not definitely sure but as i know
first hour -...
does this mean i can't comment as well just because i...
i haven't read all the comments but in my personal...
Congratulation Qatar... Let's all enjoy the victory...
but as an OB better consult the one with especialties...
yes it's available in every pharmacy in Qatar.
ask them to see OB doctor.... that the best advice i...
i see..thanks once again....i definitely know how your...
Thanks gayonko1981... just to clarify you sponsored you...
actually bestheartman...i think brat is asking for her...
not definitely sure but as i know
first hour -...
does this mean i can't comment as well just because i...
i haven't read all the comments but in my personal...
Congratulation Qatar... Let's all enjoy the victory...
but as an OB better consult the one with especialties...
yes it's available in every pharmacy in Qatar.
...ask them to see OB doctor.... that the best advice i...
i see..thanks once again....i definitely know how your...
Thanks gayonko1981... just to clarify you sponsored you...
actually bestheartman...i think brat is asking for her...