as i have learned from my daughter who is two... you can never be to careful... yet ... you can be over protective... and as an onlooker... it is not your realm to say weither or not someone else is being a bad parent. do you know if those kids parents climb cliffs as hobbies...

or do you know wiether or not those parents have warned there children already and figured maybe they should learn the hard way...

i know this sounds stupid and cruel... but if i was a parent and some one came up to my kids while they were playing and told them what to do... i would be pissed... for they are not your children...

you should stay out of other peoples business... as for the municipality being responsible... ARE YOU KIDDING ME... what next the municipality is going to be forced to put some one on gaurd in your home 24/7 because the knife draw is very accessable to children...

people lets be people... you should have respect for other peoples privacy and not worry about how they raise there children... its not your child... dont think of it as your child...