Aha...now this thread took an interesting turn, the...
"We need married couples, single girls, ...riff-raff...
I feel it for my colleague who narrated the same joke...
TCOM...yep, I have started understanding that part now...
Dont know, but not all are 'so funny'...some are just '...
TCOM...can't say going with wrong people...our house...
From Malaya's garden or somewhere else...:)
What is Effital and 5000mg (looks like full strip of 10...
And the bus should be the 20 seater types with one exit...
fubar...thanks...I was driving home that point which...
Aha...now this thread took an interesting turn, the...
"We need married couples, single girls, ...riff-raff...
I feel it for my colleague who narrated the same joke...
TCOM...yep, I have started understanding that part now...
Dont know, but not all are 'so funny'...some are just '...
TCOM...can't say going with wrong people...our house...
From Malaya's garden or somewhere else...:)
...What is Effital and 5000mg (looks like full strip of 10...
And the bus should be the 20 seater types with one exit...
fubar...thanks...I was driving home that point which...