Hi Alexa i really don`t find any wrong with what Man Scope said MARY is a very highly respectable woman in ISLAM ,and she was pregnant by the will of GOD not joseph ;if some minds can only recognize that the only way GOD can create a baby is from a marriage of a man and a woman ignoring God`s will then it`s these minds problem.
Maryam--Surah 19. 16-40
[19.16] And mention in the Book, Mary, how she withdrew from her people to an eastern place and she took a veil apart from them.
[19.17] We sent to her Our Spirit (Gabriel) in the resemblance of a perfect human.
[19.18] (And when she saw him) she said: 'I take refuge in the Merciful from you! If you are fearful.
[19.19] 'I am the Messenger of your Lord,' he replied, 'and have come to give you a pure boy.'
[19.20] 'How shall I bear a son,' she answered, 'when I am not touched by a human and not unchaste'
[19.21] Even so he replied, as such your Lord has said: Easy it is for Me. And We shall make him a sign to mankind and a mercy from Us. It is a matter decreed.
[19.22] Thereupon she carried him, and retired to a far- off place.
[19.23] And when the birth-pangs came upon her by the trunk of a palm-tree, she said: 'Oh, would that I had died before this and become a thing forgotten!'
[19.24] He called from below to her: 'Do not sorrow, look, your Lord has provided a rivulet below you,
[19.25] and shake the trunk of this palm-tree it will drop fresh ripe dates upon you.
[19.26] Therefore eat and drink and rejoice with your eyes. If you meet any human say to him: "I have vowed a fast to the Merciful and will not speak with anyone today."'
[19.27] She came to her nation, carrying him; and they said: 'O Mary, you have committed a monstrous thing.
[19.28] O sister of Aaron, your father was never an evil man, nor was your mother unchaste.'
[19.29] So she pointed to him (Prophet Jesus). But they replied: 'How can we speak with a baby in the cradle?'
[19.30] He (the baby) said: 'I am the worshiper of Allah. Allah has given me the Book and made me a Prophet.
[19.31] He made me to be blessed wherever I am, and He has charged me with prayer and charity for as long as I shall live.
[19.32] (He has made me) kind to my mother; He has not made me arrogant, unprosperous.
[19.33] Peace be upon me on the day I was born, and on the day I die; and on the day when I shall be raised up alive.'
[19.34] Such was (Prophet) Jesus, the son of Mary. A saying of truth, concerning what they doubt.
[19.35] It is not for Allah to take a son! Exaltations to Him! When He decrees a thing He only says: 'Be,' and it is.
[19.36] Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord therefore worship Him. That is the Straight Path.
[19.37] But the parties have fallen into variance among themselves, then woe to those who disbelieve for the scene of a Dreadful Day.
[19.38] How well they will hear and see on the Day when they come before Us! The evil-doers are today in clear error.
[19.39] Warn them of that Day of Anguish, when the matter is determined whilst heedlessly they disbelieve.
[19.40] For We shall inherit the earth and all that are on it. To Us, they shall return.
Hi to all... I were so happy when we discussed this issue, but it's awful in my eyes to turn it to religious clashes... ammm, I believe we can say anything we want,but not anyway we want....i.e we still need to talk more friendly & respectfully.
and know that disease is never the result of a religion..its called micro organisms.
and what you think is stupid isn't to others...its just that its a different viewpoint than yours...but if you take offense to a differing viewpoint, then you'll have a very tough time in life.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Hi Gypsy ;u post a reply to my comment which i was say in it that hijab,veil is also mentioned in bible as a must for women i read ur post but before going for reply i would like to remind all u people that hijab is a must but niqab is a custom nd also want to remind some people here that as we must respect other religion we must also respect others customs specially if u r coming to their country for ur own benefit and u like it or not u have to respect neqab if u work in QATAR as u must respect nudity day if u work in DENMARK.
Let`s start Gypsy why in ur post u leave us only the verse no# and continuing on expaling it ur way with all my respect to ur creative brain i think people need to c the verse and try to understand it by their brain.
otherwise i don`t have much to tell except leaving u these verses in both language English and Arabic:-
1 So take me for your example, even as I take Christ for mine.2 Now I am pleased to see that you keep me in memory in all things, and that you give attention to the teaching which was handed down from me to you. 3 But it is important for you to keep this fact in mind, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. 4 Every man who takes part in prayer, or gives teaching as a prophet, with his head covered, puts shame on his head. 5 But every woman who does so with her head unveiled, puts shame on her head: for it is the same as if her hair was cut off. 6 For if a woman is not veiled, let her hair be cut off; but if it is a shame to a woman to have her hair cut off, let her be veiled. 7 For it is not right for a man to have his head covered, because he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. 8 For the man did not come from the woman, but the woman from the man. 9 And the man was not made for the woman, but the woman for the man.
1 Corinthians 11 Arabic: Smith & Van Dyke
1 كونوا متمثلين بي كما انا ايضا بالمسيح2 فامدحكم ايها الاخوة على انكم تذكرونني في كل شيء وتحفظون التعاليم كما سلمتها اليكم. 3 ولكن اريد ان تعلموا ان راس كل رجل هو المسيح. واما راس المرأة فهو الرجل. وراس المسيح هو الله. 4 كل رجل يصلّي او يتنبأ وله على راسه شيء يشين راسه. 5 واما كل امرأة تصلّي او تتنبأ وراسها غير مغطى فتشين راسها لانها والمحلوقة شيء واحد بعينه. 6 اذ المرأة ان كانت لا تتغطى فليقص شعرها. وان كان قبيحا بالمرأة ان تقص او تحلق فلتتغط. 7 فان الرجل لا ينبغي ان يغطي راسه لكونه صورة الله ومجده. واما المرأة فهي مجد الرجل. 8 لان الرجل ليس من المرأة بل المرأة من الرجل
Dammit why did we all have to start talking about hijab again, Happy Happy and Doctora were talking about Freej! I love Freej, I have all the DVDs with English subtitles. It's such a good show.
Hunk there's a thousand and one reasons why nuns cover there hair (although most sects no longer do) the main reason was because when the idea of nuns first started it was CUSTOM (not religious law, custom) for girls who were too young to marry and widows to cover their hair. Showing your hair was a sign of being married or ready for marriage. Nuns, not being allowed to marry, simply covered their hair as a "badge" of their office, same as monks shaved their head in a tonsure and wore robes.
I was surprised before [when i still got some hair up there] how the flies and the bees would chase my head because of some kind of Jell I was putting on my hair :D
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
the ad that started this whole "discussion" is geared towards "muslim women" so why all non muslim getting so edgy? what ever our reasons might be, let it be an obligation, prefrence or stayign away from getting raped, we are OK with that. I don't think we need to explain or work so hard to make it "sound ok" to anyone. every women wants to look beautiful, every women enjoys when the opposite sex look at them and appriciate thier beauty, even a MUSLIM women enjoys that, but we are more stronger, as we like to please our Lord rather than our desires, and we are much more liberal as we dont let the worldy negativity towards us holds us back. And I dont know how this whole rape issue came about, because all Hijab stands for is "modesty" and a rapist will be a rapist, he/she will not spare a women or a child covered or not covered.
as i said before, most women in arab world wear hijab because its part of thier national costume, its thier culture, it has nothing to do with how strogn their fait is, thats why you come across with some on the plain who takes it off as soon as the plain takes off, and thats why some of you'll see slutty hijabans too, kills teh purspose of hijab when you are wearing skin tight clothes and a piece of cloth wrapped around you head..so just like in any religion there are goods and there are bads and the sad reality is that the actions of the bad ones makes it hard for the good ones. Once again Salute to all my "good" Hijabi sisters, and may Allah make me just as strong and liberal as you so one day I can be called hijaban too :)
gypsys I thought u dont read bible...at last u did it.. its a breakthrough.but why you failed to re read the verses below? copy paste from aeamin. what then is the basis for the nuns to cover their hair? let says mother theresa?
1 Corinthians 11:5)
--Darby Bible--
"But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered puts her own head to shame; for it is one and the same as a shaved woman."
--Bible in Basic English--
"But every woman who does so with her head unveiled, puts shame on her head: for it is the same as if her hair was cut off."
(1 Corinthians 11:6)
--Darby Bible--
"For if a woman is not veiled, let her hair be cut off; but if it is a shame to a woman to have her hair cut off, let her be veiled."
--Bible in Basic English--
"For if a woman is not veiled, let her also be shorn: but if it is a shame to a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be veiled."
"Born optimist nothing can keep me too low for so long"
The bibles asks Christian women to cover their hair when praying ... you see it in church during service, the reason how I understand it is that A woman's hair is like her crown and represents her pride and when appearing in the presence of the Lord king of Kings she has to cover her crown ... it is modesty and respect to the king and his crown
Hope this explains things better in relation to the discussion
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".
Yeah, I've seen the ones on MBC. They are so dramatic and do make me unhappy! They’re very gloomy. These are the ones that show death and all that, right?
Cannot we associate this beautiful time allocated to connect with Allah with something spiritually wise and cheerful?. Why do we always have to use the stick and not the carrot as the ultimate resort?
Unfortunately, "fear" does not work with some hard-headed girl like myself. This approach turns me away.
Genesis said This ad was made by Egyptians for Egyptians. It is even written in Egyptian dialect. There is a political motive behind it. An article at Newsweek highlight the caltural change
I think the Egyptian dialect is the most understood dialect in all arab countries, and this ad was on a satallite channel i watched it once ( i can't remember which channel now) SO it was for all muslim women out there
it has nothing to do about egypt or politics
haven't you seen the ads about (Praying ) on mbc ????????????????????? are they only for saudi since mbc is a saudi owned channel????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gypsy are you mad? of coarse i'm not wearing any veil in front of my face, i hate the NIQAB, it has nothing to do with islam, that's why I don't like Saudi arabia that much, cause whenever i'm there, someone from (religion police) or whatever they call them will say to me cover your face, i would replay to him : why are you looking at me in the first place. LOL
Doctora do you want me to go on Islam online and find where it's says you don't have to wear a veil in front of your face? I can do that if you'd like.
Are Christian woman supposed to cover their heads? What does the Bible say about it? Well, when I searched the KJV Bible via BibleGateway.com, I found instances where head covering was for evil purposes, such harlotry, hiding from God, or even vanity. I didn't find any place in the Bible where it commands women to cover their heads. Coverings were often used to separate people from God, but I find no mention of them being used to bring one closer to God.
The Old Testament does not command women to cover their heads. It was just a custom of the day. If you search on BibleGateway.com under the words "head" and "cover," you'll only see relevant verses in 1 Cor. 11, where Paul was expounding on the fact that he knows it was a custom for women to cover their heads, but the Church has no such custom.
What about women wearing handkerchiefs on their heads, as many do today?
The only place the Bible mentions women wearing handkerchiefs on their heads is in Ezekiel 13:18-23, where it is mentioned with a very negative connotation, and the women wearing the hankies on their heads were cursed, and called "vain."
Some women cover their heads with a vail/veil. What does the Bible say about that? Under the spelling 'veil,' the Bible describes them being used to keep one away from God (see 2 Cor. 3:13), and such veils were being torn away, to give us free access to the Lord through Jesus Christ (see Matt. 27:51).
What does the Bible say under the other spelling - 'vail?' It says that they were often a name for curtains (see Ex. 26:33). If a woman sat in public, covered in a vail, it was assumed she was a harlot (see Gen. 38:14). The vail was used to cover, or hide God's glory, such as when Moses wore a vail, because his face glowed so brightly from his encounter with God (see Ex. 34:33). However, when Moses spoke with God, he removed the vail (see Ex. 34:34). Vails were symbolic of one being blinded to the truth of Christ, and that vail is to be done away in Christ (see 2 Cor. 3:14). A vail is upon the hearts of those who try to follow the Old Testament laws, instead of embracing liberty in Christ (see 2 Cor. 3:15-16), but when the person turns to Christ as their only Saviour, and not the law, then that vail is taken off of their heart, and they are made free (see 2 Cor. 3:15-16).
A woman may cover herself with a vail for a wedding, or so that someone will not see what she looks like, or for shyness, but it is not mentioned being done specifically for religious reasons (see Gen. 24:65).
Where then, does the doctrine of covering one's head with a covering such as a handkerchief/scarf, or vail/veil come from? It comes from taking one scripture out of context:
"For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered." -1 Corinthians 11:6
Don't stop reading there, please. In 1 Corinthians 11:2-10, Paul is reviewing what the custom of that day was. It was not a law, but a custom. The custom of that day was that women were to cover their heads. This was never a commandment of God. It is nowhere commanded in the Old Testament that women are to cover their heads. The people in the church at Corinth wanted to know if women should continue to follow that custom. Paul was reviewing that custom in verses 2-10 - so now we know what that custom was. Then, he goes on to answer the question of if women need to follow that culture custom or not. He begins his answer with the word "nevertheless," in verse 11. He then explains that woman came from man, BUT, man also comes from woman. Just as Hebrews 3 and 4 tells us that Jesus is now our Sabbath rest, and that we no longer need to keep the Jewish Sabbath, Paul is telling us in this chapter (1 Corinthians 11) that women do not need to keep the custom of head covering - their long hair is their covering (see vs. 15).
Yet, Paul tells us that women and their husbands can decide if the woman should cover her head or not, it's up to them (see vs. 13). However, the woman's head-covering custom is not a required custom in the Christian church (see vs. 16).
To conclude, a woman covering her head is not a commandment of God. If she does so, she is simply following an old Jewish custom, which has been done away with. But alas, as Romans 14 teaches us, this is not a big issue, and not one we need to judge one another on. Romans 14 doesn't specifically talk about the issue of head covering, but it does speak of what food people eat, and what days they keep holy. These things are legalities or customs, just as head covering is, hence, I believe head covering to fall within the context as well.
but woman of all ages and religion.. hijab is not confine to islam only..its tradition prescribed by our GOD(Muslim,jews and x'tian)to wear as protection frm the obvious and not obvious.See the verses mentioned by Aeamin above.
maybe you have all the reason to disagree on it but our creator prescribed this for you, you will not obey? though you give thanks for the good life you have but you ignore what he wanted you to be.
gypsys this applies also to you eventhough youre not believing him you remain accountable for that.
"Born optimist nothing can keep me too low for so long"
I, for one, know exactly why I don't wear a hajib. Its not part of my religion nor my culture. Plus..its too hot to wear one and if I want shade for the top of my head, I wear a hat with a brim.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
I am amazed that people still debate about hijab. It is something from Islam. It protects the women from perverted looks and harrasment from men and it gives them honor by displaying modesty. The list goes on and on. I find it strange that a man thinks he automatically has carte blanche to look at a female's body who is not his wife. But as soon as a man looks at his wife or daughter he becomes furious.Some western women find it strange and oppose it as well. That is simply because that is how they were raised.Likewise, practicing Muslim women find it strange to display themselves in front of strange men because that is what they were taught and how they were raised.Two ways of looking at it. Ironically, "most" Muslim women know "why" they wear hijab but, generally, non-muslim women don't know "why they don't".
Islamic thing makes gypsy sick...she can all the way use her slangs banging against it. she always plays the opposites.it attracts anyway so let be...but i hope one day you will be guided...
"Born optimist nothing can keep me too low for so long"
yes, put the blame where it belongs..still stands. Just because a woman wears a hajib doesn't protect her from rape..and that comes from the male side of the coin. I know what you were trying to say...and yes, the islam does say for men to avert their eyes, etc...but when something does happen (and yes, it DOES to covered women too...)who normally gets the blame? The woman. Reminds me way too much of the way things were back in the mid 1900s where if a woman was raped, it was blamed on her past, what she was wearing, where she was..everything but where it should have been..the rapist. The hajib is great if its an article of clothing that you CHOOSE to wear to express your religious beliefs or your culture, but please, please don't lead young women into the false belief that it will keep men from harrassing you, keep you from committing sins yourself, and certainly not from rape. That installs a false sense of security that can lead to very serious problems further down the line.
As far as keeping the jewels safe...they are just as safe either way...its all in how you approach life, not in what you wear. All you have to do is check out the statistics on women who look and act confident and self assured, and find that the rape stats on that are much lower than those that walk with their heads down and are insecure. In interviews with rapists, they stated that they would watch victims and leave those that looked like they would fight back..and take those that were meeker and unsure of themselves.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Gypsy, thanx 4 comments… I don't mean to compare women to fruits or vegetables, but it is a way of expression we use in Arabic language to clarify the idea, so please don't be sensitive of that words.
You asked how can Hijab be a symbol of purity while some veiled women are bad & some unveiled are good??? Simply that happening when bad people pretending to seem good, or when good people do not care about symbols at all ( I believe hijab is not a mere symbol, but deep meanings must take place nearby hijab).
Happy Happy ….thank you.. what I said about harassment is just what I hear about those men.. it doesn't mean that they are free to harass unveiled women, men also have their duty to control themselves.
Kareena 74 … You are welcomed in Qatar, & don't care about people bothering you by their eyes… but please let me correct a common misconception about hijab : hijab is not to cover the hair only, as you said that hair is not that great issue for men, but hijab means to hide attractive beauty because any sane one can understand that covering body is more prior than covering hair.
Scarlett … I agree with you, not to wear it by force, so I'm discussing the deep meanings of hijab, because I wish to CONVINCE, not to FORCE…
And when I talked about father & husband I didn't mean that they can force her, but I said that her beauty must be protected against men other than her husband, father, brother,son…etc, because you know … a brother cannot be sexuality attracted by her sister or mother or aunt, so he can see them with normal dress.
