
If you are talking about e-commerce sites, where you use your credit card to buy stuff, you need to make sure that the site is secure.

Secure sites will use a url (address) starting with "https" instead of "http". This means that this site is securing the connection (via encryption) so that nobody can sniff information.

One more important thing to take care of, is to make sure that this site is verified to be authentic (i.e. not fake) via one of the very well known certifying bodies on the internet, that is thawte or verisign.

If you go to the site and find this yellow lock on the toolbar down the web browser then you double click, it will give you information about a certificate that this site has aquired from verisign or thawte. If this is found, then this site is ok.

To be double sure, always use the well known sites like amazon, ebay, and others. and always check the url because some sites are just faking the interface of well known sites while they are not. so always make sure the url (address) is what you expect.

Hope this helps.

Mohamad charaf. IT Services Professional.