The lady met this guy who was (and is) a very amazing wonderful person. a very handsome and very polished well bred cultured human(is he really?...good catch for any single ladies out there). Who wouldn't be attracted to the guy?

Instead of pitying her in her situation, why don't you look at it in a different perspective...

She may think that she's falling in love with him and/or regret the fact that the guy came to her life too late...believe me, she's NOT!!! She's attracted (or mentally drawn, as you put it) to the GUY because of the physical attributes and not the person himself. He excites her mentally, stimulates her emotions and makes her feel ALIVE AGAIN.

Oftentimes, MEN take their partners for granted. She's just HIS WIFE, THE MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN, HOUSEKEEPER, COOK, BEDMATE, LIFETIME PARTNER, etc. They seem to forget that they're sharing their life with a WOMAN who needs to be cared for, loved and be passionate with.

If you are married or in a relationship, maybe you might understand what I'm pointing out. But if you've been single or unattached for quite a while, you might disagree with me...I think. (No pun intended, I assure you)