How can i get Qatar friend to make business partnership in my Country Tanzania?
Dear My colleagues am a Tanzania resident,islamic by religion and holder of Master degree in finance.I have business knowledge and ability to spot potential area of investment in my country.What is lacking to me is capital to finance due to the fact that banks conditions to get a loan in our country are too hard/complicated enough to meet once you have no immovable assets.
My country is poor interms of GDP per capita but rich in resources.It is a peaceful country in the world despite of the poverty we have.The investment climate is good and can satisfy those who can be in a position to raise capital of about $50,000 where by the payback period will be of only 2.5 years while keeps other things remain costant.The given figure may be better to invest on Commuter Bus Service (Min bus) specifically in Dar es Salaam city.
I have Commuter Bus Service Project Proposal and other PROJECTS for more details once requested.I have no capital but able to provide my intengible asset (Project Management Skill) by either a shareholder or an employee for the project.The ownership will depend on the decision of the capital providers.
Anything contact me through:[email protected]
i will be able to introduce rich investers . my fess is 5000 QR as initinal and .5% is on the capital. If it s ok for your then please write to me