
I am a fan of science fiction & fantasy books.
with the resent increase of quality bookstores (2 now :P) I have had the chance to go to a couple to book hunt. :)
the problem is the bookstores usually have a set or too of any series and when someone buys the first book of the series the rest just stay idle for months.
and I am not the type who likes reading a trilogy from the second or last book. :->
so, I would like to get in contact with other avid book readers, to get help in finding the books I can't find in the shops.
maybe you have the one book I look for, or you know who has, and maybe are willing to take a second to look at the racks on the shop you regularly go to.
Its fine by me if you would like to sell it to me (maybe after reading it).
please help,
thank you.
i would suggest ordering your books from can pretty much find any book you are looking for.