out of boredom...just bare with me..lol
There are times when suddenly I feel my childhood utopia settle in once in a while especially now that I’m undergoing adjustments in my life. I miss the days where life is so easy. Where my only worry is whether the day is fair to play. Where I eat five times a day, watch my favorite TV programs and get enough sleep for a day. Where I don’t have to make decisions and be punish for it. Those were the days. Those were just memories that I can now only reminisce.
Honestly, I’ve been going through adjustments in my life and its really pressing me. I’m afraid of mistakes and the things I don’t understand. I feel anxious most of the time especially when things aren’t working my way. I fill unfulfilled because I know something is missing in me and that I shouldn’t feel this way. With all this I feel lonely even when I’m with my circle of security.
I know I have to accept the changes in my life and that I can learn eventually and go with the flow, but when? For now, I will continue to struggle for the people who saw something in me that neither I did not know and comprehend. I will just have to look forward for the time where the life I’m living will be full and satisfying and good again like that of my childhood.
prettyice2007....wouldnt you like to pass on that dreamworld...to some other kid (Yours or somebody elses)
Where its only worry would be whether the day is fair to play. Where it can get to eat five times a day, watch its favorite TV programs and get enough sleep for a day.
Call it the circle of life.
Yesterday your parents worked for you to live that life. Today you work so that someone else may live that life.
Funny Hashin
That is what my husband says. I like to say "if" alot and he always tells me it is haram to say "if." He says look towards the future not the past!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
I say every stage of life has its own charm... no point in longing for a time gone by or hoping for things to get better... you live in the present, make the most of it
Its alright. We all go through ups and downs at 1 point or another. Maybe its quarter life crisis?-------------------------------------------------
╬ Pass the dutchie on the left hand side! ╬
..that sit well with my own philosophy!
Torque 8-)
As they say ignorance is bliss! Then life smacks us in the face.
I've learned just to be happy with what I have and try my best to be a good person inside and out! It helps me sleep at night.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
But if your legit...
I hope you can ajust and have a good experience..
Hang in there...
You can't teach experience
thanks for the support Alexa. Hahahahhhaha
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
pray to God to make you understand the thing that you cannot understand, pray to God to make you feel happy when you feel sad. And most importantly, tomorrow is not the day you die so dont give up and take it easy. we cannot live as our childhood as we are an adult now but we can always use innocent feeling like our childhood to enjoy the thing we like, lets say Hot chocolate or when we saw the blue sky during the day and sky full of stars at nite. just dont give up. I think you need to party with me Prettyice.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
study astronomy...seriously. Your problems become very small and the possibilities very vast. Look at the sky!
It's understandable doll, we've all been there!!! Just wait, it'll get better (worse) LOL
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie