Very Little PAKISTANI Community ? I am New to Doha!!!
Pakistanis are a Great Nation and they are every where in the World but In Qatar they are only in Construction Work or NONE.
I am new to DOHA. Please Guys!
Guide me.
eMail me at : [email protected]
Whatsapp Group for Pakistani Community in Qatar
Welcome to Qatar.You will find Pakistani people in almost all fields and they are trying best for the develpment of this great islamic country.You can also join group [email protected]
Best of luck and have a nice stay!
welcome to Qatar ofcurse Pakistanis are not in big numbers here as compare to Indian and Fillipinos but still in fair numbers and not only in construction area they are in evry where serving this great islamic state.
..........well bro!!...........check out this group.......i hope u will find many pakistanis here.......gud luck!!'s the link
sorry i just answer him that pakistani only in construction site,its not means that other are none
they are here in almost every occupation not only in costruction,they are in banking,Q.P.,Accounts,etc........
you can intouch with pakistani community through Q-L groups and find lot of pakistanis.
they are everywhere in Qatar buddy...its friday now and you will find them congregating in Al-Kharaba and Musherib sure you will still catch them...