Dear Scarlett, " Put the blame where it belongs"…. Nice, so we should look for Islamic teaching as a WHOLE…islam didn't forget to order men to control their eyes & actions toward women, & because of being a "comprehensive religion" islam also ordained hijab for women, to be a complete legislation.
I know jewels are to be worn & not to be stored, but I think you keep your jewels safe against robbers.
Andrew…thanks dear, I do not mean that woman cannot be respected unless she wear hijab… for me, as a religious Muslim, I do respect all people, men or women, black or white… simply because they are PEOPLE.
What I mean is to condemn the nowadays world's vision toward women… the world must realize that woman is not a mere body, but she has a soul which must respected even if they cannot see her beauty.
I'm not meaning what you say about the West, coz we have worse examples in our Arab countries.
And about Muslim Countries, I'm sorry to tell you that there is no any single country now living according to the REAL Islam, even in Saudi or Iran, religion is shown there mostly as a "political hypocrisy", so please kindly be informed that ISLAM is NOT muslims… Islam is something different !!! & you can see that obviously if you have a deep look on Islam … & I'll be glad to have the pleasure of helping you discovering Islam, just tell me if ok.
I love that the guy who's going to take a second wife without telling his first one (one's that he's been DATING no less) is preaching to women about wearing hijab. :P What a moron.
alexa seems that you have personal problem with me, I dont want to keep it this way for long as we are muslim though i hope its just in a matter of opinion. I have a respect for woman or any one especially of your age, educated and computer literate which is something rare in the past, of course no computer yet at that time. what i mean forget our banging in the previous forum.
muslims dont keep personal grudge more than 3 days...
but any way i hope for you to wear hijab its a practice of a noble women in history...
"Born optimist nothing can keep me too low for so long"
why not forgive the guy who posted it if you don't agree with him. whats this hue and cry?
Men are not flies if they don't have the wings of desire and women are not lollipops if they don't have that honey on their lips which the men love to suck(Isn't it their asset, anyway?). so its all natural and covering up is a natural way to prevent seducing.
You cann't avoid intercourse so use condome! its as simple as that
It seems that every post supporting this ad says the same thing. They are justifying mens leering at women who don't wear hijab. I'm not Muslim, I'm not going to cover my hair, does this mean I should be leered at?? According to most of you, yes it does.
This ad was made by Egyptians for Egyptians. It is even written in Egyptian dialect. There is a political motive behind it. An article at Newsweek highlight the caltural change
"Egyptians deplore what they call the Saudization of their culture. Egypt has long dominated the performing arts from Morocco to Iraq, but now petrodollar-flush Saudi investors are buying up the contracts of singers and actors, reshaping the TV and film industries and setting a media agenda rooted more in strict Saudi values than in those of freewheeling Egypt. "As far as I'm concerned, this is the biggest problem in the Middle East right now," says mobile-phone billionaire Naquib Sawiris. "Egypt was always very liberal, very secular and very modern. Now ..." He gestures from the window of his 26th-floor Cairo office: "I'm looking at my country, and it's not my country any longer. I feel like an alien here."
on here seem to think that a piece of cloth will stop a rapist, and that cos "westerners" dont wear a ninja suit, they are allowing themselves to be raped or leered over.
Its about choice, to wear it, or not to wear it.NOT been forced to wear it.
hi all u people ,i won`t talk about the ad of flies cause every one has the right to express his thoughts as long he doesn`t offend others and this ad not offending anyone it`s just trying to tell somthing to muslims women.
I just want to ask u why u always insists on blaming Islam on anything previously pork then alcohols now it`s hijab!!!!!!!
ok first of all for pork and alcohols u can check my posts at: Why Pork is forbidden in Islam.
now for hijab first of all u must know that hijab means covering women`s hair (I KNOW U KNOW IT ;JUST REMIND U);and again for muslims they know it`s a must and every reel muslim girl doesn`t wear hijab she know that she is doing somthing forbidden in islam ,but for non muslims specialy for christians i feel like u don`t read much in ur Bible ok as usual i won`t explain i` ll leave it to u let`s see:
(1 Corinthians 11:5)
--Darby Bible--
"But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered puts her own head to shame; for it is one and the same as a shaved woman."
--Bible in Basic English--
"But every woman who does so with her head unveiled, puts shame on her head: for it is the same as if her hair was cut off."
(1 Corinthians 11:6)
--Darby Bible--
"For if a woman is not veiled, let her hair be cut off; but if it is a shame to a woman to have her hair cut off, let her be veiled."
--Bible in Basic English--
"For if a woman is not veiled, let her also be shorn: but if it is a shame to a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be veiled."
So please keep ur valuable Analysis for urself no muslim need it and believe me any real muslim read these posts he get in his mind this surah:-
Surah 109. Al-Kafirun
1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!
2. I worship not that which ye worship,
3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
I can't believe an ad about hijab is the source of so many contradictory opinions. In my opinion, everybody's free to do whatever he whises, to say whatever he thinks and wear whatever he wants. Simple as that! Only God can judge us all, no man should tell another man how to live his life.
Ah, and by the way, I do wear the hijab. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I hate it because it makes me feel uncomfortable and look older, but wearing it was my own choice, nobody forced me into it and I don't regret it. Oh, and I don't see it as the biggest act of faith that a woman can make, there are other things more important to a muslim woman.
And just have to say that the only thing I liked about this ad is that women are sweet candy and men are flies. lol, no ofense guys!
Alexa, i mentioned earlier it goes both ways, this picture represents hijab not women. There is hijab for men aswell and the punishment for not doing it is twice as harsh. For men its not the covering head part but covering the eyes or turning the eyes away part that is the hijab. If a muslim guy stares at a mulsim girl who doesnt wear a hijab, he gets double the punishment of the woman whom he's staring at and if he stares at a woman who wears hijab, then i guess he'll burn in hell forever. I'll post an article about hijab for men next time.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
off to the shower before the QAWS meeting...Mr Paul..too bad you aren't here to attend...I could send you back to Bahrain with a kitten or two, or three...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Mr Paul because simply they are not veiled, like many other muslim women in other countries who don't wear any hijab, the difference here is they wear the abaya for traditional reasons just like the men here wear the thob
I'm not angry, not at all...we are all expressing opinions...and the written word can always be misread when you can't hear or see the person who is speaking.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Doctora...I've seen other nationality of women (and men for that matter) disrobe their coverings the minute the plane reaches cruising altitude, so please don't go generalize that its only Qatari women. Will say tho that there are hypocrites in every religion...The old do as I say, not as I do, syndrome.
I'm Qatari woman also and I'm not saying they are hypocrites, I'm just stating that they are not veiled, why are you so angry....they wear the abaya and shayla because of traditions, once they are not in Qatar they take it off.
with her comments...personally I don't care one way or the other about women wearing the hajib...IF its their religious choice. I do, however, object to men staring at women who do not cover and use the non-covering as an excuse to leer or make comments.
As far as the naked women or half naked women and no one making comments about them. Personally, I don't like it either, but its their right to do so if that's what they want to wear, as long as its within the social boundaries of the country they are residing in.
Doctora...I've seen other nationality of women (and men for that matter) disrobe their coverings the minute the plane reaches cruising altitude, so please don't go generalize that its only Qatari women. Will say tho that there are hypocrites in every religion...The old do as I say, not as I do, syndrome.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
This is such good example. Thank you for this picture. I did not read all the posts cos they are boring. The same people being insulted. About what? Lolliepops? Get real.
Here is no insult intended. It is plain & simple. It reminds me of the first habaja I bought. I was in souq Asiri, waiting for the shops to open. Some shops had opened already, but the majority were still closed. So while I walked around, there were all these shop assistants hanging around the fountain. While I was walking there I could see their eyes undressing me. Very unconfortable. So I walked into the first shop that was open. Bought a habaja & sheila. Put that on and walked out. All of a sudden these men did not look at me anymore, or better said their looks were different.
Alexa ...you are somewhat right but you really should go to Saudi Arabia to see the difference between here and there? you will be very grateful to be in Qatar LOL
we show our deference to God by praying and thinking of the best way to act towards our fellow man/woman...I know who and what my God is, and He has never asked me to wear one.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Hijab stands for modesty and many muslim women wear "hijab" in diffrent forms and yes as hard as it maybe to beleive for some of you but most muslim women now days are wearing out of choice and not force...most arab women wear it because its culturly imposed, its somethign they inherited, outside the arab world women are wearing out of choice ( not that you have a choice its something a muslim woman is obligated to do) rather than force. I myself don,t wear hijab but I really look upto muslim sisters who do because they are stronger and more liberal than I am, as badly as I want to wear hijab i worry too much about what ppl are going to say or think, so Salute to my muslim sisters who are proud to show who they are and what they beleive...ohh and one las thing....no one needs to feel insulted on behalf of muslim women, we are happy and proud to be who we are and what we stand for. as one of a my convert friend once said " I don't worry about what ppl have to say, I only worry about the day of judgment"
gypsy, so they wrapped you in all that dirt? hmm...i'm begginning to smell you from here...lol..kidding...they usually clean you up and then wrap you on a clean white piece of cloth.
( Or we could discuss why some women stop wearing the Hijab the minute they step off the plane in another country, presumably because men in other countries don't look at women in the same way as Qatari men do. )
those are Qatari women by the way , those who does that only wear the abaya and shayla for traditions, and these are not veiled. i mean if Qataris don't have the abaya and shayla, then they would be without hijab. did you get me??
As Scarlett said, the thread became about rape because a few people were suggesting that Hijab is supposed to prevent rape.
It was either that or we start to discuss why a woman should have no free will over what clothes she wishes to wear,
or we could discuss why a woman feels that the only thing that men think about when they see a woman is her physical appearance, and that it is well outside the realm of possibility that men actually don't really care what most women look like.
Or we could discuss why some women stop wearing the Hijab the minute they step off the plane in another country, presumably because men in other countries don't look at women in the same way as Qatari men do.
I think you'll find that Bush would be very personally supportive of the notion of Hijab. If you have ever taken the time to come to an understanding about what his policies are and what he actually stands for as a person, you will see he has much more in common with Islamic Imams than people like Gypsy or myself.
Sexual assault happens the world over.
It has nothing to do with what the woman was wearing at the time.
HOWEVER - this whole tread seems to boil down to:
Men are animals who cannot be trusted around women.
Women need to know that even though the Prophet told men not to rape women, they will, so it's up to the women to cover her body to prevent rape.
Hijab cannot prevent rape, because assuming that rape is the logical by product of sexual desire is false.
Try telling the wife whose husband fored her to have sex with him against her will that this was because she didn't cover up enoguh.
Try telling the teenage girl whose uncle raped her that this was because she didn't cover up enough.
Try telling the Sri Lankan maid who was raped by her employer that this was because she didn't cover up enough.
If you're all going to make grand sweeping statements about the causes of crime, I suggest you take the time to read criminology studies about the true statistics regarding rape.
Protestant religion broke from the Catholic religion way back due to differing opinions...so I am not up on the minor issues they have. I do know that the nuns have their basis upon the Virgin Mary...and since she was alive over 2000 years ago...she dressed as such and its carried over to this day.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
For the same reason the nurse/doctor/mid-wife who was present during your birth covered you first IMMEDIATELY after your birth.....preserve human dignity and self respect.
in that prevention in the form of TEACHING young boys that women are as valued as men and are not the responsible party in rape, regardless if they were walking down the street stark naked. Prevention is also taught that young women need to know they have the ability to stand up to those men who don 't have enough respect for women and they are not the cause of rape..they need to be aware that it does happen, whether you are covered up or not. Sorry to say that if a man wants to rape a woman...no amount of material between him and her is going to stop him..its an act of violence..not lust.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
wanna go with me to the souq tonight and purchase a hajib so we won't ever be raped??? and are safe from everything??
sure_hunker...serious...you wouldn't trust your wife if she didn't wear a hajib?? that doesn't speak well for your relationship with her, now does it. That your entire level of trust rests upon that piece of clothing...and for the record..we are NOT X'tians...we are CHRISTians...I don't call you I'ms
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
thank you salax85, you said it (PREVENTION IS BEETER THAN CURE)
andrew reallly ???? what are you talking about ?? if you don't know anything about islam at least go and read about it. I'm not going into an empty discussion with you.
and again it's an islamic matter, it's not for non muslim women, so lighten up.
Try 2 understand him of vat generaly has he pinpointed the human nature. He is ryt vid a quite simple example of flies nature is to flee around the sweets & liquidors.
STaright natured man likes women due to the opposite sexes....
In CHRISTANITY, we also show our deference to GOD by doing what HE's told us to do(which is very basically, be a good person, and treat each other as we'd like to be treated)..and HE never told us to cover our head or bodies totally...but each religion is different, not wrong, just different.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
And you think a piece of cloth is going to stop a man from doing that salax???? Men don't rape women because they are pretty they rape women because they are sick men. Jeez.
you have a HUGE problem...rapists don't make love to women...they rape to degrade and hurt women..love or the act of loving someone had nothing whatsoever to do with it!! Hmm perhaps we just came to the root of this issue...
I also have issue with the way you say muslim men don't look at women without a legitimate purpose. Men, the MEN who respect women, do NOT leer at women...whether they are covered or not, and they can restrain themselves, regardless of what their religion. And I beg to differ that only Muslim men look with a legitimate purpose...also I beleive gypsy was saying that men look at the niqab not because they are mainly curious due to mysterious reasons but because they are women..pull your head out, man...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Once a girl was briskly walking and sweating around and a western guy came close and said " Ohhh, perfect body, bring it on babe"....Would that by any chance make all westerners animals?
I see no reason or logic in this accusation. Very much of generalization as well.
All men want to make out with women salax? what's wrong with a man looking at a woman and wanting to make out with her? It's harmless as long as it's just looking.
Salax, Im as straight as a ruler but I would look at the lady in abaya. The way she walks is different, the way she holds her head is different, her eye make up is different, you wonder whether she sees you looking at her and what she's thinking. Sorry but the whole purpose of "do not let them see our ladies" is defeated to a very large extent. I oogle all the more!
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
So Doctora, umm, so you're saying that the prophet's will that men don't rape women has failed.
So now it's up to the women to prevent it by wearing much more fabric.
I'm in agreement with Gypsy on this topic.
This whole dicussion has been quite revealing in what it is saying about the way the Muslim men and women view and respect themselves and the opposite sex.
It's really quite shocking and very sad that this society has become so degraded and debased.
Well then Doctora, perhaps money would be more wisely invested in ad campaigns telling men to stop being pests rather then putting the responsibility on women.
andrew Why didn't the prophet just tell men not to rape women?
Daaaaahhhhhh of coarse he did
and Gypsy muslim women are not lolipops, only muslim men are pests (some of them) have you been to KSA??? if you did you will understand what i mean? ??(not just KSA but it's a very strong example)
Salax are you seriously saying that if a man sees a hot woman, he is likely to rape her?
Are Muslim men really that weak, that the minute they see a woman's arms or the shape of her body under her t-shirt, they are overcome with animal desire?
Doctora -
Why didn't the prophet just tell men not to rape women?
Clearly rape is a huge problem in the middle east and other Muslim countries since all the women need to cover up as much as they do.
Do you think maybe Filipina and Sri Lankan maids are less likely to be raped if they wore less revealing uniforms inside the home?
Doctora if Muslim men think of themselves as flies and Muslim women think of themselves as lollipops then that just shows a very big problem with how muslims regard themselves and a HUGE lack of respect for themselves and for the opposite gender. It's really quite sad to expect so little of yourself.
Think of it this way salax, if there's one woman in niqab amongst a thousand other women wearing pants and a t-shirt, who do you think men are going to look at?
If thin woman in niqab is walking next to an overweight woman not wearing niqab WHO do you think men are going to look at?
I would say in any given situation 9 times out of 10 men will look at the women in niqab, because she's mysterious.
In ISLAM we show our deference by obeying what GOD says , so he told us among other things that we have to wear it so we do. and this is in Islam. I'm not speaking about other religions
The Virgin Mary lived over a thousand years ago Salax and Mother Theresa wore the uniform of her order. And this isn't about whether or not women should wear it, this is about the ad itself and what it implies about women who don't.
You will find no crimonolgical data that link a woman's appearance to the likelihood of her being the victim of a sexual assault.
To say that women who don't cover 'have it coming' just reeks of ignorance.
66% of reported cases of sexual assault in Australia (I'm referring to Australia since that was the example used above) occured in the home, compared to 6% on the streets.
The most common victims of sexual assault are girls aged between 10-14, almost 5x the number of female victims aged between 25-44.
It's just so naive to think that there is some relationship between what a woman wears and how likely she is to be raped.
Instead, the Muslim focus seems to be skewed so much further towards how a woman can somehow magically prevent herself from being raped (by covering?!?!) instead of condemning the actions of the attacker.
and you know how much I laughed in the souq about that particular fact...
What is very evident tho is the difference between western men and the men in this are...western men, when you tell them to get lost, leave...the men over here, think its a come-on line and try even harder..very reminiscent of flies, as per your ad!!!
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
the ad is a part of campaign to Veil Egypt.What is happening now, that women are forced to wear it there. Coptic women in down-town Cairo (Shubra) are harassed for not wearing veil. Not to mention the veiling actresses phenomena.
