By simplestguy90210 •
Arab student sends an e-mail to his Dad saying:
Dear Dad,
Berlin is wonderful, people are nice and I really like it here. But Dad, I am bit ashamed to arrive to my college with my Gold Mercedes, when all my Teachers travel by train.
Your Son
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Sometime later Nasser gets a reply to his e-mail from his Dad:
Loving son,
Twenty Million Dollars transferred to your account, please stop embarrassing us.
Go and get yourself a train too!!!!
Your Dad
Really funny..
good one... arab money
this is a good one! I like this... we are all very rich here... children have problems when they go back to the west....
good joke though... very funny!
I like that story and the moral behind it too !!!!
pls follow! Lol!
not bad...
good one
Wow nice one....... :)
heard b4 .. but still its a gud one... to start our day
Thats a good one - heard it before but it made me smile and anything that makes you smile is good.... thanks
lol..good one
Hmmm wonder why I can't post on Mehnis's Men are like... thread. Mehnis did you request my comments to be blocked ? :P
may be repeat post but for some of them it is new post, this may be for them,
posted before...
Repeat post .....
datz jokeeeeeeeee............hehe :)
really a good one.hahahahaaaaaaa