Help Cat gone walkabout.
Our cat went AWOL nearly a week ago. Unfortunately he did not have his collar on as my daughter took it off to put on her toy dog. Last time he went missing he appeared in Al Zuhoor Gardens.
His name is Darcy but he will come to anyone with food regardless of what you call him. He is a neutered blonde long haired cross persian. Very friendly.
If you know anyone on the Al Zuhoor compounds could you ask them to look out for him. These compounds back onto ours on Al Waab Gardens 2. We are also flanked by Al Jnan and Les Roses.
Someone somewhere obviously has nicer food than us.
Any information would be most gratefully received.
Please call Ren 5313895
Darcy... Is'nt that the name from the Jane Austen novel.. Hope you find the feline
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