Who would believe that director inas al digadi is facing charges/trail and might be separated from her husband by law over her opinion on hejab
that rape is a crime meant to downgrade and hurt women and usually has no basis in lust...which is why those women with the cleavage showing are pretty safe as compared to those rapes that occur in a relationship...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
because I get tired of men staring at me and then hearing from other men that they wouldn't be staring if I covered. You can ask just about anyone on here who's met me if I have ever dressed anything but conservatively...answer would be no...I stated in my post that it should be between God and the woman..not anyone else forcing her to wear it.
As far as the hajib being the symbol of purity in Christianity..no..its not..it was a sign of what women wore back in the time of Mary, Joseph and Jesus. The nun, wear the headpiece of the habit to show their deference to God...but those are only for the Catholics..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Thexonic: Can't make it today.. :( Been busy cos a friend is leaving Qatar. Been a bit focused on that.... When Ramadan arrives, I'll be hitting the Shisha restaurants! ;)
And I'm wearing jeans todayyyyyyyyyyy Nanabooboo!!
The reason the Australian imam was condemned was because he said that uncovered women were like uncovered bits of meat, so it was no surprise that they got raped.
Australians found this offensive, mostly because it is degrading to men and women (for different reasons) and also because statistically it is untrue.
In Australia at least, about 67% of rape victims were known to their attacker, and half of these attacks occured within a relationship.
Women walking down the street in a tight skirt with cleavage shown are statisically LESS likely to get raped than a woman in the home.
I think Hijab is an islamic concept directed to muslim women, this ad is directed to muslim women, it promotes wearing it, just like antismoking ads promote not smoking.
So I don't know exactly why all non-muslims are so outraged about.
Hijab is an order from GOD to muslim women so this is between women and their GOD.
if you see nuns, they wear veil, if you see the virgin Mary's paintings, she's wearing a veil. Aren't they the symbol of purity in christianity????? So I think this implies that Hijab is a symbol of purity.
My request to muslims: please practice what you practice because Prophet ordered it to practice as all muslims love him. There is definitely good in it. Don't try to give explanations for why you do it. Let the people decide what is good for them. What example can you give for the one who prays and the one who doesn't?
North Africa, britexpat...seems you folks got yourself into a bit of a bind and we had to help you out..check up on General Patton and his troops...he was one kick azz general...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
is that people expect that if you are a Muslim woman you should cover up and do hijaab. When I go to Karachi, I never feel out of place or I don't feel as if I am doing something wrong. I go around uncovered everywhere in Karachi without feeling insecure or unsafe but here in Qatar, people generally assume that I am not a Muslim unless I tell them so bcoz they think that if you are a Muslim you should cover your hair and all those women who do not cover are not Muslims. This generalization is very unfair..
Ahmad, I can see what you’re getting at, and kind of understand why you think that way, but I just don’t buy into it.
You seem to be saying that the entirety of a woman’s worth isn’t her self worth – the way that she values herself – but is instead is based just on how she is viewed by men. And even then, that is based entirely on her appearance.
Are you saying women cannot expect to be respected unless they cover up, and so basically that respect is based not on her ability, education, generosity etc, but just how she looks?
There seems to be a general way of thinking here and in muslim countries more generally, that western countries just don’t respect women. The extension of this, I guess, is that muslim countries do respect women more. Yet you don’t see women holding positions of power here, they aren’t represented in any meaningful political way (unless they are fortunate enough to be married to an even more powerful man).
Sure there’s been some great, democratically elected leaders in Muslim countries, but it’s hardly the norm. The women who are so respected and cherished in this part of the world aren’t even trusted to travel without their husbands, drive cars or get jobs. Young girls can’t go to the movies without a relative present to make sure they don’t do anything naughty.
Forgive me if I don’t believe that this is a society that really ‘respects’ women.
Happy Happy...I tried that last week...was over the moon when I lost three kilos eating food only goats would enjoy...had a toast and a coupla eggs one day, and then a little more for a meal here and there and now Im four kilos heavier. Gained with interest.
I love food as well, just wish it wouldn't love my hips so much. LOL. Good luck though, you'll make it. I'll just pass and wait for New Years Eve to once again add to my list of resolutions. Same ol' same ol'. :)
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
I don't see anything wrong with hijab (the veil is another subject) IF you are wearing it because you choose to. If you honestly believe that the hijab protects you from rape and harassment, then by all means, go ahead. If I was that scared of it I'd wear a suit of armour if it would help.
What I object to is ad's like these that compare women to fruits, vegetables, lollipops or pieces of meat left out in the back yard. It's insulting and degrading and for the umpteenth time, takes the responsibility off of men to control themselves. IF ads like these do anything at all it's not encouraging purity or what have you, but rather reinforcing the idea that it's ok to harass women who don't wear hijab.
Still think that it is up to the individual if SHE wants to wear it for religious reasons or not. She should NOT be forced to by anyone, including her husband. Religion is between the individual and their Maker, not husband, not father, etc.
Andrew...never thought of it that way..but guess it does happen...but I know too many folks that know who everyone is by the way they walk or carry themselves, so covering their face isn't going to help much!
Men...take responsibility for your own actions...if you respect women enough, don't stare!! Its almost like saying men can't help themselves lusting if someone walks by not covered. That pure ignorance...put the blame where it belongs...with the eye of the beholder, not the object of their personal lust. If a woman is beautiful, then she should be complimented, not harrassed...
I'm with Gypsy on the stop comparing us to fruits, veggies, lollipops and jewelry. Besides...jewlery is to wear, not store..it was purchased to be proudly worn, not socked away in some dark closet or safe..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
But sometimes it does make me feel bad about myself.. I am just not ready to start wearing hijaab.. But that does not mean I go around naked. I never reveal my legs or cleavage or back.. I usually just expose my arms, face and neck.. Is it really that bad? Just because I don't cover my face, would all men look at me as a piece of candy? Does hair make such a big difference? Does a woman's sexuality lie in her hair only? What about her yes, her voice, her smell, her walk, talk etc? Why so much emphasis on just covering the hair?
Labda,thanks for your response. And diet secrets!! I’m on one trying to fit into my cloths for my vacation. Already lost 3 kilos but 4 more still to go!!!
It’s the battle of my life, I simply LOVE food, is that a crime??....:))
nowadays, the hijab is no more symbol of purity....most of women covered are doing what the uncovered women don't do. so what Gypsy said is correct....
Les hypocrites,comme les abeilles,ont le miel à la bouche et l'aiguillon caché...
I liked most of the paragraphs of your post, except for this accusation:
{And from another side : I asked some people who used to harras girls, how do they feel if they met a scarved girl ? their answer was : "it is shame on us if we tried to harras such girls, if she accept to be harrased she wouldn't cover her body".}
I know many Muslim girls without Hijab and not looking for any single bit of harassment and wont allow it either. And they don’t regard admiring looks towards them as proof of their attractiveness.
I also know many Non-Muslim westerners (not necessarily religious) who wont allow this (men and women). They’re not seeking attention.
I know Egyptian Copts who will beat a guy up for starring at their girls.
Hijab is not for everywoman. Not every woman is a Muslim either.
Jewels, vegetables, lollipops, etc. All things to be bought and sold. Women are not objects, we are people with our own thoughts and feelings, our beauty is OURS to do with as we please, not our husbands or our families, and I will be respected for my words and actions NOT because of what I wear.
Happy Happy, good we've kissed and made up. Nah, I have not taken offense and yes I would like to lighten up, know any diet secrets? But seriously - I was merely responding to your post. Nothing more.
Mr. Paul, are we filling into those D cups yet? Leave my bloomers alone.
janeyjaney, I'll wear mine if you wear yours :P
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
Hijab is an indicator of purity... but it doesn't mean that not scarved women are bad, I believe that deeply..... it is just like a man with beard in our countries, it should indicate that he is trying to live according to prophet's way... but nowadays it doesn't indicate alot ... cos many men without beard are much better than many of those have beards ...
This made a corruption in people's vision about such symbols ( hijab or beard... ), so I hope to make people do the both... the appearing symbols, & the deep meanings, cos one of them is not enough in my opinion.
ok , I told you that I'm full of respect to women here & there, but I believe that women should keep her beauty to protect herself against error... for example : when we become a world of "bodies", we can expect that women would not be respscted if she hasn't any beauty... or when she is old & lose her beauty!
media plays a very awful role to make people love & respect the "body" of women, regardless of her real ideals. So, young ladies can have a lot of respect but when she is older no body care her...as I heard about an old woman died in her home and nobody knew about her till her smell spread in their neighbourhood !
isn't that the real humilation for woman ? ? ?!
will you be satisfied if somebody respect you just for your money, & then if you lose your mony he wouldn't care you at all ??! I don't think that at all... cos this respect would be for your money, not for your own self. .. . .. & that will be shame on humanity if we lived this way.
So, Allah told every woman to keep her beauty for her husband & her close relatives such as father, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, and other women. That makes people not to look at her body to decide would they respect her or not.
And from another side : I asked some people who used to harras girls, how do they feel if they met a scarved girl ? their answer was : "it is shame on us if we tried to harras such girls, if she accept to be harrased she wouldn't cover her body"
I have also another example : if you look to the most expensive jewels, they are hidden & well-protected in showrooms, unlike vegetables or any cheap goods.
you also can see that in Nature : pearls are found in deep seas...in special oysters.
And gold is found under ground, unlike dust & sands which you can see everywhere...
It was just an example to show you why I believe that woman's beauty shall be well-protected.
If we understand that, we wouldn't find women in TV advertisment to show men-shoes ! it is very awful in my opinion to use her beauty to propagate shoes ! I don't know how her dignity will become?! ...sorry of these words, but my respect to her humanity makes me feel sad.
Finally, hijab doesn't mean to drop Freedom or liberty... you may feel very free with your hijab, because hijab is found to control others' freedom against you, not to control your freedom in your life ( ;
I took a lot of your time, & it is time to stop writing in my opinion...
There is major mix between traditions and religion in many parts of the world. Parts of the Gulf and some rural areas in the Arab world are counted in for that.
Anyway, I don’t bother myself wasting time judging others by what they are wearing or not. None of my business anyway.
I hate to burst the bubble about the young girls that cover, but...
According to most of my Qatari male friends, many of the younger Qataris who chose to cover do so in order to conceal their identity in public in case they run into guys who they have previously 'known' (biblically speaking).
It's especially common for new wives to begin covering their face to avoid embarrassing their husband when she gets knowing looks from men who have seen her hair (not the stuff on her head).
wonder how many muslim WOMEN have the same attitude toward the nicab as the men??? And those they are so dang HOT!!! I think the men should have to wear them too, just for equality sake...see what its like.
As far as naked women catching men's eye....yep it would but honestly...if you(a guy) were with your lady and she comes out stark naked or in a sexy lingerie that you have to use a bit of your imagination to remove, which would you prefer??? Imagination is such a wonderful thing, so why waste it?? Same can be said to those that said the nicab is sexy...and creates more interest than it repels...also...the amount of makeup that is used behind the veil on the eyes..isn't that drawing attention to what's supposed to be covered??
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Happy Happy I dont recall putting words in your mouth and Im really not interested in getting into a fight today...its my day off. Otherwise I concur with everything else you've said.
tallg, wouldnt you like to know?! :P Well, lets just say they're not bloomers. Oh lawdy, bad memories of days gone by.
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
I play tennis and know what you're talking about. My (male) coach, too, always encourages me to wear a fitting attire, not necessarily a skirt though, and I do. Never called a pervert, I always call him a professional player. So, don't put words into my mouth.
I'm into sports, including swimming, and understand attire influence even head hair impact on swimming contestants.
As for homos, you're right, I meant it the other way around. Not a biggy though.
No Tigasin, I don't come out because I can't read a map. I only just worked out how to get to my office in less than 1 hour.
Seriously, quit with all the smart jokes. You'll give people the wrong idea, like that I'm not really Australian.
I'd love to come out for a drink. As long as Tallg wears shorts. Apparently it's a sight to behold. And I like a bit of uncovered meat. What man doesn't? As a male, I can't control myself, and don't think that it's reasonable to expect that I can. Instead, everyone else should cover up for my benefit.
I did leave Qatar, briefly (long story involving the word 'Qatarization - remember when we were all assured that no one would lose their job because of Qatarization??). But I'm back. (With a vengeance.)
Welcome back man, I thought that you had left Qatar. Come join us again for a night out. That might even get Tallg to come out. He never comes out because he is too smart to hang out with dummies like me and Mr Paul and the other idiots who hang together.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
There are actually reasons why those tennis skirts are so short...sure part of it is the sex appeal and creating a buzz for womens tennis but the attire you wear also affects your performance. Just as you are taught to grip the racket in a certain way to improve technique, so are shirts, skirts, shoes and rackets carefully chosen. I mean Nike, Addidas and all do not spend millions on research for sports attire for nothing.
I wear my skirts here to the courts, and Im encouraged to do so by my coach. And no, he's not a perv. :)
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
I've never been spoken about behind my back so much. Well, I have, but usually it wasn't in reference to my alleged intelligence. I'm Australian, so I'm good a b*llsh1tting. I'm actually as thick as two planks, but pretend to be otherwise.
Tigasin, the reason I don't post so much is that you (and Tallg and Gypsy) beat me to all the witty, pithy and intelligent observations long before I get a chance.
Since I'm not posting again, I have a questions for Happy Happy:
You say " Simultaneously it is very controversial, because it assumes that men (and homos for that matter!!!) are not to blame for their animalistic wild desire. " Last time I checked, homos were men.
I forgot that all the Brits that are not English hate the English. Its very confusing for us Yanks because we just love all you British people even though we accidentally shoot you when you help us in wars. We're just not very good shots.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
You should've said it was part of England if you wanted a reaction! The Welsh have a close affiliation with the other celtic nations, largely because we all hate the English.
When some guys want to show off their pretty abs, they take off their t-shirts and walk around like Mr. no more prettier than me on earth.
Wearing less is certainly more eye catching. I could wear Hijab and act like a cheap ..... So, again it’s a package of values dressing along with attitude.
Moms in the west are worried about their teenage girls because they dress less. Cheerleaders are under scrutiny because their dresses are super scanty.
Even top tennis women players, they are being questioned about why every year they dress less.
tig - I am both flattered and insulted. You managed to call me the smartest guy in the world AND compare me to an Australian in one comment! Good going.
The arrogant and self-confident nature of my posts may make me appear both smart and Australian (if that's not too much of an oxymoron), but I am in fact neither.
Yikes! 29 posts since I last checked! Ya sorry guys I'm a bit busy today, it's the end of the month and crunch time. :P
Doesn't help that the Qatar Government has banned entertainment for Ramadan, so I hope everyone enjoys quiet Ramadan tents.
Thexonic, you are free to post whatever you'd like, and I'm not offended in the slightest (by you anyway :P) I just like to make my opinion heard cause I'm a loud mouth Beeatch. :P
There used to be a guy who posted on QL called Andrew11234536243511221 who was the smartest guy in the world. I mean this guy knew everything, then he kind of disappeared and then you started posting. Thing is, you are very similar to him. At first I thought that the two of you were the same.
But then I remembered that I met Andrew12214443412286 at the Ritz bar once and he was Australian and only about my height. Then I remembered that I met you and that you are 8 feet tall and come from the part of Scotland called Wales. Is it possible that you guys are cousins?
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
When girls have a Saturday night out at the bar, looking for fun, they wear very revealing cloths. Wearing a bit of sleeves or even high neckline would make some guys less attracted, because decently dressed girls are not screaming out “you’re invited”.
The point of the ad is rightly made. Simultaneously it is very controversial, because it assumes that men (and homos for that matter!!!) are not to blame for their animalistic wild desire. Well, their private parts should be cut off for looking and wanting what does not belong to them.
I have to maintain that Hijab is not a piece of cloth on the head. It is a moral immunity shield MEN and WOMEN should have on to guard virtues and not promote profanity.
I'd like to see similar "Hijab" ads of sweet muscular guys with way too low drop-down pants with half of their behind (and what have you)exposed. Some women have no control over themselves and may buzz around those fellas (like flies or even bees with a sting).
Also, “cover up” is very relative. Wearing cropped pants in some countries is a head- turner, while in other countries it’s boring decent.
I want to leave you with one question please. I lock my car every time I get off to protect my property against “thief flies”. Is it because my car is pretty or is it because some are greedy criminals?
You are right. I would like to be stretched out a bit. Who cares if Gypsy is insulted? She is a friend of mine too but I don't care and I bet she doesn't either. Gypsy is a tough chick not a boohoo cry baby.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
come on xonic ... as tallg said ... this is an ad. Nothing more nothing less. Whatever people posted on here only a matter of opinion. Everyone cant agree to everybody opinion. Why do you think war happened?
So what if people think you are hypocrite (spelling?), they can think what they think ... they can talk what they want to talk. I couldnt give rat arse ... (pardon the pun). Don't be too sensitive ...
Alot do agree, but I dont agree with it 100% and it caused alot of chaos, people actually thought I was referring to women as lollipops and men as flies... the flies would've been other lesbian women, but now they had to be men lol.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Novita, I dont want to wake up and see massive destruction. Already people came up to a conclusion that I am a hypocrite... had enough of these false accusation. But next time if anyone posts some bull shyt, I wont let that go easy.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
You need to beef up a little buddy. I think you look fine in shorts but you should try and build a little muscle on those legs of yours. Chicks dig a well shaped calf muscle, or so I am told.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Oryx - at 6'7" it's impossible for me to pull off cute, but I do tend to wear shorts when I'm out and about (below the knee ones, of course). Does this make me a tw*t?
