I want to ask some of the girls who dress in very nice sexy fashions that we see all the time. What are her intentions? Look good or being attractive? In this case she got what she was seeking.Men get attracted to here, but unfortunately the men that she likes and does not like too. You can expect the only men that you like to be the only ones who get attracted to you. You should expect all. I know that this is not an excuse and everyone should get control of him/herself, but some people looks for breaking the rules and getting the attention of other people and that is what sometimes happen. It is unforgivable for anyone to tease any woman or jump like that and start talking, because he felt something. What is more unforgivable is when you come to some women who are seeking nothing, but shopping or having a good time walking or jogging to find someone for unknown reason trying to play the role of Rumio with this lady.
If you do like these kind of things to happen to your mother,sister or wife, Then the other people does not like the same that you like.
I want to ask some of the girls who dress in very nice sexy fashions that we see all the time. What are her intentions? Look good or being attractive? In this case she got what she was seeking.Men get attracted to here, but unfortunately the men that she likes and does not like too. You can expect the only men that you like to be the only ones who get attracted to you. You should expect all. I know that this is not an excuse and everyone should get control of him/herself, but some people looks for breaking the rules and getting the attention of other people and that is what sometimes happen. It is unforgivable for anyone to tease any woman or jump like that and start talking, because he felt something. What is more unforgivable is when you come to some women who are seeking nothing, but shopping or having a good time walking or jogging to find someone for unknown reason trying to play the role of Rumio with this lady.
If you do like these kind of things to happen to your mother,sister or wife, Then the other people does not like the same that you like.