Distraught couple wake up to worst nightmare after robot vacuum mishap
It’s been dubbed ‘The Poopocalypse’, ‘The Pooptastrophe’ and ‘The Pooppening’.
A couple from Arkansas have revealed the horror of waking up to discover their house covered in dog faeces after a mishap with their robot vacuum.
Jesse Newton said ‘every conceivable surface’ was left covered in his dog’s poo after it was picked up by his Roomba, an automatic robot vacuum cleaner.
“So, last week, something pretty tragic happened in our household. It's taken me until now to wrap my head around it and find the words to describe the horror,” he joked.
He warned: “Do not, under any circumstances, let your Roomba run over dog poop. If the unthinkable does happen, and your Roomba runs over dog poop, stop it immediately and do not let it continue the cleaning cycle. Because if that happens, it will spread the dog poop over every conceivable surface within its reach, resulting in a home that closely resembles a Jackson Pollock poop painting.
A spokesperson for iRobot, who makes the Roomba, told The Guardian: “Quite honestly, we see this a lot.
“We generally tell people to try not to schedule your vacuum if you know you have dogs that may create such a mess...”
Lesson that Technology is not always the answer :O) – Would you buy a robot vacuum cleaner ?
I will hire Laxmi Bai for the emporium....:)
Rizks: Perhaps you can buy one to clean the Emprium after all the guests have left
I have Kaanta Bai at my house......:(
Always wanted one of these .. Great gadget
All this because of new tech .................... & old humanity ............ a miss match ...............