Sweet Thursday
By timebandit •
TGI Thursday
Alrighty then... the weekend starts here and there's a party tonight to make it even better.
Thursdays always seem a shorter working day to me, even though sometimes I have more work to do. Later guys ;)
Too much partying MJ?
yeah Roll on Thursday! :P
I hope I wake up on time in the coming days, it's bad enough that I overslept today and had to make haste and get ready.. :(
All I can say is 'Roll on Thursday' ;)
and will you two stop bumping each other please!
How about I bang yours and give you a big bump on the head.. :/
BANGS Jalebi's head with a Frying Pan....:)
Wake up lady, Good morning its Sunday.....:)
oh it's Sunday again.. I thought it was still Friday.. :P
Blimey is it Sunday already?
drmana, I know.. ;)
Lol mj, that coffee will happen when the time is right :-)
drmana, you going away again? and we haven't even had that coffee yet.. ;)
Have a great vacation Happy!
2 more weekends to go for mine :-(
UKEng...thanks for the wishes...:) Wish you get well by the evening for the Halloween Party. See you soon..
lol gudone....
Rizk... no dont leave me alone .. i have night blindness...
Hope to have a sweet and relaxing weekend after two long hectic months hard work :)
Waiting for Eid break in Nov and then festive / relaxing seasons in Decemeber.
Thanks and have a Sweet Weekend!
will let you know why dont you check our website..:0
Any jobs going at your place ??? :O)
Not feeling well. So going home to rest and hope will have some Energy for later on Tonight..see you guys later.
gudone no worries,b4 leaving u i will give u one candle to find the path to ur home....:)
pls... dont leave me Alone... i am afraid of dark
gudone but i was talkin about ONLY candle light dinner...:(
u can go for shopping ALONE.
I am not feeling 100% I slept at 9pm for the last two Consecutive nights, I hope I can stay awake pass 9pm tonight.
ohh Rizks... bring lots of Riyaal too! i got some lists for shopping..
gudone, plan for a nice candle light dinner with ME....:)
happy weekend
hmm wat will i plan 2day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brit how does it go now... face palm ;)
sofa sogood ;)
yahoooo!!!!!!! partey time !!!
The guy who fell into an upholstery machine in Umm Saeed is now fully recovered.
have a great weekend everyone! its also a special day for us now... today is the day of my baby.... it's his bday! happy bday baby koh... i love you soooooooooooo much... let's the party started baby! hope you appreciate everything that i prepared!!! muuaahhh
its my favorite day of the week.
holiday after 2 weeks!!
Ooh a Thursday morning thread
Happy weekend everyone!!
Good morning all, hope you have an amazing weekend :-)
Have a safe flight happy and see you when you get back..:)
Fathimah/ Tinker...thanks for your kind wishes...:)
hmm UK, should have the cure for that at the party.. :P
Not feeling so well MJ..:(
Nice weekend to all.
9 pm?? WTF? that's still early.. I sleep at 12 midnight the earliest.. :P
Hav a niz weekend guyzzz !!!
you wana come as adam with eve
its not a problem i will solve it for you in 2seconds
just be there on time.
WK, i'll bring you nappies now. wait for me outside your office. :)
searched for 2 freaking minutes??? WTF!
MJ I did and even searched for 2 whole minutes but after 120 seconds I gave up :P
LOL WK, you lazy a55 did you even go to that Party Kingdom place? :P
I couldn't find an outfit.. Will be coming as Adam :(
chochu choo choo very bad don't be angry
TB, they got Santa hats at Daiso in Hyatt Plaza.. well the rest of the outfit, just be creative and give Santa a Halloween twist.. ;)
Mashallah...hope you have an awesome time with your loved ones =D
find gorilla outfit
I gave up looking for a Santa outfit :(
Its near to UkEng house from there.
hey panda, there are lots of wigs at the Party Kingdom..
WK...thanks....:))) I will.
err, that was meant for my girlfriend tinks.. :(
Darude, where can I find blond wig? I didn't find yesterday :/
happy enjoy your vacation!!! :)
I will be in the clouds tonight to share the weekend with the people whom I love more than myself....:)
lawa get out from the middle....:(
Come here i will give tat hug and kisses to you.
huggggggggggess and kissssssssssss...!
hey tinks, good morning and happy weekend! HUGGGGGSSS!
Errrr panda no comments :-P
he will explain that tonight with his expressions just wait.
and tomorrow week end what is this ....? make it looooooooooooooooong.
whyteknight week end suck?! please explain :P
It's only a rumour.. we're just friends .......... Honest.
"Never get married in the morning, because you never know who you'll meet that night" ~Paul Hornung
come on you scary people let play trick and treat as this weeknd is a Halloween weekend. Even though Halloween is not till Sunday.. But lets get spooky from tonight.
I already got a Punch called Dragons Blood sorted out for the welcome drinks tonight! woo hoo..
...and i too hav 3 words for this Thursday...
Happy Weekend Everyone !
tom shouldn't be but my boss ruined it. :(
time to burn my c/c in QDC and get wrecked!!
I only got 3 words for this Thursday: BRING IT ON!!!!
It's time to eat , drink and make Marry !
Weekends suck
a pretty warm cold and rainy weekend
:( *sigh*
i so love this Thursday, will be a tiring day for me, but looking forward to seeing my kids again! thanks to Skype! :)
for me its same as every day, working for 9 hrs, but the feeling during the day is very wonderful
Woo hoo!
Eat,drink and make merry =D
have a good one mate - Will soon be 3 oclock!! whoop whoop!
Let the weekend Begin and like one of fellow QLer will say BRING IT ON..:)