Gypsy I agree to disagree, u do have a valid point. I on the other hand think that I am not wrong either, either woman is to get equal attention.
But this ad is limited to muslim women and according to islam a woman must cover herself in a modest way. Now the people you have mentioned who get aroused on a woman who wears a hijab, then those people are twisted in their heads. There's nothing erotic about a woman in hijab.
There's a reason why Hijab is wajib in islam.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
That's not true at all thexonic, a woman walking around half-naked is likely to get stared at less as people are embarrassed to be caught staring at her.
And that's beside the point, the point is that this ad is trying to enforce women to conform to this unrealistic ideal of purity, rather then be herself. If a woman wants to wear a mini skirt she should be allowed to without being made to feel bad about herself, ditto if she chooses to wear niqab. Once again, why aren't there ads like this out aimed at men?
I'll tell u what I believe in, I dont believe in this picture and I dont believe in half naked women. I believe in women dressed up modestly and in a decent fashion. Something that doesnt get alot of attention in both extremes, sexual or terrorist manner, thats my conclusion, I am neutral.
Just cuz I shared this picture, doesnt mean I believe in the message it gives.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Gypsy I mentioned earlier aswell, that Hijab is there for men too and its harder than the hijab for women. Men aernt allowed to even glance at women who dont cover their hair.
All these things used to have a values a few years back, in 21st centuries u will find lesbians wearing the extremest hijab and the horniest man on earth would be gay and an Imam could be a rapist... its the 21st century who knows what things would surprise us. Technically if you think about it, A woman walking down a street who's covered up properly even if she's not wearing hijab, there is a chance that she will get less attention than a woman who'd walk half naked. The men who look at that half naked woman twice, will be punished twice as much as a woman who walks half naked on the street, just for glancing at her in a lustful manner.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Thexonic Hijab DOES NOT protect women, it makes no difference whether you wear one or not. So also this is insulting because it's false information. It's just trying to force women to conform to mens ideals.
Oryx, this has nothing to do with women being lollipops and men being flies. It just gives an example which expresses that hijab actually protects the women. Not that women are opressed or men are flies. As a matter of fact, a pure muslim women considers hijab as her pride not as a sign of opression.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Thexonic Hijab is not just wearing clothes, it's implying that if you don't cover your hair and every part of yourself (not even wear a t-shirt) then you're leaving yourself open to every man that passes by. It's horribly insulting, because once again it treats women like objects rather then people, and it takes the onnous off men to behave themselves. You don't see ads like this saying men should cover themselves do you?
If you can't see how this is insulting to women, then I'm sorry, you obviously have the wrong view of what a woman is.
Gypsy calm down please, thats what the arabic text says. Now look at it this way, whom would majority of guys look at with lust? a woman who's wearing clothes or a woman who's naked? look at the facts...
If u feel insulted for a valid reason I'll take this thread off right now.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
only begins when some one doesnt agree. while she is trying to find out whats this all about. READ up clearly she asked to translate whats written in arabic on that image.
lol thexonic, I don't have the time nor inclination to argue about anything, not my style. This is discussion not argument, thats what we're all here for isn't it?
if the hijab is meant to discourage men's interest than that does not work with me.. i find some of the covered ladies i see around doha soooo attractive! having said that, its not that i go and chat them up... i'm sure most men have more self-control than a fly, or am i wrong?? hehehe
**The Owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk - Hegel**
oh yea Personal Experience its the women in Hijab filthy not the one with out Hijab.I have lived in Ksa i have seen i have lived in UAE i have seen and even HERE. So dont be so proud of a woman with Hijab.
and Thexonic i said not messing with any Group member Supernurse.
thexonic errr forgive me for not understanding the original concept of QL but one posts to create discussion......non? no I won't leave, I like discussion.....
Actually thexonic I'm quite fine right now as I realize that the ad is much more insulting to Muslim men. Persoanlly I'd rather not be compared to a pest.
Gypsy: I don't see how an example could be insulting. This picture has nothing to do with women, but the idea of hijab. Now if you think that I am comparing a woman with a lollipop... think about what you are saying once again. U are smarter than that.
Supernurse, I didn't post it to spark up a discussion, I posted it cuz it was interesting to me and alot of people do agree with the ideology of this ad. If you dont like it then you can leave.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Actually there's a way you can look at this: Hijab is important to Islam because Muslim men have the intelligence and urge control of flies/ Muslim men are pests.
thexonic, did you or did you not post it to spark discussion, you got it and you are asking us to 'quit tripping' (boyakasha...staines posse...)???????
The fact that you say cover up or you'll be harrassed because you're no more then a piece of candy is degrading and insulting britexpat. As is always the case with Hijab it takes the need for control off the man and places it firmly on the female. IF she should find herself attracting flies it's her fault, not the men for being unable to control themselves.
ok so if you cover you don't attract males.....ok.....nothing to do with having a face like a slapped arse that only a well buffed hairdo could possibly salvage then?
I'm afraid I don't really understand it, and I can't read arabic either...can someone translate what it says please.......something derogatory to infidel females no doubt...
Unbelievable mind, i have known some women wearing a hijab? worst & more mysterious one i don't care it's their life...just being nuetral on this thread issue.
Doesn't matter for the hijab what matter most for itself.
hmmmm it took me awhile to get that (slow morning)...but I disagree with that theory. I find the more mysterious (and covered up) ones draw the more flies. And Im sure a lotta men are very curious about these women.
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
eerrr a lollipop with flies and one without?Eh? Ok, so if we interpret that, those that wear the hijab aren't bothered by flies round there head but those that don't (God forbid) will be eternally hassled by flies........
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Hi Alexa i really don`t find any wrong with what Man Scope said MARY is a very highly respectable woman in ISLAM ,and she was pregnant by the will of GOD not joseph ;if some minds can only recognize that the only way GOD can create a baby is from a marriage of a man and a woman ignoring God`s will then it`s these minds problem.
Maryam--Surah 19. 16-40
[19.16] And mention in the Book, Mary, how she withdrew from her people to an eastern place and she took a veil apart from them.
[19.17] We sent to her Our Spirit (Gabriel) in the resemblance of a perfect human.
[19.18] (And when she saw him) she said: 'I take refuge in the Merciful from you! If you are fearful.
[19.19] 'I am the Messenger of your Lord,' he replied, 'and have come to give you a pure boy.'
[19.20] 'How shall I bear a son,' she answered, 'when I am not touched by a human and not unchaste'
[19.21] Even so he replied, as such your Lord has said: Easy it is for Me. And We shall make him a sign to mankind and a mercy from Us. It is a matter decreed.
[19.22] Thereupon she carried him, and retired to a far- off place.
[19.23] And when the birth-pangs came upon her by the trunk of a palm-tree, she said: 'Oh, would that I had died before this and become a thing forgotten!'
[19.24] He called from below to her: 'Do not sorrow, look, your Lord has provided a rivulet below you,
[19.25] and shake the trunk of this palm-tree it will drop fresh ripe dates upon you.
[19.26] Therefore eat and drink and rejoice with your eyes. If you meet any human say to him: "I have vowed a fast to the Merciful and will not speak with anyone today."'
[19.27] She came to her nation, carrying him; and they said: 'O Mary, you have committed a monstrous thing.
[19.28] O sister of Aaron, your father was never an evil man, nor was your mother unchaste.'
[19.29] So she pointed to him (Prophet Jesus). But they replied: 'How can we speak with a baby in the cradle?'
[19.30] He (the baby) said: 'I am the worshiper of Allah. Allah has given me the Book and made me a Prophet.
[19.31] He made me to be blessed wherever I am, and He has charged me with prayer and charity for as long as I shall live.
[19.32] (He has made me) kind to my mother; He has not made me arrogant, unprosperous.
[19.33] Peace be upon me on the day I was born, and on the day I die; and on the day when I shall be raised up alive.'
[19.34] Such was (Prophet) Jesus, the son of Mary. A saying of truth, concerning what they doubt.
[19.35] It is not for Allah to take a son! Exaltations to Him! When He decrees a thing He only says: 'Be,' and it is.
[19.36] Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord therefore worship Him. That is the Straight Path.
[19.37] But the parties have fallen into variance among themselves, then woe to those who disbelieve for the scene of a Dreadful Day.
[19.38] How well they will hear and see on the Day when they come before Us! The evil-doers are today in clear error.
[19.39] Warn them of that Day of Anguish, when the matter is determined whilst heedlessly they disbelieve.
[19.40] For We shall inherit the earth and all that are on it. To Us, they shall return.
Hey Scarlett, u r into this discussion... interesting :D
(Lebanon A piece of Heaven on Earth)
Hi to all... I were so happy when we discussed this issue, but it's awful in my eyes to turn it to religious clashes... ammm, I believe we can say anything we want,but not anyway we want....i.e we still need to talk more friendly & respectfully.
"Free Expression shouldn't insult others"
Life is sweet ( :
You can watch this also and compare
You can watch this video
why the Hijab is important
it will on one issue, and i certainly hope not on the other!! Somewhere out there is the right person for you..it will happen.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
its promoted by no one... it just happens..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
and know that disease is never the result of a religion..its called micro organisms.
and what you think is stupid isn't to others...its just that its a different viewpoint than yours...but if you take offense to a differing viewpoint, then you'll have a very tough time in life.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Thanks for this nice topic
pand I say for some gue please if you don't know about islam so don't talk and write some Stupid things just to take point or other reson !!!
You can also read what he said after senior Christianity spread of diseases and AIDS in their country and how laud Islam and Hijab.
Christianity isn't the reason for the spread of diseases and AIDS...talk about ignorance..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Please if you don't know about islam so don't talk and write some Stupid things just to take point or other reson !!!
You can also read what he said after senior Christianity spread of diseases and AIDS in their country and how laud Islam and Hijab.
Gypsy, I love u too :D--------
wow this thread is still goin on... lol
Wow, you know the more religious texts people quote at me the more I see why I think it's such a load of utter bollocks.
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Hi all,
Hi Gypsy ;u post a reply to my comment which i was say in it that hijab,veil is also mentioned in bible as a must for women i read ur post but before going for reply i would like to remind all u people that hijab is a must but niqab is a custom nd also want to remind some people here that as we must respect other religion we must also respect others customs specially if u r coming to their country for ur own benefit and u like it or not u have to respect neqab if u work in QATAR as u must respect nudity day if u work in DENMARK.
Let`s start Gypsy why in ur post u leave us only the verse no# and continuing on expaling it ur way with all my respect to ur creative brain i think people need to c the verse and try to understand it by their brain.
otherwise i don`t have much to tell except leaving u these verses in both language English and Arabic:-
1 Corinthians 11
Bible in Basic English
1 So take me for your example, even as I take Christ for mine.2 Now I am pleased to see that you keep me in memory in all things, and that you give attention to the teaching which was handed down from me to you. 3 But it is important for you to keep this fact in mind, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. 4 Every man who takes part in prayer, or gives teaching as a prophet, with his head covered, puts shame on his head. 5 But every woman who does so with her head unveiled, puts shame on her head: for it is the same as if her hair was cut off. 6 For if a woman is not veiled, let her hair be cut off; but if it is a shame to a woman to have her hair cut off, let her be veiled. 7 For it is not right for a man to have his head covered, because he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. 8 For the man did not come from the woman, but the woman from the man. 9 And the man was not made for the woman, but the woman for the man.
1 Corinthians 11 Arabic: Smith & Van Dyke
1 كونوا متمثلين بي كما انا ايضا بالمسيح2 فامدحكم ايها الاخوة على انكم تذكرونني في كل شيء وتحفظون التعاليم كما سلمتها اليكم. 3 ولكن اريد ان تعلموا ان راس كل رجل هو المسيح. واما راس المرأة فهو الرجل. وراس المسيح هو الله. 4 كل رجل يصلّي او يتنبأ وله على راسه شيء يشين راسه. 5 واما كل امرأة تصلّي او تتنبأ وراسها غير مغطى فتشين راسها لانها والمحلوقة شيء واحد بعينه. 6 اذ المرأة ان كانت لا تتغطى فليقص شعرها. وان كان قبيحا بالمرأة ان تقص او تحلق فلتتغط. 7 فان الرجل لا ينبغي ان يغطي راسه لكونه صورة الله ومجده. واما المرأة فهي مجد الرجل. 8 لان الرجل ليس من المرأة بل المرأة من الرجل
Beside the subject veil does anybody get any other subject from these verses.
I` ll give u the key EQUALITY
Huh .. still on?????
Give it a break guys .. Its thursday..!! CHEERS
It Takes 72 Muscles to Frown...And Only 14 To Smile.
: ) Keep Smiling : )
Dammit why did we all have to start talking about hijab again, Happy Happy and Doctora were talking about Freej! I love Freej, I have all the DVDs with English subtitles. It's such a good show.
Hunk there's a thousand and one reasons why nuns cover there hair (although most sects no longer do) the main reason was because when the idea of nuns first started it was CUSTOM (not religious law, custom) for girls who were too young to marry and widows to cover their hair. Showing your hair was a sign of being married or ready for marriage. Nuns, not being allowed to marry, simply covered their hair as a "badge" of their office, same as monks shaved their head in a tonsure and wore robes.
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I was surprised before [when i still got some hair up there] how the flies and the bees would chase my head because of some kind of Jell I was putting on my hair :D
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
the ad that started this whole "discussion" is geared towards "muslim women" so why all non muslim getting so edgy? what ever our reasons might be, let it be an obligation, prefrence or stayign away from getting raped, we are OK with that. I don't think we need to explain or work so hard to make it "sound ok" to anyone. every women wants to look beautiful, every women enjoys when the opposite sex look at them and appriciate thier beauty, even a MUSLIM women enjoys that, but we are more stronger, as we like to please our Lord rather than our desires, and we are much more liberal as we dont let the worldy negativity towards us holds us back. And I dont know how this whole rape issue came about, because all Hijab stands for is "modesty" and a rapist will be a rapist, he/she will not spare a women or a child covered or not covered.
as i said before, most women in arab world wear hijab because its part of thier national costume, its thier culture, it has nothing to do with how strogn their fait is, thats why you come across with some on the plain who takes it off as soon as the plain takes off, and thats why some of you'll see slutty hijabans too, kills teh purspose of hijab when you are wearing skin tight clothes and a piece of cloth wrapped around you head..so just like in any religion there are goods and there are bads and the sad reality is that the actions of the bad ones makes it hard for the good ones. Once again Salute to all my "good" Hijabi sisters, and may Allah make me just as strong and liberal as you so one day I can be called hijaban too :)
Hunk nowhere in the Bible does it tell us to cover our hair.
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gypsys I thought u dont read bible...at last u did it.. its a breakthrough.but why you failed to re read the verses below? copy paste from aeamin. what then is the basis for the nuns to cover their hair? let says mother theresa?
1 Corinthians 11:5)
--Darby Bible--
"But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered puts her own head to shame; for it is one and the same as a shaved woman."
--Bible in Basic English--
"But every woman who does so with her head unveiled, puts shame on her head: for it is the same as if her hair was cut off."
(1 Corinthians 11:6)
--Darby Bible--
"For if a woman is not veiled, let her hair be cut off; but if it is a shame to a woman to have her hair cut off, let her be veiled."
--Bible in Basic English--
"For if a woman is not veiled, let her also be shorn: but if it is a shame to a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be veiled."
"Born optimist nothing can keep me too low for so long"
i love umm khammas and the other Gals, i hope they air it this Ramadan
The bibles asks Christian women to cover their hair when praying ... you see it in church during service, the reason how I understand it is that A woman's hair is like her crown and represents her pride and when appearing in the presence of the Lord king of Kings she has to cover her crown ... it is modesty and respect to the king and his crown
Hope this explains things better in relation to the discussion
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".
Alright, I'll re-visit and let you know.
ummm and very nice pic up there " Mrs. Umm Khammas"..:)))
happy no, not the gloomy ones but there are other ones , very happy ones
the one with bride and the other with the guy who plays with his friends
Yeah, I've seen the ones on MBC. They are so dramatic and do make me unhappy! They’re very gloomy. These are the ones that show death and all that, right?
Cannot we associate this beautiful time allocated to connect with Allah with something spiritually wise and cheerful?. Why do we always have to use the stick and not the carrot as the ultimate resort?
Unfortunately, "fear" does not work with some hard-headed girl like myself. This approach turns me away.
happy happy, yeah i don't like the ones in Qatar TV as well, i don't get what is the meaning behind them, i'll watch them again and i'll tell you
but i liked the ones on mbc, i don't know if you know them, there were several ones, talking about doing your prayers.
Why does it matter what other people wear in other parts of the world????
Really the only thing that really grinds my gears is when "other" people come into another country and try to change the way!!!
Expats do not come over and demand others to stop covering up and it should also be the other way round but it NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t like the message sent out through the short movies they air right before prayer time on Qatar TV.
What do you think of them?
The whole point of a discussion is to be able to put your point across!!!!
I do side with gypsy on some points though!
What kind of fu&&&ked up veil do you want me to wear salax?
Happy happy, it get's confusing, to me the veil is niqab, and hijab, shayla or head scarf are the same thing.
