One God , One Message
A lot of Debates...
A lot of arguments....
A lot of confusion......
Is God exist? is it illusion?
Is God gods?IS God one of three or three of one.
Is worshiping creatures considered as worshiping God?
What about religion ? is it mind controlling like some people claimed? or it is the real truth which makes everything else ignorance and blindness .
all i want you to do is closing your eyes a little bit and ask yourself for the first time this:
what if your choice was wrong?
what if the afterlife is real ?
what if they enforced you to close your mind and be blind.
what if all these new theories around you just to confuse you more and more to take advantage of you and make you just A TOOL in their hands so they can make you another number in their "slaves list" of the material world they are planning to make, more money for them , more work for you.
Have u asked yourself about Islam ? why the follower of this religion are very proud of it all the time , sensitive about it, and very very sure about it?
and what is Islam , what do u know about it ? is it that picture of ignorant , bigot , angry people? or they tried to hide the real meaning of Islam?
and what is the real meaning of Islam ? is it good or the one which increase brutality?
All i want you to do is to close your eyes and ask these questions , and i hope that eyes of your heart will be open .
please is your future we are talking about.