You seem to imply that there should be an 'islamic' menu during Ramadam, and you are asking what this ought to be. I'm no 'scholar', but as a muslim you're aware of the general dietary restriuctions of pork and alcohol. Beyond that, use your common sense about what is sensible to eat after a full days fasting. Yes there are local customs, but they are customs rather then religious edicts, and you can look up what the local arabic dishes are.

In my humble opinion, from what I've seen, most of what is cooked and ate during this month in most countries is rather unhealthy - an over reliance on fatty, oily, fried foods. There seems to be over compensation for fasting - people tend to put on weight during this month through excessive eating and sleeping. And so much wastage. The whole idea about experiencing hunger, feeling the plight of the poor and feeding them is defeated.

So my suggestion is - don't do anything special. Just break your fast with a date and have your usual dinner which should be a balanced diet of protien, roughage, carbs, fruit and veg etc with plenty of water.

Have a pleasant, spritual month and stay healthy !