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Genesis said This ad was made by Egyptians for Egyptians. It is even written in Egyptian dialect. There is a political motive behind it. An article at Newsweek highlight the caltural change
I think the Egyptian dialect is the most understood dialect in all arab countries, and this ad was on a satallite channel i watched it once ( i can't remember which channel now) SO it was for all muslim women out there
it has nothing to do about egypt or politics
haven't you seen the ads about (Praying ) on mbc ????????????????????? are they only for saudi since mbc is a saudi owned channel????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
newsweek did not talk about the ad by the way
the article was anti saudi and anti islam
Veil, Hijab and Hair/Head Cover are used interchangeably by Arabs when they speak English. I for one like the "hair cover" term. It's easy to grasp.
Ramadan Karim
Oh well Jeez Woman don't use the word veil than! When I hear veil I think Niqab! LOL
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Gypsy are you mad? of coarse i'm not wearing any veil in front of my face, i hate the NIQAB, it has nothing to do with islam, that's why I don't like Saudi arabia that much, cause whenever i'm there, someone from (religion police) or whatever they call them will say to me cover your face, i would replay to him : why are you looking at me in the first place. LOL
Flies love sugar I dont think any ladies would use sugar based makeup
Owen hahahaha, yea u see, I couldn't have done without gypsy. Now if this was my business I would've been filthy rich by now :P
Doctora do you want me to go on Islam online and find where it's says you don't have to wear a veil in front of your face? I can do that if you'd like.
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Gypsy I think I do have to wear one dear
hehehehe..thexonic.. very nice and clever of you.. see what page your thread is now?..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
I'm replying to Hunk, and you don't have to wear one either.
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Gypsy we know that you don't have to wear a veil, lighten up
it's only for us
In fact:
What Does the Bible Say About Head Coverings?
Are Christian woman supposed to cover their heads? What does the Bible say about it? Well, when I searched the KJV Bible via BibleGateway.com, I found instances where head covering was for evil purposes, such harlotry, hiding from God, or even vanity. I didn't find any place in the Bible where it commands women to cover their heads. Coverings were often used to separate people from God, but I find no mention of them being used to bring one closer to God.
The Old Testament does not command women to cover their heads. It was just a custom of the day. If you search on BibleGateway.com under the words "head" and "cover," you'll only see relevant verses in 1 Cor. 11, where Paul was expounding on the fact that he knows it was a custom for women to cover their heads, but the Church has no such custom.
What about women wearing handkerchiefs on their heads, as many do today?
The only place the Bible mentions women wearing handkerchiefs on their heads is in Ezekiel 13:18-23, where it is mentioned with a very negative connotation, and the women wearing the hankies on their heads were cursed, and called "vain."
Some women cover their heads with a vail/veil. What does the Bible say about that? Under the spelling 'veil,' the Bible describes them being used to keep one away from God (see 2 Cor. 3:13), and such veils were being torn away, to give us free access to the Lord through Jesus Christ (see Matt. 27:51).
What does the Bible say under the other spelling - 'vail?' It says that they were often a name for curtains (see Ex. 26:33). If a woman sat in public, covered in a vail, it was assumed she was a harlot (see Gen. 38:14). The vail was used to cover, or hide God's glory, such as when Moses wore a vail, because his face glowed so brightly from his encounter with God (see Ex. 34:33). However, when Moses spoke with God, he removed the vail (see Ex. 34:34). Vails were symbolic of one being blinded to the truth of Christ, and that vail is to be done away in Christ (see 2 Cor. 3:14). A vail is upon the hearts of those who try to follow the Old Testament laws, instead of embracing liberty in Christ (see 2 Cor. 3:15-16), but when the person turns to Christ as their only Saviour, and not the law, then that vail is taken off of their heart, and they are made free (see 2 Cor. 3:15-16).
A woman may cover herself with a vail for a wedding, or so that someone will not see what she looks like, or for shyness, but it is not mentioned being done specifically for religious reasons (see Gen. 24:65).
Where then, does the doctrine of covering one's head with a covering such as a handkerchief/scarf, or vail/veil come from? It comes from taking one scripture out of context:
"For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered." -1 Corinthians 11:6
Don't stop reading there, please. In 1 Corinthians 11:2-10, Paul is reviewing what the custom of that day was. It was not a law, but a custom. The custom of that day was that women were to cover their heads. This was never a commandment of God. It is nowhere commanded in the Old Testament that women are to cover their heads. The people in the church at Corinth wanted to know if women should continue to follow that custom. Paul was reviewing that custom in verses 2-10 - so now we know what that custom was. Then, he goes on to answer the question of if women need to follow that culture custom or not. He begins his answer with the word "nevertheless," in verse 11. He then explains that woman came from man, BUT, man also comes from woman. Just as Hebrews 3 and 4 tells us that Jesus is now our Sabbath rest, and that we no longer need to keep the Jewish Sabbath, Paul is telling us in this chapter (1 Corinthians 11) that women do not need to keep the custom of head covering - their long hair is their covering (see vs. 15).
Yet, Paul tells us that women and their husbands can decide if the woman should cover her head or not, it's up to them (see vs. 13). However, the woman's head-covering custom is not a required custom in the Christian church (see vs. 16).
To conclude, a woman covering her head is not a commandment of God. If she does so, she is simply following an old Jewish custom, which has been done away with. But alas, as Romans 14 teaches us, this is not a big issue, and not one we need to judge one another on. Romans 14 doesn't specifically talk about the issue of head covering, but it does speak of what food people eat, and what days they keep holy. These things are legalities or customs, just as head covering is, hence, I believe head covering to fall within the context as well.
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but woman of all ages and religion.. hijab is not confine to islam only..its tradition prescribed by our GOD(Muslim,jews and x'tian)to wear as protection frm the obvious and not obvious.See the verses mentioned by Aeamin above.
maybe you have all the reason to disagree on it but our creator prescribed this for you, you will not obey? though you give thanks for the good life you have but you ignore what he wanted you to be.
gypsys this applies also to you eventhough youre not believing him you remain accountable for that.
"Born optimist nothing can keep me too low for so long"
I, for one, know exactly why I don't wear a hajib. Its not part of my religion nor my culture. Plus..its too hot to wear one and if I want shade for the top of my head, I wear a hat with a brim.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Puglist: "It protects the women from perverted looks and harrasment from men" NO it doesn't, that's what we are trying to say.
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I am amazed that people still debate about hijab. It is something from Islam. It protects the women from perverted looks and harrasment from men and it gives them honor by displaying modesty. The list goes on and on. I find it strange that a man thinks he automatically has carte blanche to look at a female's body who is not his wife. But as soon as a man looks at his wife or daughter he becomes furious.Some western women find it strange and oppose it as well. That is simply because that is how they were raised.Likewise, practicing Muslim women find it strange to display themselves in front of strange men because that is what they were taught and how they were raised.Two ways of looking at it. Ironically, "most" Muslim women know "why" they wear hijab but, generally, non-muslim women don't know "why they don't".
never forget the old saying..
judge not lest ye be judged...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Far too much importance is placed on a piece of cloth.
3surehunk3r, What now? English please. BTW how is it going hiding your second wife from your first? So moral of you.
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Islamic thing makes gypsy sick...she can all the way use her slangs banging against it. she always plays the opposites.it attracts anyway so let be...but i hope one day you will be guided...
"Born optimist nothing can keep me too low for so long"
yes, put the blame where it belongs..still stands. Just because a woman wears a hajib doesn't protect her from rape..and that comes from the male side of the coin. I know what you were trying to say...and yes, the islam does say for men to avert their eyes, etc...but when something does happen (and yes, it DOES to covered women too...)who normally gets the blame? The woman. Reminds me way too much of the way things were back in the mid 1900s where if a woman was raped, it was blamed on her past, what she was wearing, where she was..everything but where it should have been..the rapist. The hajib is great if its an article of clothing that you CHOOSE to wear to express your religious beliefs or your culture, but please, please don't lead young women into the false belief that it will keep men from harrassing you, keep you from committing sins yourself, and certainly not from rape. That installs a false sense of security that can lead to very serious problems further down the line.
As far as keeping the jewels safe...they are just as safe either way...its all in how you approach life, not in what you wear. All you have to do is check out the statistics on women who look and act confident and self assured, and find that the rape stats on that are much lower than those that walk with their heads down and are insecure. In interviews with rapists, they stated that they would watch victims and leave those that looked like they would fight back..and take those that were meeker and unsure of themselves.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Hello everybody …
Gypsy, thanx 4 comments… I don't mean to compare women to fruits or vegetables, but it is a way of expression we use in Arabic language to clarify the idea, so please don't be sensitive of that words.
You asked how can Hijab be a symbol of purity while some veiled women are bad & some unveiled are good??? Simply that happening when bad people pretending to seem good, or when good people do not care about symbols at all ( I believe hijab is not a mere symbol, but deep meanings must take place nearby hijab).
Happy Happy ….thank you.. what I said about harassment is just what I hear about those men.. it doesn't mean that they are free to harass unveiled women, men also have their duty to control themselves.
Kareena 74 … You are welcomed in Qatar, & don't care about people bothering you by their eyes… but please let me correct a common misconception about hijab : hijab is not to cover the hair only, as you said that hair is not that great issue for men, but hijab means to hide attractive beauty because any sane one can understand that covering body is more prior than covering hair.
Scarlett … I agree with you, not to wear it by force, so I'm discussing the deep meanings of hijab, because I wish to CONVINCE, not to FORCE…
And when I talked about father & husband I didn't mean that they can force her, but I said that her beauty must be protected against men other than her husband, father, brother,son…etc, because you know … a brother cannot be sexuality attracted by her sister or mother or aunt, so he can see them with normal dress.
Dear Scarlett, " Put the blame where it belongs"…. Nice, so we should look for Islamic teaching as a WHOLE…islam didn't forget to order men to control their eyes & actions toward women, & because of being a "comprehensive religion" islam also ordained hijab for women, to be a complete legislation.
I know jewels are to be worn & not to be stored, but I think you keep your jewels safe against robbers.
Andrew…thanks dear, I do not mean that woman cannot be respected unless she wear hijab… for me, as a religious Muslim, I do respect all people, men or women, black or white… simply because they are PEOPLE.
What I mean is to condemn the nowadays world's vision toward women… the world must realize that woman is not a mere body, but she has a soul which must respected even if they cannot see her beauty.
I'm not meaning what you say about the West, coz we have worse examples in our Arab countries.
And about Muslim Countries, I'm sorry to tell you that there is no any single country now living according to the REAL Islam, even in Saudi or Iran, religion is shown there mostly as a "political hypocrisy", so please kindly be informed that ISLAM is NOT muslims… Islam is something different !!! & you can see that obviously if you have a deep look on Islam … & I'll be glad to have the pleasure of helping you discovering Islam, just tell me if ok.
Thanks everybody
Life is sweet ( :
I love that the guy who's going to take a second wife without telling his first one (one's that he's been DATING no less) is preaching to women about wearing hijab. :P What a moron.
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can I count on this, 3sure?
Oh really, is that so ?
alexa seems that you have personal problem with me, I dont want to keep it this way for long as we are muslim though i hope its just in a matter of opinion. I have a respect for woman or any one especially of your age, educated and computer literate which is something rare in the past, of course no computer yet at that time. what i mean forget our banging in the previous forum.
muslims dont keep personal grudge more than 3 days...
but any way i hope for you to wear hijab its a practice of a noble women in history...
"Born optimist nothing can keep me too low for so long"
But she'd only dance for me lol.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Belly dancers & actresses are not prostitutes! In fact Egyptian belly dancer Dina has a collage degree.
As I mention in my previous post, the ad has an agenda behind it that’s limited to Egypt (and the comment is in local Egyptian dialect).
I don’t understand why did this turn into an East Vs. West thread.
It's not only men would, even lesbians :D
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
why not forgive the guy who posted it if you don't agree with him. whats this hue and cry?
Men are not flies if they don't have the wings of desire and women are not lollipops if they don't have that honey on their lips which the men love to suck(Isn't it their asset, anyway?). so its all natural and covering up is a natural way to prevent seducing.
You cann't avoid intercourse so use condome! its as simple as that
to discuss Hijab? How low are you, couldnt you find any graceful, modest, educated person?
It seems that every post supporting this ad says the same thing. They are justifying mens leering at women who don't wear hijab. I'm not Muslim, I'm not going to cover my hair, does this mean I should be leered at?? According to most of you, yes it does.
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This ad was made by Egyptians for Egyptians. It is even written in Egyptian dialect. There is a political motive behind it. An article at Newsweek highlight the caltural change
"Egyptians deplore what they call the Saudization of their culture. Egypt has long dominated the performing arts from Morocco to Iraq, but now petrodollar-flush Saudi investors are buying up the contracts of singers and actors, reshaping the TV and film industries and setting a media agenda rooted more in strict Saudi values than in those of freewheeling Egypt. "As far as I'm concerned, this is the biggest problem in the Middle East right now," says mobile-phone billionaire Naquib Sawiris. "Egypt was always very liberal, very secular and very modern. Now ..." He gestures from the window of his 26th-floor Cairo office: "I'm looking at my country, and it's not my country any longer. I feel like an alien here."
Good morning Mr. Paul
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
on here seem to think that a piece of cloth will stop a rapist, and that cos "westerners" dont wear a ninja suit, they are allowing themselves to be raped or leered over.
Its about choice, to wear it, or not to wear it.NOT been forced to wear it.
hi all u people ,i won`t talk about the ad of flies cause every one has the right to express his thoughts as long he doesn`t offend others and this ad not offending anyone it`s just trying to tell somthing to muslims women.
I just want to ask u why u always insists on blaming Islam on anything previously pork then alcohols now it`s hijab!!!!!!!
ok first of all for pork and alcohols u can check my posts at: Why Pork is forbidden in Islam.
now for hijab first of all u must know that hijab means covering women`s hair (I KNOW U KNOW IT ;JUST REMIND U);and again for muslims they know it`s a must and every reel muslim girl doesn`t wear hijab she know that she is doing somthing forbidden in islam ,but for non muslims specialy for christians i feel like u don`t read much in ur Bible ok as usual i won`t explain i` ll leave it to u let`s see:
(1 Corinthians 11:5)
--Darby Bible--
"But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered puts her own head to shame; for it is one and the same as a shaved woman."
--Bible in Basic English--
"But every woman who does so with her head unveiled, puts shame on her head: for it is the same as if her hair was cut off."
(1 Corinthians 11:6)
--Darby Bible--
"For if a woman is not veiled, let her hair be cut off; but if it is a shame to a woman to have her hair cut off, let her be veiled."
--Bible in Basic English--
"For if a woman is not veiled, let her also be shorn: but if it is a shame to a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be veiled."
So please keep ur valuable Analysis for urself no muslim need it and believe me any real muslim read these posts he get in his mind this surah:-
Surah 109. Al-Kafirun
1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!
2. I worship not that which ye worship,
3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6. To you be your Way, and to me mine.
Waiting for ur valuable replies.
novi.. yes we did...
did you guys went to the shisha ?
no idea at all..
Harsha, thats what pissed me off too, I dont know why we canceled from Grand Cafe...
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
xonic... i am alrite.. i wasnt depressed.. its just that the damn ac wasnt workin..
Harsha, lol allrite, u looked a little depressed today, r u allrite?
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
xonic.. i reached almost half hour back.. lol..
Harsha, u reached home early :P
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
I can't believe an ad about hijab is the source of so many contradictory opinions. In my opinion, everybody's free to do whatever he whises, to say whatever he thinks and wear whatever he wants. Simple as that! Only God can judge us all, no man should tell another man how to live his life.
Ah, and by the way, I do wear the hijab. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I hate it because it makes me feel uncomfortable and look older, but wearing it was my own choice, nobody forced me into it and I don't regret it. Oh, and I don't see it as the biggest act of faith that a woman can make, there are other things more important to a muslim woman.
And just have to say that the only thing I liked about this ad is that women are sweet candy and men are flies. lol, no ofense guys!
well. i cant read arabic.. but d pictures tell d whole thing.. lol..
alexa you only want to please your friends but not your Lord....the One who sets the proper way of living....
"Born optimist nothing can keep me too low for so long"
Tradition or culture maybe but for me, woman in hijab is more dignified, chase and respectable.
and its worth to keep and impose.
the beauty within..not physical but the patience, the self control and obedience.it is the manifestation.. Mashaallah!
"Born optimist nothing can keep me too low for so long"
so from this picture what Xonic is trying to say is that men are like flies that like to suck on lollipops :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Believe me, i know from experience.
Mr Paul
if they wear it by force then how come they take it off when they travel with their parents, brothers or husbands. believe me I know from experience
these people are what you would call "modern"...
hijab represents a step toward freedom from being judged by the looks rather than the intellect.
i reallly loved it..its da best way 2 describe dis point.....its simple n meaninfull.....
Alexa, i mentioned earlier it goes both ways, this picture represents hijab not women. There is hijab for men aswell and the punishment for not doing it is twice as harsh. For men its not the covering head part but covering the eyes or turning the eyes away part that is the hijab. If a muslim guy stares at a mulsim girl who doesnt wear a hijab, he gets double the punishment of the woman whom he's staring at and if he stares at a woman who wears hijab, then i guess he'll burn in hell forever. I'll post an article about hijab for men next time.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
off to the shower before the QAWS meeting...Mr Paul..too bad you aren't here to attend...I could send you back to Bahrain with a kitten or two, or three...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Mr Paul because simply they are not veiled, like many other muslim women in other countries who don't wear any hijab, the difference here is they wear the abaya for traditional reasons just like the men here wear the thob
Shhhhhhhhhhh.. hey . Its not about what you discuss.
