Calls to Israel
Qtel doesn't list Israel on it's international tarrifs;
Is it possible to call Israel from Qatar on Qtel?
Qtel doesn't list Israel on it's international tarrifs;
Is it possible to call Israel from Qatar on Qtel?
IF you have a relative staying over there, do try and use Qtel services. LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Guess some numbers work and some don't. Who knows!
Well we tried the numbers given to us by his TA, on qtel we just never got connected & then tried on the net , did this every day for a week , so I finally assumed we can't call from here, My appologies for the wrong info.
Mr Kaplatzki - You can definitely call an Israel landline from Qtel. I did it this morning.
You cannot call Israel from doha, [ on qtel ] I know because my father was on a pilgrimage there last month and we couldn't get through at all , finally had to use to speak to him.
tallg, check it under "Roman Empire" name.. ?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
you brokering a mid east peace deal and that is why you need to call the land between Egypt and Lebanon?
No abcd, I see the point you were making. I was being facetious. My apologies.
This probably isn't the best thread for discussing whether Israel exists or not. I think there are plenty of other threads already doing that. Try a QL search for 'Israel'.
Isn't it "The Zionist Entity" ?
no he is not idiot he is trying to prove you idiot because you are not making any sense.
names like Judea or syria palenstini.
Are you idiot its Occupied how you'll see it.
lol tallg.. :):)
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
'Occupied Palestine' isn't listed either.
It does raise the question of why Qtel doesn't list the tarrif to Israel, since it is possible to call there. Any ideas?
There is nothing called israel,That country called Occupied Palestine .
lilBoPeep, what's so funny about it? are you aware of the fact that qatar has economic and political ties with israel? Government of Qatar doesn't find it funny... i hope it's rather mutually beneficial..
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Yes, I'm sure it's possible, and the chances are it would work fine. He probably had a faster internet connection than me as well.
well.. i knew some lawyer in Doha, who use to have all his business conversations with the country from the opposite part of the world over skype.. but you surely know better what is suitable for you..
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Thanks QS. I find skype is fine for friends and family, where the odd drop out or disconnection isn't the end of the world, but isn't really reliable enough for more important calls.
have you tried calling through skype?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Its a few sheckels a minute.. I'm sure the CID can tell you the exact amount of your call ..
lilBoPeep: I only noticed because I had to call someone there - I wasn't just browsing the tarrif sheet looking for missing countries!
So it turns out that you can call Israel. No idea what the tarrif is though!
Nice talking Da.
yea me
Lol tallg, funny you'd notice something like that? Do you have relatives there? ;-)
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
LOL speed..
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..