Newton International
By rich_ghosh •
I have not read any postive views on Newton School however at this moment all other schools are full except this one. Can anyone advise me what to do? Do you think that Newton is so worthless that I shouldn't even think of putting my kids even for at least a year?
Thank you everyone. Really appreciate your responses. It has eased my dilemma.
visit it and look for yourself. In the end, you will be the one to decide. And it's not true that there is no waiting list, there is so better hurry.
MT, are you in LAgoon?
Minie is right - the shorter the waiting list the less desirable the school - simple supply and demand. Best to put your kid in there and work out which school you really want him to go to and wait
Well since I have worked for Newton International Schools for the past 2 years, I would recommend you to send your child. In my opinion the British School is the best out of the three you have mentioned, however there is a new Newton school over in West Bay called Lagoon. It is brand new and has new computer technology like smartboards, projectors etc.....
I believe there are no waiting lists for Newton schools as they are always expanding and there are 4 of them. I started with 12 children in my class when I started here. This year I have 22!
Good Luck!
To me, the better schools are always on the waiting list. The better the schools are, the longer the list goes. As mentioned by Rene1, there are a few newton schools.. Which newton branch were your kids accepted ? To me, it's worth to put them into a school while waiting for your desired school. I know of a parent who has no complains in newton. Heard the Newton British one is better. Anyhow if that is the only school which offers you a place, might as well grab it. When I first landed, there were places in Newton & EMS. I choose EMS because of it's location & overall appearance & setting.
Their are 3 Newton Schools in Doha. D-Ring Newton, Newton International in West Bay and Newton British school in Al Waab. My son is in Newton British and I have no complaints. In fact I couldn't have chosen a better school. I have heard that Newton International in West Bay isn't up to standard, but I just hear rumours.