Its about circumcision !!!!!!!!!! lol
It Takes 72 Muscles to Frown...And Only 14 To Smile.
: ) Keep Smiling : )
where you been hiding all day long??
Doctora...you can ask MPaul if I get mad...nope not even at a Brit, and that's saying something!!!
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
teachings, then why take it off, revealing "western " clothing, as soon as the plane lands, in the UK for example ?
I'm not angry, not at all...we are all expressing opinions...and the written word can always be misread when you can't hear or see the person who is speaking.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Doctora...I've seen other nationality of women (and men for that matter) disrobe their coverings the minute the plane reaches cruising altitude, so please don't go generalize that its only Qatari women. Will say tho that there are hypocrites in every religion...The old do as I say, not as I do, syndrome.
I'm Qatari woman also and I'm not saying they are hypocrites, I'm just stating that they are not veiled, why are you so angry....they wear the abaya and shayla because of traditions, once they are not in Qatar they take it off.
Alexa lived in Saudi for many years before coming to Qatar..so she knows the difference only too well, which is why she says what she does.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
with her comments...personally I don't care one way or the other about women wearing the hajib...IF its their religious choice. I do, however, object to men staring at women who do not cover and use the non-covering as an excuse to leer or make comments.
As far as the naked women or half naked women and no one making comments about them. Personally, I don't like it either, but its their right to do so if that's what they want to wear, as long as its within the social boundaries of the country they are residing in.
Doctora...I've seen other nationality of women (and men for that matter) disrobe their coverings the minute the plane reaches cruising altitude, so please don't go generalize that its only Qatari women. Will say tho that there are hypocrites in every religion...The old do as I say, not as I do, syndrome.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
This is such good example. Thank you for this picture. I did not read all the posts cos they are boring. The same people being insulted. About what? Lolliepops? Get real.
Here is no insult intended. It is plain & simple. It reminds me of the first habaja I bought. I was in souq Asiri, waiting for the shops to open. Some shops had opened already, but the majority were still closed. So while I walked around, there were all these shop assistants hanging around the fountain. While I was walking there I could see their eyes undressing me. Very unconfortable. So I walked into the first shop that was open. Bought a habaja & sheila. Put that on and walked out. All of a sudden these men did not look at me anymore, or better said their looks were different.
So to make my point. This is a good ad.
Alexa ...you are somewhat right but you really should go to Saudi Arabia to see the difference between here and there? you will be very grateful to be in Qatar LOL
exactly what I was thinking..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
we show our deference to God by praying and thinking of the best way to act towards our fellow man/woman...I know who and what my God is, and He has never asked me to wear one.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
why someone calls themselves Jesus on here and no one gets upset but let someone else call themselves Mohammed and all heck would break loose???
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
bstmomeva01 well said, thank you
Hijab stands for modesty and many muslim women wear "hijab" in diffrent forms and yes as hard as it maybe to beleive for some of you but most muslim women now days are wearing out of choice and not force...most arab women wear it because its culturly imposed, its somethign they inherited, outside the arab world women are wearing out of choice ( not that you have a choice its something a muslim woman is obligated to do) rather than force. I myself don,t wear hijab but I really look upto muslim sisters who do because they are stronger and more liberal than I am, as badly as I want to wear hijab i worry too much about what ppl are going to say or think, so Salute to my muslim sisters who are proud to show who they are and what they beleive...ohh and one las thing....no one needs to feel insulted on behalf of muslim women, we are happy and proud to be who we are and what we stand for. as one of a my convert friend once said " I don't worry about what ppl have to say, I only worry about the day of judgment"
Yes to keep you from getting cold. No other reason.
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gypsy, so they wrapped you in all that dirt? hmm...i'm begginning to smell you from here...lol..kidding...they usually clean you up and then wrap you on a clean white piece of cloth.
( Or we could discuss why some women stop wearing the Hijab the minute they step off the plane in another country, presumably because men in other countries don't look at women in the same way as Qatari men do. )
those are Qatari women by the way , those who does that only wear the abaya and shayla for traditions, and these are not veiled. i mean if Qataris don't have the abaya and shayla, then they would be without hijab. did you get me??
Andrew good points
People comment on women who dress to scantily all the time.
And this isn't about women who wear hijab, this is about
A) the ad and it's comparison of women to lollipops and men to flies.
B) The fact that this line of thinking PROMOTES harrasment and sexual assault of women who don't wear hijab
C) the unfounded thinking that hijab will protect you from rape
If a woman wants to wear hijab cause God told her too fine. But Lets not all be so naive as to pretend that it makes you any safer from rape.
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As Scarlett said, the thread became about rape because a few people were suggesting that Hijab is supposed to prevent rape.
It was either that or we start to discuss why a woman should have no free will over what clothes she wishes to wear,
or we could discuss why a woman feels that the only thing that men think about when they see a woman is her physical appearance, and that it is well outside the realm of possibility that men actually don't really care what most women look like.
Or we could discuss why some women stop wearing the Hijab the minute they step off the plane in another country, presumably because men in other countries don't look at women in the same way as Qatari men do.
When a women covers up and wears hijab, all of you ask WHY hijab??
when she's almost naked I don't hear or read anyone why she's naked ???
could someone please answer that ?? i think there is prejudice in everyones mind when it comes to hijab.
Must be an Arab joke thingie...
It's obvious the pic's commented in Arabic!
*snaps forehead*
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
isn't the discussion about Hijab?? why did it go to being a rape thread??? i don't understand
anyway, i came across this on you tube , what's your thoughts on this???
the comments that wearing a hajib would protect women from rape..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
I took on the name of Mohammed as a persona, like the person on here that comes on as Jesus...but then again, I wouldn't be that irreverent...
so much for that particular person being sensitive to other religions...speaks poorly for your religion, dude..as does your profile..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
I think you'll find that Bush would be very personally supportive of the notion of Hijab. If you have ever taken the time to come to an understanding about what his policies are and what he actually stands for as a person, you will see he has much more in common with Islamic Imams than people like Gypsy or myself.
Sexual assault happens the world over.
It has nothing to do with what the woman was wearing at the time.
HOWEVER - this whole tread seems to boil down to:
Men are animals who cannot be trusted around women.
Women need to know that even though the Prophet told men not to rape women, they will, so it's up to the women to cover her body to prevent rape.
Hijab cannot prevent rape, because assuming that rape is the logical by product of sexual desire is false.
Try telling the wife whose husband fored her to have sex with him against her will that this was because she didn't cover up enoguh.
Try telling the teenage girl whose uncle raped her that this was because she didn't cover up enough.
Try telling the Sri Lankan maid who was raped by her employer that this was because she didn't cover up enough.
If you're all going to make grand sweeping statements about the causes of crime, I suggest you take the time to read criminology studies about the true statistics regarding rape.
Protestant religion broke from the Catholic religion way back due to differing opinions...so I am not up on the minor issues they have. I do know that the nuns have their basis upon the Virgin Mary...and since she was alive over 2000 years ago...she dressed as such and its carried over to this day.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Doctora nuns don't wear a veil over their face, never have, most don't even cover their hair anymore.
Jesus the doctor covers you because you're covered with blood and yuck and he doesn't want you to get cold, not because of any sense of modesty.
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No, no, no Scarlett apparently we're mistaken only MUSLIM women who don't wear hijab will be raped automatically. Like punishment or something.
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For the same reason the nurse/doctor/mid-wife who was present during your birth covered you first IMMEDIATELY after your birth.....preserve human dignity and self respect.
Scarlet then why do nuns wear the veil till this day? if you are catholic you could answer that of coarse??
in that prevention in the form of TEACHING young boys that women are as valued as men and are not the responsible party in rape, regardless if they were walking down the street stark naked. Prevention is also taught that young women need to know they have the ability to stand up to those men who don 't have enough respect for women and they are not the cause of rape..they need to be aware that it does happen, whether you are covered up or not. Sorry to say that if a man wants to rape a woman...no amount of material between him and her is going to stop him..its an act of violence..not lust.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
wanna go with me to the souq tonight and purchase a hajib so we won't ever be raped??? and are safe from everything??
sure_hunker...serious...you wouldn't trust your wife if she didn't wear a hajib?? that doesn't speak well for your relationship with her, now does it. That your entire level of trust rests upon that piece of clothing...and for the record..we are NOT X'tians...we are CHRISTians...I don't call you I'ms
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
thank you salax85, you said it (PREVENTION IS BEETER THAN CURE)
andrew reallly ???? what are you talking about ?? if you don't know anything about islam at least go and read about it. I'm not going into an empty discussion with you.
and again it's an islamic matter, it's not for non muslim women, so lighten up.
Um 100% vid TheXonic...
Try 2 understand him of vat generaly has he pinpointed the human nature. He is ryt vid a quite simple example of flies nature is to flee around the sweets & liquidors.
STaright natured man likes women due to the opposite sexes....
No ONE can HIDE of NATURE....!!!
Dont make him fun
So salax, no Muslim lady covered in hijab has been raped? Following your logic would mean exactly that.
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
In CHRISTANITY, we also show our deference to GOD by doing what HE's told us to do(which is very basically, be a good person, and treat each other as we'd like to be treated)..and HE never told us to cover our head or bodies totally...but each religion is different, not wrong, just different.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
And you think a piece of cloth is going to stop a man from doing that salax???? Men don't rape women because they are pretty they rape women because they are sick men. Jeez.
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hijab is a sign of dignity and Respect, and modesty and refuge.
because my wife is wearing hijab i trust her and iam confident that she is away from harm and prevention from going into it..
wearing hijab is not something easy...it is more on responsiblity towards the community and in humanity in general because it prevent evil and crimes.
hijab is a sign of being responsible citizen and obedience to god and to husband or to parents.
I know for some who dont like hijab its not Hijab that they dont like but again its because an Islamic thing!
Dont forget Virgin Mary is Wearing hijab and she is Chase woman who evry X'tian adored and for some Idolized.
"Born optimist nothing can keep me too low for so long"
you have a HUGE problem...rapists don't make love to women...they rape to degrade and hurt women..love or the act of loving someone had nothing whatsoever to do with it!! Hmm perhaps we just came to the root of this issue...
I also have issue with the way you say muslim men don't look at women without a legitimate purpose. Men, the MEN who respect women, do NOT leer at women...whether they are covered or not, and they can restrain themselves, regardless of what their religion. And I beg to differ that only Muslim men look with a legitimate purpose...also I beleive gypsy was saying that men look at the niqab not because they are mainly curious due to mysterious reasons but because they are women..pull your head out, man...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
“Muslim men are pests"??
Once a girl was briskly walking and sweating around and a western guy came close and said " Ohhh, perfect body, bring it on babe"....Would that by any chance make all westerners animals?
I see no reason or logic in this accusation. Very much of generalization as well.
All men want to make out with women salax? what's wrong with a man looking at a woman and wanting to make out with her? It's harmless as long as it's just looking.
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Salax, Im as straight as a ruler but I would look at the lady in abaya. The way she walks is different, the way she holds her head is different, her eye make up is different, you wonder whether she sees you looking at her and what she's thinking. Sorry but the whole purpose of "do not let them see our ladies" is defeated to a very large extent. I oogle all the more!
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
So Doctora, umm, so you're saying that the prophet's will that men don't rape women has failed.
So now it's up to the women to prevent it by wearing much more fabric.
I'm in agreement with Gypsy on this topic.
This whole dicussion has been quite revealing in what it is saying about the way the Muslim men and women view and respect themselves and the opposite sex.
It's really quite shocking and very sad that this society has become so degraded and debased.
Well then Doctora, perhaps money would be more wisely invested in ad campaigns telling men to stop being pests rather then putting the responsibility on women.
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andrew Why didn't the prophet just tell men not to rape women?
Daaaaahhhhhh of coarse he did
and Gypsy muslim women are not lolipops, only muslim men are pests (some of them) have you been to KSA??? if you did you will understand what i mean? ??(not just KSA but it's a very strong example)
Salax are you seriously saying that if a man sees a hot woman, he is likely to rape her?
Are Muslim men really that weak, that the minute they see a woman's arms or the shape of her body under her t-shirt, they are overcome with animal desire?
Doctora -
Why didn't the prophet just tell men not to rape women?
Clearly rape is a huge problem in the middle east and other Muslim countries since all the women need to cover up as much as they do.
Do you think maybe Filipina and Sri Lankan maids are less likely to be raped if they wore less revealing uniforms inside the home?
Doctora if Muslim men think of themselves as flies and Muslim women think of themselves as lollipops then that just shows a very big problem with how muslims regard themselves and a HUGE lack of respect for themselves and for the opposite gender. It's really quite sad to expect so little of yourself.
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Think of it this way salax, if there's one woman in niqab amongst a thousand other women wearing pants and a t-shirt, who do you think men are going to look at?
If thin woman in niqab is walking next to an overweight woman not wearing niqab WHO do you think men are going to look at?
I would say in any given situation 9 times out of 10 men will look at the women in niqab, because she's mysterious.
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In ISLAM we show our deference by obeying what GOD says , so he told us among other things that we have to wear it so we do. and this is in Islam. I'm not speaking about other religions
Genesis we (arabs) all know who is Enas Eldegedey ?? !!!!!!!!!
Alexa i agree with you even if you will wear Niqab, men will look at you, at least i speak about Qatar.
I'll say it again Hijab is an order from God, if he says wear it , I don't need a reason to wear it.
and by the way dear Gypsy muslim men are pests. some of them at least
The Virgin Mary lived over a thousand years ago Salax and Mother Theresa wore the uniform of her order. And this isn't about whether or not women should wear it, this is about the ad itself and what it implies about women who don't.
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Exactly my point.
You will find no crimonolgical data that link a woman's appearance to the likelihood of her being the victim of a sexual assault.
To say that women who don't cover 'have it coming' just reeks of ignorance.
66% of reported cases of sexual assault in Australia (I'm referring to Australia since that was the example used above) occured in the home, compared to 6% on the streets.
The most common victims of sexual assault are girls aged between 10-14, almost 5x the number of female victims aged between 25-44.
It's just so naive to think that there is some relationship between what a woman wears and how likely she is to be raped.
Instead, the Muslim focus seems to be skewed so much further towards how a woman can somehow magically prevent herself from being raped (by covering?!?!) instead of condemning the actions of the attacker.
and you know how much I laughed in the souq about that particular fact...
What is very evident tho is the difference between western men and the men in this are...western men, when you tell them to get lost, leave...the men over here, think its a come-on line and try even harder..very reminiscent of flies, as per your ad!!!
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Aah DaRuDe bhai Woke Up !! ...LoL
who are the slut ??? who are the good girls ???? these are on both sides I think.
Scarlet dear we don't have nuns in islam so we show our deference to GOD as well by wearing it.
the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is all this
Scarlet no worries, seeing you is more than enough :D. Hope to see u today, will have a little chit chat with u. Havent talked to u in ages.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Famous Egyptian writer Ekbal Baraka doesn't believe in Hijab, and expresses her opinion over and over again on air. She was never charged.
no you haven't missed my cake..haven't made one lately..
and I ran out of the chocolate chips so I can't make cookies either, dang it!!
Oddly enough, I have thought about having an abaya made for me...but want to go to Abu Dabi to do that..ROAD TRIP!!!
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Janey, it wouldn't look good at all unless u be in it lol.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
the ad is a part of campaign to Veil Egypt.What is happening now, that women are forced to wear it there. Coptic women in down-town Cairo (Shubra) are harassed for not wearing veil. Not to mention the veiling actresses phenomena.
Who would believe that director inas al digadi is facing charges/trail and might be separated from her husband by law over her opinion on hejab
If that's not oppression, then what is?
Scarlett u dress up modestly u dont have to worry about anyone :D, u is a good girl. Missed your cake by the way :(
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
that rape is a crime meant to downgrade and hurt women and usually has no basis in lust...which is why those women with the cleavage showing are pretty safe as compared to those rapes that occur in a relationship...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
If it's such a sign of purity why do so many sluts wear it and so many "good girls" don't?
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Thexonic: You can send someone to pick it up, I'll call my mumma to give it to you!!
Nanabooboo!! ;)
╬ Jai Guru Deva ╬
That sucks :(, I wanted to see the skirt lol.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
3rd page, Damn !!!!
Cant u people live the HIJAB alone and catch something else ... LoL
because I get tired of men staring at me and then hearing from other men that they wouldn't be staring if I covered. You can ask just about anyone on here who's met me if I have ever dressed anything but conservatively...answer would be no...I stated in my post that it should be between God and the woman..not anyone else forcing her to wear it.
As far as the hajib being the symbol of purity in Christianity..no..its not..it was a sign of what women wore back in the time of Mary, Joseph and Jesus. The nun, wear the headpiece of the habit to show their deference to God...but those are only for the Catholics..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
7aseeb2ou3a, it could also be related to the song by chingy that goes like "she licked me like a lollipop"
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Thexonic: Can't make it today.. :( Been busy cos a friend is leaving Qatar. Been a bit focused on that.... When Ramadan arrives, I'll be hitting the Shisha restaurants! ;)
And I'm wearing jeans todayyyyyyyyyyy Nanabooboo!!
╬ Jai Guru Deva ╬
Sorry Eco, I can't turn the sound on in the office.
