Anyone else noticed that the content of is being blocked in Qatar as well ??
The site is accessable, so it is not Qtel's problem, rather the maps do not display, so it is Google Inc which owns the service. The US government asked google to hide some sensetive location in the US from being displayed, but now even Doha does not display !!
All maps are shown fine for my friend who lives in the US. Welcome to Globalization, in reverse.
i can access wikimapia and can see the maps as well, even doha.
***** I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it. ******
Thts true. 2days before i tried but got miss print map of qatar, i thought those were errors, thnx for telling real matter..
I hate Q-tel .. w8ng 4 vodaphone!!
"You can imprison a Man, but not an Idea. You can exile a Man, but not an Idea. You can kill a Man, but not an Idea." BENAZIR BHUTTO