My driving exam experience.
As the rules go, all the students who passed the signal test , L , and box parking will take the final test which is the road test. In the road test, the policeman will sit beside you and will determine if your performance in driving is good or not. As I heard, usually the policemen will check how you manage to turn left, turn right, change gears,how you start and stop the car.
During the exam all of us took at least 2-3 minutes wherein we drive around the residential area near our driving school. Except from a one guy who just sit in the car for less than a minute. He just arranged the mirror and drive the car from being parked and re-park it again with almost 4 cars in between distance from his starting point.
After all of us finished the road test, I think we are almost 25 inside that bus who took the exam. We went back to our driving school and waited for the result. There were two groups who took the exam that day, let’s assume it’s bus2 and bus1. In bus2 there are almost 15 who passed the exam and in bus1 which is my group has only one lucky guy who got it. And that is the guy who just stay in the car in less than a minute. HE’s so LUCKY. I envy him. (LOL)
go and catch me if you can using your low model car. Insane driver! BLEH :P
"Flashing lights from behind on caloydee on my huge land cruiser"
get outta my way.....u amateur!!!!
by the way i also took direct test and luckily passed it. but now after 2 years being away from Qatar my licensed expired. now i don't know if i can renew it directly if i return back to Qatar :(
NExt time I will prepare my self for that and will pray for more luck. ^_^
even if you're confident in driving, sometimes you need luck and composure too :)
many failed the road test because they got intimidated by the police and the police can sense that. their presence beside you can distract from concentrating on the driving.
next time, take full control of the wheels and the road.. with confidence and composure... good luck :)
estekwellek , Yes you are correct that is why I already surrendered my rent a car. A friend of mine inform me that my IDL is not valid anymore since I already got my RP.
Mt. Zeus, I took the direct test.
Thanks Rajesh. :)
Sir Mt. Zeus, Yes I failed. How I failed that thing I dont know 'coz I was not able to see my papers after the exam. I did my best but I gues my best wasn't good enough.. (just once ~~~~)
Caloydee I believe it is possible to have automatic D.L. in Qatar.
Be careful that the IDL won't be valid when you receive your RP.
I will ask for details and revert back to you, drive safe and good luck.
did you took the driving test directly or went to driving school first?
I got your point Sir estekwellek. :)
I've been driving here in doha for the past 1 month using my IDL but now that I got my RP i need to apply for permanent Qatar Driving license.
so you failed the road test, any idea why you failed?
Don't worry my friend, better good luck next time....
Here you need to drive with both hands my dear, go get some proper training.
Check here:
And here:
This is becoming a trend to blame others and judge them without even thinking if it is right or wrong !!!
Thank you timebandit
Hahaha.. I just did and posted that because I thought that is what the lucky guy did. I apologize for my miss behavior.
As per my driving I have two valid driving license in two country. One with right hand and other with the lefthand drive country. And Im confident enough with my driving skills.
Blimey.... good work detective estekwellek
come on guys, don't be judgmental, the OP was asking to buy a drivers license without making a test !!!
Go check his previous posts !!!
Apparently he don't know how to drive and such people should be prohibited from streets until they receive proper training.
Don't blame the others, learn first and then you will pass, eventually ...
Brown envelopes work wonders.
OMG, it means its normal here in Qatar.
I understand your situation, hope you better luck next time.
the Student went to the car.. had a chat with the Policeman, had a laugh.. and that's it! he's picked up by his friend whom is following us.. the never even moved...