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The reason the Australian imam was condemned was because he said that uncovered women were like uncovered bits of meat, so it was no surprise that they got raped.
Australians found this offensive, mostly because it is degrading to men and women (for different reasons) and also because statistically it is untrue.
In Australia at least, about 67% of rape victims were known to their attacker, and half of these attacks occured within a relationship.
Women walking down the street in a tight skirt with cleavage shown are statisically LESS likely to get raped than a woman in the home.
Kareena, next time have a lollipop in your hand to feel secure in Qatar. If all the women think like you they would definitely be in heaven right now.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
I think Hijab is an islamic concept directed to muslim women, this ad is directed to muslim women, it promotes wearing it, just like antismoking ads promote not smoking.
So I don't know exactly why all non-muslims are so outraged about.
Hijab is an order from GOD to muslim women so this is between women and their GOD.
if you see nuns, they wear veil, if you see the virgin Mary's paintings, she's wearing a veil. Aren't they the symbol of purity in christianity????? So I think this implies that Hijab is a symbol of purity.
My request to muslims: please practice what you practice because Prophet ordered it to practice as all muslims love him. There is definitely good in it. Don't try to give explanations for why you do it. Let the people decide what is good for them. What example can you give for the one who prays and the one who doesn't?
posted. From now onwards this thread will be hijacked with silly comments
Alexa, u r absolutely right, we like to do it like they do it on discovery channel hahahah :P j/k. But u r right.
Labda and Janey, both of u wear the skirts today, lets see who's skirt is better or shorter lol.
Scarlett, if we wont compare women with fruits and lollipops then life will be even more boring than it is already. Men like Peaches and creams :D
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
in a quiet sort of way...seems he got a bit of sand in his shorts, right?
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Good old Monty ruled the roost in the Desert... YOu must have heard of hi. He was a Field Marshal..
Bravo Andrew, you said it better then I could. :)
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could it also be related to condoms?
North Africa, britexpat...seems you folks got yourself into a bit of a bind and we had to help you out..check up on General Patton and his troops...he was one kick azz general...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Ramadan tents are allowed Music and entertainment in them are banned.
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is that people expect that if you are a Muslim woman you should cover up and do hijaab. When I go to Karachi, I never feel out of place or I don't feel as if I am doing something wrong. I go around uncovered everywhere in Karachi without feeling insecure or unsafe but here in Qatar, people generally assume that I am not a Muslim unless I tell them so bcoz they think that if you are a Muslim you should cover your hair and all those women who do not cover are not Muslims. This generalization is very unfair..
Do you mean that Ramadan tents are banned?
As far as i know La cigal have pool area closed to accommodate the tent.
Ahmad, I can see what you’re getting at, and kind of understand why you think that way, but I just don’t buy into it.
You seem to be saying that the entirety of a woman’s worth isn’t her self worth – the way that she values herself – but is instead is based just on how she is viewed by men. And even then, that is based entirely on her appearance.
Are you saying women cannot expect to be respected unless they cover up, and so basically that respect is based not on her ability, education, generosity etc, but just how she looks?
There seems to be a general way of thinking here and in muslim countries more generally, that western countries just don’t respect women. The extension of this, I guess, is that muslim countries do respect women more. Yet you don’t see women holding positions of power here, they aren’t represented in any meaningful political way (unless they are fortunate enough to be married to an even more powerful man).
Sure there’s been some great, democratically elected leaders in Muslim countries, but it’s hardly the norm. The women who are so respected and cherished in this part of the world aren’t even trusted to travel without their husbands, drive cars or get jobs. Young girls can’t go to the movies without a relative present to make sure they don’t do anything naughty.
Forgive me if I don’t believe that this is a society that really ‘respects’ women.
I wonder why during WW2 the Yanks fought in Europe, but didn't risk going to Africa etc.
Perhaps they didn't want to come up against Rommel ?
Or didn't want to be shown up by Monty!
Any ideas MP
Happy Happy...I tried that last week...was over the moon when I lost three kilos eating food only goats would enjoy...had a toast and a coupla eggs one day, and then a little more for a meal here and there and now Im four kilos heavier. Gained with interest.
I love food as well, just wish it wouldn't love my hips so much. LOL. Good luck though, you'll make it. I'll just pass and wait for New Years Eve to once again add to my list of resolutions. Same ol' same ol'. :)
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
You can't teach experience
Read the posts above again please. The discussion is about Hijab as in virtue not a piece of fabric. It is a set of morals both genders should have.
Take it easy on yourself.
I don't see anything wrong with hijab (the veil is another subject) IF you are wearing it because you choose to. If you honestly believe that the hijab protects you from rape and harassment, then by all means, go ahead. If I was that scared of it I'd wear a suit of armour if it would help.
What I object to is ad's like these that compare women to fruits, vegetables, lollipops or pieces of meat left out in the back yard. It's insulting and degrading and for the umpteenth time, takes the responsibility off of men to control themselves. IF ads like these do anything at all it's not encouraging purity or what have you, but rather reinforcing the idea that it's ok to harass women who don't wear hijab.
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I thought the advert was about condoms!!! LOL :)
Never say Never for fear of Forever!!
hiya mr paul...yep joined the fray...
Still think that it is up to the individual if SHE wants to wear it for religious reasons or not. She should NOT be forced to by anyone, including her husband. Religion is between the individual and their Maker, not husband, not father, etc.
Andrew...never thought of it that way..but guess it does happen...but I know too many folks that know who everyone is by the way they walk or carry themselves, so covering their face isn't going to help much!
Men...take responsibility for your own actions...if you respect women enough, don't stare!! Its almost like saying men can't help themselves lusting if someone walks by not covered. That pure ignorance...put the blame where it belongs...with the eye of the beholder, not the object of their personal lust. If a woman is beautiful, then she should be complimented, not harrassed...
I'm with Gypsy on the stop comparing us to fruits, veggies, lollipops and jewelry. Besides...jewlery is to wear, not store..it was purchased to be proudly worn, not socked away in some dark closet or safe..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
But sometimes it does make me feel bad about myself.. I am just not ready to start wearing hijaab.. But that does not mean I go around naked. I never reveal my legs or cleavage or back.. I usually just expose my arms, face and neck.. Is it really that bad? Just because I don't cover my face, would all men look at me as a piece of candy? Does hair make such a big difference? Does a woman's sexuality lie in her hair only? What about her yes, her voice, her smell, her walk, talk etc? Why so much emphasis on just covering the hair?
Labda,thanks for your response. And diet secrets!! I’m on one trying to fit into my cloths for my vacation. Already lost 3 kilos but 4 more still to go!!!
It’s the battle of my life, I simply LOVE food, is that a crime??....:))
nowadays, the hijab is no more symbol of purity....most of women covered are doing what the uncovered women don't do. so what Gypsy said is correct....
Les hypocrites,comme les abeilles,ont le miel à la bouche et l'aiguillon caché...
I liked most of the paragraphs of your post, except for this accusation:
{And from another side : I asked some people who used to harras girls, how do they feel if they met a scarved girl ? their answer was : "it is shame on us if we tried to harras such girls, if she accept to be harrased she wouldn't cover her body".}
I know many Muslim girls without Hijab and not looking for any single bit of harassment and wont allow it either. And they don’t regard admiring looks towards them as proof of their attractiveness.
I also know many Non-Muslim westerners (not necessarily religious) who wont allow this (men and women). They’re not seeking attention.
I know Egyptian Copts who will beat a guy up for starring at their girls.
Hijab is not for everywoman. Not every woman is a Muslim either.
Again, I admire your post.
Spot on Alexa. ;) Snaps for that!
╬ Jai Guru Deva ╬
Jewels, vegetables, lollipops, etc. All things to be bought and sold. Women are not objects, we are people with our own thoughts and feelings, our beauty is OURS to do with as we please, not our husbands or our families, and I will be respected for my words and actions NOT because of what I wear.
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Happy Happy, good we've kissed and made up. Nah, I have not taken offense and yes I would like to lighten up, know any diet secrets? But seriously - I was merely responding to your post. Nothing more.
Mr. Paul, are we filling into those D cups yet? Leave my bloomers alone.
janeyjaney, I'll wear mine if you wear yours :P
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
That was my answer to a Westerner girl asked me about hijab
Hello everybody, here is my opinion:
Hijab is an indicator of purity... but it doesn't mean that not scarved women are bad, I believe that deeply..... it is just like a man with beard in our countries, it should indicate that he is trying to live according to prophet's way... but nowadays it doesn't indicate alot ... cos many men without beard are much better than many of those have beards ...
This made a corruption in people's vision about such symbols ( hijab or beard... ), so I hope to make people do the both... the appearing symbols, & the deep meanings, cos one of them is not enough in my opinion.
ok , I told you that I'm full of respect to women here & there, but I believe that women should keep her beauty to protect herself against error... for example : when we become a world of "bodies", we can expect that women would not be respscted if she hasn't any beauty... or when she is old & lose her beauty!
media plays a very awful role to make people love & respect the "body" of women, regardless of her real ideals. So, young ladies can have a lot of respect but when she is older no body care her...as I heard about an old woman died in her home and nobody knew about her till her smell spread in their neighbourhood !
isn't that the real humilation for woman ? ? ?!
will you be satisfied if somebody respect you just for your money, & then if you lose your mony he wouldn't care you at all ??! I don't think that at all... cos this respect would be for your money, not for your own self. .. . .. & that will be shame on humanity if we lived this way.
So, Allah told every woman to keep her beauty for her husband & her close relatives such as father, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, and other women. That makes people not to look at her body to decide would they respect her or not.
And from another side : I asked some people who used to harras girls, how do they feel if they met a scarved girl ? their answer was : "it is shame on us if we tried to harras such girls, if she accept to be harrased she wouldn't cover her body"
I have also another example : if you look to the most expensive jewels, they are hidden & well-protected in showrooms, unlike vegetables or any cheap goods.
you also can see that in Nature : pearls are found in deep seas...in special oysters.
And gold is found under ground, unlike dust & sands which you can see everywhere...
It was just an example to show you why I believe that woman's beauty shall be well-protected.
If we understand that, we wouldn't find women in TV advertisment to show men-shoes ! it is very awful in my opinion to use her beauty to propagate shoes ! I don't know how her dignity will become?! ...sorry of these words, but my respect to her humanity makes me feel sad.
Finally, hijab doesn't mean to drop Freedom or liberty... you may feel very free with your hijab, because hijab is found to control others' freedom against you, not to control your freedom in your life ( ;
I took a lot of your time, & it is time to stop writing in my opinion...
I hope it is clear for you.
Thannnnnx for hearing me
Best wishes,
There is major mix between traditions and religion in many parts of the world. Parts of the Gulf and some rural areas in the Arab world are counted in for that.
Anyway, I don’t bother myself wasting time judging others by what they are wearing or not. None of my business anyway.
I hate to burst the bubble about the young girls that cover, but...
According to most of my Qatari male friends, many of the younger Qataris who chose to cover do so in order to conceal their identity in public in case they run into guys who they have previously 'known' (biblically speaking).
It's especially common for new wives to begin covering their face to avoid embarrassing their husband when she gets knowing looks from men who have seen her hair (not the stuff on her head).
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
another poser....
Thexonic!! Alaaaaaaah! I'm sure you did! *wink wink*
╬ Jai Guru Deva ╬
Janey janey, I liked ur skirt :D
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
wonder how many muslim WOMEN have the same attitude toward the nicab as the men??? And those they are so dang HOT!!! I think the men should have to wear them too, just for equality sake...see what its like.
As far as naked women catching men's eye....yep it would but honestly...if you(a guy) were with your lady and she comes out stark naked or in a sexy lingerie that you have to use a bit of your imagination to remove, which would you prefer??? Imagination is such a wonderful thing, so why waste it?? Same can be said to those that said the nicab is sexy...and creates more interest than it repels...also...the amount of makeup that is used behind the veil on the eyes..isn't that drawing attention to what's supposed to be covered??
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
I didn’t mean to provoke a fight and not willing to flare up a conversation for differences in opinions.
Diversity is one miracle I appreciate every minute of life.
wearing them.Guess its 1 rule for some, and another rule for the supid yankees...
I don't need to be bullied to come drinking, but your insistence that I attend is touching.
Tallg, I've been turned away from a few places for wearing shorts whilst being thirsty. I just thought it was because of my shapely limbs.
Labda, you can wear the skirt for later. ;)
╬ Jai Guru Deva ╬
Happy Happy I dont recall putting words in your mouth and Im really not interested in getting into a fight today...its my day off. Otherwise I concur with everything else you've said.
tallg, wouldnt you like to know?! :P Well, lets just say they're not bloomers. Oh lawdy, bad memories of days gone by.
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
Okay we will pretend that you are dumb in order to preserve your Australian identity but we know differently.
Rudeboy, I request that you personaly bully Andrew to come to our next drinking gathering.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
andrew, unfortunately most of the drinking establishments in Doha aren't big on people wearing shorts. Trust me, I've tried and been turned away.
I play tennis and know what you're talking about. My (male) coach, too, always encourages me to wear a fitting attire, not necessarily a skirt though, and I do. Never called a pervert, I always call him a professional player. So, don't put words into my mouth.
I'm into sports, including swimming, and understand attire influence even head hair impact on swimming contestants.
As for homos, you're right, I meant it the other way around. Not a biggy though.
Fair point labda. Do you also wear the cycling short style things that the tennis pros wear, or does your coach insist on normal knickers ;-)
No Tigasin, I don't come out because I can't read a map. I only just worked out how to get to my office in less than 1 hour.
Seriously, quit with all the smart jokes. You'll give people the wrong idea, like that I'm not really Australian.
I'd love to come out for a drink. As long as Tallg wears shorts. Apparently it's a sight to behold. And I like a bit of uncovered meat. What man doesn't? As a male, I can't control myself, and don't think that it's reasonable to expect that I can. Instead, everyone else should cover up for my benefit.
I did leave Qatar, briefly (long story involving the word 'Qatarization - remember when we were all assured that no one would lose their job because of Qatarization??). But I'm back. (With a vengeance.)
Who says I don't go on 8 hour drinking sessions?!?! You aint the only people in Qatar you know.
LOL tallg...but I like the skirts, and plus I dont have an opportunity to wear skirts that short elsewhere :P
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
Anyway, back to baiting the dumb yanks....Tig, come here !!
and she is nice. She is not scary like Gypsy. I think there must be another reason that he is not telling us about.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Tigasin ... i was only joking ! Ok ? No worries :D x
OK Mr P, he was born in lowestoft but grew up in staines.
How did this discussion divert from Hijab and lollipops to British civil war ??? lol
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Tallg is married and he also have a dog ... so very slim chance he will ever come out with DaRuDe's outing ...
You know who the dummies are. We were discussing them last night and no, your hubby is not one of them.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Trust me tig, it's not the likes of you and Mr Paul who stop me from coming out.
"He never comes out because he is too smart to hang out with dummies like me and Mr Paul and the other idiots who hang together."
-----> Are you trying to say that my other half also dummies Tigasin ??? Good luck to get Tallg out ...
Blimey charlie, dont people read this crap we post ?
That's what they all say labda. As a guy I urge you not to believe your coach!
Tigasin, right, he was from whales
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Welcome back man, I thought that you had left Qatar. Come join us again for a night out. That might even get Tallg to come out. He never comes out because he is too smart to hang out with dummies like me and Mr Paul and the other idiots who hang together.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
There are actually reasons why those tennis skirts are so short...sure part of it is the sex appeal and creating a buzz for womens tennis but the attire you wear also affects your performance. Just as you are taught to grip the racket in a certain way to improve technique, so are shirts, skirts, shoes and rackets carefully chosen. I mean Nike, Addidas and all do not spend millions on research for sports attire for nothing.
I wear my skirts here to the courts, and Im encouraged to do so by my coach. And no, he's not a perv. :)
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
Ali G from Wales? I don't think so. He was from Staines, which is a delightful little town to the west of London.
is from England. I think downtown London
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
you bleeding yanks to join in WW2, cos we know yer hate to miss out on the chance to interfere with other countries politics and culture....
I've never been spoken about behind my back so much. Well, I have, but usually it wasn't in reference to my alleged intelligence. I'm Australian, so I'm good a b*llsh1tting. I'm actually as thick as two planks, but pretend to be otherwise.
Tigasin, the reason I don't post so much is that you (and Tallg and Gypsy) beat me to all the witty, pithy and intelligent observations long before I get a chance.
Since I'm not posting again, I have a questions for Happy Happy:
You say " Simultaneously it is very controversial, because it assumes that men (and homos for that matter!!!) are not to blame for their animalistic wild desire. " Last time I checked, homos were men.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
I forgot that all the Brits that are not English hate the English. Its very confusing for us Yanks because we just love all you British people even though we accidentally shoot you when you help us in wars. We're just not very good shots.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Go home and hump sheep !
You should've said it was part of England if you wanted a reaction! The Welsh have a close affiliation with the other celtic nations, largely because we all hate the English.
I guess it really depends on what offends you or what you find violating. I find a guy staring at me to be more his problem then mine.
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Just my little joke. I failed to lure you on the Scottish/Welsh thing though so 1 - 0 to you.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
True Gypsy. This is why there is rape (of all kinds) in the world.
Gypsy, lol... u r not one of the lollipops :P, sweet, colorful and tasteful :D
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
When some guys want to show off their pretty abs, they take off their t-shirts and walk around like Mr. no more prettier than me on earth.
