Salary for Microsoft Dynamics ERP consultant
By thinkinggud •
Hi, I have around 3 years software development experience and I am an ERP consultant.
I have been asked to specify the expected salary figure including all the benenfits?
Can anyone suggest what should be the number as I have no idea about the cost of living and average salaries.
Thanks in advance!
Anything above 10000 QAR is good for your experience...try asking 15000 QAR.
The company is QD CPC(Qatari Dair Construction products company), its a construction materials company.
I actually haven't received any offer rather they are asking me to specify this while submitting the resume for job.
Previously I mentioned the expected basic salary but they want to know the final expected amount including : { Basic Pay, Transport, Housing}.
Would appreciate your feedback!
It depends on the company where you have been offered. Can you disclose the company to suggest you a figure?