Wearing less is certainly more eye catching. I could wear Hijab and act like a cheap ..... So, again it’s a package of values dressing along with attitude.
Moms in the west are worried about their teenage girls because they dress less. Cheerleaders are under scrutiny because their dresses are super scanty.
Even top tennis women players, they are being questioned about why every year they dress less.
I'll answer your question Happy Happy, if someone really wants something in your car, no amount of locking is going to stop them.
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what i was all upto to make my 18000th Point :D
2000 more to go to get to the 20000th point :D
tig - I am both flattered and insulted. You managed to call me the smartest guy in the world AND compare me to an Australian in one comment! Good going.
The arrogant and self-confident nature of my posts may make me appear both smart and Australian (if that's not too much of an oxymoron), but I am in fact neither.
Yikes! 29 posts since I last checked! Ya sorry guys I'm a bit busy today, it's the end of the month and crunch time. :P
Doesn't help that the Qatar Government has banned entertainment for Ramadan, so I hope everyone enjoys quiet Ramadan tents.
Thexonic, you are free to post whatever you'd like, and I'm not offended in the slightest (by you anyway :P) I just like to make my opinion heard cause I'm a loud mouth Beeatch. :P
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Why won't you answer my question? People are waiting. its important.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
I'm still looking for the ad with the men wearing pointy shoes and have at least 3 mobile phones...
Pardon me, but am I lost?
╬ Jai Guru Deva ╬
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
There used to be a guy who posted on QL called Andrew11234536243511221 who was the smartest guy in the world. I mean this guy knew everything, then he kind of disappeared and then you started posting. Thing is, you are very similar to him. At first I thought that the two of you were the same.
But then I remembered that I met Andrew12214443412286 at the Ritz bar once and he was Australian and only about my height. Then I remembered that I met you and that you are 8 feet tall and come from the part of Scotland called Wales. Is it possible that you guys are cousins?
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
When girls have a Saturday night out at the bar, looking for fun, they wear very revealing cloths. Wearing a bit of sleeves or even high neckline would make some guys less attracted, because decently dressed girls are not screaming out “you’re invited”.
The point of the ad is rightly made. Simultaneously it is very controversial, because it assumes that men (and homos for that matter!!!) are not to blame for their animalistic wild desire. Well, their private parts should be cut off for looking and wanting what does not belong to them.
I have to maintain that Hijab is not a piece of cloth on the head. It is a moral immunity shield MEN and WOMEN should have on to guard virtues and not promote profanity.
I'd like to see similar "Hijab" ads of sweet muscular guys with way too low drop-down pants with half of their behind (and what have you)exposed. Some women have no control over themselves and may buzz around those fellas (like flies or even bees with a sting).
Also, “cover up” is very relative. Wearing cropped pants in some countries is a head- turner, while in other countries it’s boring decent.
I want to leave you with one question please. I lock my car every time I get off to protect my property against “thief flies”. Is it because my car is pretty or is it because some are greedy criminals?
Sorry Tallg, Didn't see it. I answered it.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
i told the daaaaaaaaaaamn blond to be there and she didnt come yea sure for next am going to punch her nicely.
Gypsy u go girl.
Ah all this budha bar music is making me soft :O
Tallg, Tigasin and Novi, allrite I'll leave the thread...
So who thinks those flies are lesbians and not a bunch of perverted guys?, does anyone want a lollipop?
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
btw thexonic, you never replied to my question on this thread; http://www.qatarliving.com/node/172725
Better put the Gypsy on the list for next week. If you know what I mean.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
I think Gypsy working really hard today ....
Where is she?
tough chick who Gypsy yea right for YOU.
Lol Tigasin ....
Right Xonic there you go ... Tigasin spell it out ... she is a tough chicks ... not a cry baby ...
thexonic - I'm sure gypsy would be the first to say you're free to post what you want.
Allrite novita, I'll keep it.
Darude, who doesnt??
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
You are right. I would like to be stretched out a bit. Who cares if Gypsy is insulted? She is a friend of mine too but I don't care and I bet she doesn't either. Gypsy is a tough chick not a boohoo cry baby.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
errrr .... gypsy is gypsy ... she just wrote what she thinks. I dont think she is offended.
Now have a look at your friendlist in FB, if she is still on your friend list means she just 'pulling your leg'.
come on xonic ... as tallg said ... this is an ad. Nothing more nothing less. Whatever people posted on here only a matter of opinion. Everyone cant agree to everybody opinion. Why do you think war happened?
So what if people think you are hypocrite (spelling?), they can think what they think ... they can talk what they want to talk. I couldnt give rat arse ... (pardon the pun). Don't be too sensitive ...
Mwwwwwwwwwwah :P
Tallg, Gypsy is a friend of mine and If she feels insulted, I will have to do it.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Alot do agree, but I dont agree with it 100% and it caused alot of chaos, people actually thought I was referring to women as lollipops and men as flies... the flies would've been other lesbian women, but now they had to be men lol.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Don't delete it thexonic. For what it's worth I thought it was a funny ad. Nothing more, nothing less.
Novita, I dont want to wake up and see massive destruction. Already people came up to a conclusion that I am a hypocrite... had enough of these false accusation. But next time if anyone posts some bull shyt, I wont let that go easy.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
tig, you and I both know that we're both in peak physical condition. It's just that I'm a bit more stretched out than you are.
just that no one could agree to that image you posted.
Xonic ................ noooooooooooooo .... dont delete ... wait charan replying your thread first !
I need to climbed up the ladder to kiss his cheek !!!
I will delete this thread in 10 mins due to all the chaos it has caused. If anyone wants to say something do PM me.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
damn tallg beat me with 4inches :/
na am trying trying hard to reach there :D
Novi..if he is 6ft 7...I bet you could see right up his legs!
You need to beef up a little buddy. I think you look fine in shorts but you should try and build a little muscle on those legs of yours. Chicks dig a well shaped calf muscle, or so I am told.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
I cant believe people actually made a big deal out of this ad...
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
No, not a basketball player, since being a white man I have a completely inability to jump.
What about man boobs!????
oryx , i had the previllege meeting Tallg in short. :P
youre not exactly compact are you???? blimey...are you a basketball player?
No anyone who is bigger than me is no Tw*T - I am not that soft in the head
Oh and anyone carry an AK or Khalisnikov is not at Tw*T
lol Oryx....can we add 7. Intricate goatee beards
Cada pueblo tiene su bruto..
Oryx - at 6'7" it's impossible for me to pull off cute, but I do tend to wear shorts when I'm out and about (below the knee ones, of course). Does this make me a tw*t?
logic, I like the ad, I don't support the idea 100%, may be 50%. I'm not a hypocrite, but I am neutral.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Gypsy I agree to disagree, u do have a valid point. I on the other hand think that I am not wrong either, either woman is to get equal attention.
But this ad is limited to muslim women and according to islam a woman must cover herself in a modest way. Now the people you have mentioned who get aroused on a woman who wears a hijab, then those people are twisted in their heads. There's nothing erotic about a woman in hijab.
There's a reason why Hijab is wajib in islam.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
1. pointy shoes
2. glittery shirts
3. hair oil
4. tight trousers with gut hanging over and fat sofa like backside...
5. cheap and nasty suits
6. ear piece for telephone
All the above make you look like a complete and utter tw*t.
Please if you are cute wear shorts... I miss boys in shorts in Qatar...
can we put an ad out advising men not to wear pointy shoes please?.......
puting up the discussion assumes you support it and promoting it .. now you are saying you do not ...!!!
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".
That's not true at all thexonic, a woman walking around half-naked is likely to get stared at less as people are embarrassed to be caught staring at her.
And that's beside the point, the point is that this ad is trying to enforce women to conform to this unrealistic ideal of purity, rather then be herself. If a woman wants to wear a mini skirt she should be allowed to without being made to feel bad about herself, ditto if she chooses to wear niqab. Once again, why aren't there ads like this out aimed at men?
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I'll tell u what I believe in, I dont believe in this picture and I dont believe in half naked women. I believe in women dressed up modestly and in a decent fashion. Something that doesnt get alot of attention in both extremes, sexual or terrorist manner, thats my conclusion, I am neutral.
Just cuz I shared this picture, doesnt mean I believe in the message it gives.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Gypsy I mentioned earlier aswell, that Hijab is there for men too and its harder than the hijab for women. Men aernt allowed to even glance at women who dont cover their hair.
All these things used to have a values a few years back, in 21st centuries u will find lesbians wearing the extremest hijab and the horniest man on earth would be gay and an Imam could be a rapist... its the 21st century who knows what things would surprise us. Technically if you think about it, A woman walking down a street who's covered up properly even if she's not wearing hijab, there is a chance that she will get less attention than a woman who'd walk half naked. The men who look at that half naked woman twice, will be punished twice as much as a woman who walks half naked on the street, just for glancing at her in a lustful manner.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
This advert is designed to make women who don't wear hijab feel bad about themselves. Simple as that.
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What bloody protects is a good kick in the goolies!
And that is a stupid childish analogy...
thats the whole point of an example - to illustrate something....and it has done so with a double haram
I didn't say a hijab was a sign of oppression... but don't over estimate its power of detering idiots.
Thexonic Hijab DOES NOT protect women, it makes no difference whether you wear one or not. So also this is insulting because it's false information. It's just trying to force women to conform to mens ideals.
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Cada loco, con su tema de locura.
Este no es un forum de dialago, es una ataque indirecto hacia la mujer.
I hear St. Patrick was an Englishman!"
OH AND HOLD ON its not MOST of them but us Muslims. i bet you wont agree with me on that Thexonic :)
The answer to that Xonic is both...
the amount of harrassment you receive is not equal to the amount of clothes you wear...
You do NOT know that because you are NOT female....
but I can tell you from experience of wearing all types of clothes that it isn't an algebra equation.
Also men as human beings and NOT animals should take responsibility for their own actions...its not my responsibility.
Oryx, this has nothing to do with women being lollipops and men being flies. It just gives an example which expresses that hijab actually protects the women. Not that women are opressed or men are flies. As a matter of fact, a pure muslim women considers hijab as her pride not as a sign of opression.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Thexonic Hijab is not just wearing clothes, it's implying that if you don't cover your hair and every part of yourself (not even wear a t-shirt) then you're leaving yourself open to every man that passes by. It's horribly insulting, because once again it treats women like objects rather then people, and it takes the onnous off men to behave themselves. You don't see ads like this saying men should cover themselves do you?
If you can't see how this is insulting to women, then I'm sorry, you obviously have the wrong view of what a woman is.
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awww thanks RP....xx
With or without the Ninja suit, both of you are enormously gorgeous.
I Wear reading glasses, that emit x-rays that define those contours.
I hear St. Patrick was an Englishman!"
Gypsy calm down please, thats what the arabic text says. Now look at it this way, whom would majority of guys look at with lust? a woman who's wearing clothes or a woman who's naked? look at the facts...
If u feel insulted for a valid reason I'll take this thread off right now.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
1. Shame to insult Muslim men like that and liken them to insects...because that is NOT my experience
2. And shame to portray women as mere banal objects..
mmmmmmmm not let me stop and think...
both those factors are haram...so whoever wrote that article needs to read the Qu'ran first.
thexonic, no worries :)
Thexonic I can be insulted on behalf of all women.
You can stop yourself? From doing what? Being born? What a ridiculous statement.
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Supernurse, I am sorry, I didn't read that part. It says that you can't stop them but you can stop yourself.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
only begins when some one doesnt agree. while she is trying to find out whats this all about. READ up clearly she asked to translate whats written in arabic on that image.
lol thexonic, I don't have the time nor inclination to argue about anything, not my style. This is discussion not argument, thats what we're all here for isn't it?
Gypsy there u go, the rules of hijab are limited to Islam, these rules don't imply to you, hence its not offensive to you.
Supernurse, sure you can discuss it, but I wont be a part of this discussion. I am not a saint to guide people, I just share what I know.
Darude, I didn't know supernurse was in the social group and I am not messing with her, I'm avoiding something that could lead to an argument.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
if the hijab is meant to discourage men's interest than that does not work with me.. i find some of the covered ladies i see around doha soooo attractive! having said that, its not that i go and chat them up... i'm sure most men have more self-control than a fly, or am i wrong?? hehehe
**The Owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk - Hegel**
oh yea Personal Experience its the women in Hijab filthy not the one with out Hijab.I have lived in Ksa i have seen i have lived in UAE i have seen and even HERE. So dont be so proud of a woman with Hijab.
and Thexonic i said not messing with any Group member Supernurse.
thexonic errr forgive me for not understanding the original concept of QL but one posts to create discussion......non? no I won't leave, I like discussion.....
Actually thexonic I'm quite fine right now as I realize that the ad is much more insulting to Muslim men. Persoanlly I'd rather not be compared to a pest.
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Gypsy and Supernurse...
Gypsy: I don't see how an example could be insulting. This picture has nothing to do with women, but the idea of hijab. Now if you think that I am comparing a woman with a lollipop... think about what you are saying once again. U are smarter than that.
Supernurse, I didn't post it to spark up a discussion, I posted it cuz it was interesting to me and alot of people do agree with the ideology of this ad. If you dont like it then you can leave.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
I find this ad insulting even to men ... men are not insects gathering wround women ..
Although I do not mind the fact that with all respect we get attracted to sweet beautiful women as we appreciate beuty in all forms ..
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".
Plato's next topic if PDCA is frowned upon can I buy her Portugese hijab?
Nah, theres no thing as choice where the head covering is concerned, even the men cover their heads when praying!
Actually there's a way you can look at this: Hijab is important to Islam because Muslim men have the intelligence and urge control of flies/ Muslim men are pests.
Ooo I like that.
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The choice is always there..
It's only an advert for pete's sake..
thexonic, did you or did you not post it to spark discussion, you got it and you are asking us to 'quit tripping' (boyakasha...staines posse...)???????
Thexonic it's not a funny mail. It's insulting.
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oh come on u people quit trippin' its just a mail that was forwarded to me. I found it interesting so I posted it here.
Gypsy u can compare men with chewing gum if u want :P
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
wear it or not.
The fact that you say cover up or you'll be harrassed because you're no more then a piece of candy is degrading and insulting britexpat. As is always the case with Hijab it takes the need for control off the man and places it firmly on the female. IF she should find herself attracting flies it's her fault, not the men for being unable to control themselves.
Need I go on?
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ok so if you cover you don't attract males.....ok.....nothing to do with having a face like a slapped arse that only a well buffed hairdo could possibly salvage then?
I'm afraid I don't really understand it, and I can't read arabic either...can someone translate what it says please.......something derogatory to infidel females no doubt...
Yes we can!
Women are sweet;
Women come in all colours;
Women come in all types of flavours;
Some women have a hard exterior but are really squishy inside;
Need I go on ?
the add indicates that you're like to 'attract' more people (like flies) if you don't cover up.
At the end of the day though the advert leaves it up to the viewer to decide.
However, the point is that women shouldn't feel that they have to cover up because a good Muslim man shouldn't force himself on a woman anyway.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Yea right i still am looking for candy vs women in Quran
I find that ad incredibly insulting and degrading. You can't compare women to candy.
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absolutely habibidak, just what I was thinking....errmmm...yep....
Unbelievable mind, i have known some women wearing a hijab? worst & more mysterious one i don't care it's their life...just being nuetral on this thread issue.
Doesn't matter for the hijab what matter most for itself.
"Good& Blessed Morning Every one out there!!!
Be yourself and live free
>checks lolli for expiry date.....
psssst, better out the front than out the back......heheehehhehehhe
Lollipops are created to be eaten ..
Lollipops are sweet ..
The sweeter they are the quicker they are eaten...
Lollipops come in different flavours ...
Lollipops come in different sizes ...
Lollipops costs differ from one to another..
Lollipops come with an expiry date ..
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".
Sure funny
hmmmm it took me awhile to get that (slow morning)...but I disagree with that theory. I find the more mysterious (and covered up) ones draw the more flies. And Im sure a lotta men are very curious about these women.
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
Thexonic.. How if I say its about circumecision?(Spell check)
It Takes 72 Muscles to Frown...And Only 14 To Smile.
: ) Keep Smiling : )
*their* even!
eerrr a lollipop with flies and one without?Eh? Ok, so if we interpret that, those that wear the hijab aren't bothered by flies round there head but those that don't (God forbid) will be eternally hassled by flies........
Thanks britexpat.
Who the hell needs pot when u got Cookie dough :D
Liked it.. Simple and to the point..
Now I know why there are no flies on you!
lion100, "no need to discuss"? Why not??? This is a discussion forum.
The Egyptian ad is revolting; it is like blaming harassed women for not covering up.
As a matter of fact, most women involved in the last year mass public sexual harassment in Egypt were veiled.
Islam lead women to wear Hijab....It is the religion
It is not only in Islam,but also in many religions...
so there is no need to discuss like these topics cuz it is from Islam and Sunna...and there is no need to say about HIJAAB invention...oppressing...
Good Luck
Pope, Hijab is also for men, its more opressing for men than women. Men are not allowed to look at women who are not covered, forget watching porn...
Who the hell needs pot when u got Cookie dough :D
I believe it was invented to oppress the female species.
I hear St. Patrick was an Englishman!"
That was just the perfect way to define the need of Hijab in Islam. Nothing can explain it better.
IMI - The Screen Behind The Mirror
"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."
"The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend."