This thread was started by Azilana who want to define what
defines as "Westerner".
As usual it has degenerated in to a war of words.
So now everybody has forgotten the main subject.
What a shame?
Now the blame game has started and people started quoting from the other threads also and there will never be an end to this.
As far as this thread concerned I could see two “Naughty” ones who has started to drive this thread away from the topic.”Mir” and “2masti”.
But do we need such topic any way, which is more likely to inflame the passion and feelings of some people?
To the more vociferous one, all I can say is that you can never change the world by shouting.
Right from the beginning of time, world was never perfect.
Otherwise, why should God (So called!) should forbid Adam from the eating the fruit.
Adam did not listen anyway.
Because, if it is forbidden then as a God, why should he/she make the fruit at all. As a God he/she suppose to know everything, then he/she should have stopped making the fruit in the first place.
So you see, even the God is not perfect.
There was always injustice happening in one corner or other.
The fight between the good and the bad was always continuing. Only the venue changes but the war goes on.
But the world will go on and people who believe in other human being and not god will always strive to bring the elusive peace always.
So stop hating…Start loving..
(Don't bash me for saying this!!!)
This thread was started by Azilana who want to define what
defines as "Westerner".
As usual it has degenerated in to a war of words.
So now everybody has forgotten the main subject.
What a shame?
Now the blame game has started and people started quoting from the other threads also and there will never be an end to this.
As far as this thread concerned I could see two “Naughty” ones who has started to drive this thread away from the topic.”Mir” and “2masti”.
But do we need such topic any way, which is more likely to inflame the passion and feelings of some people?
To the more vociferous one, all I can say is that you can never change the world by shouting.
Right from the beginning of time, world was never perfect.
Otherwise, why should God (So called!) should forbid Adam from the eating the fruit.
Adam did not listen anyway.
Because, if it is forbidden then as a God, why should he/she make the fruit at all. As a God he/she suppose to know everything, then he/she should have stopped making the fruit in the first place.
So you see, even the God is not perfect.
There was always injustice happening in one corner or other.
The fight between the good and the bad was always continuing. Only the venue changes but the war goes on.
But the world will go on and people who believe in other human being and not god will always strive to bring the elusive peace always.
So stop hating…Start loving..
(Don't bash me for saying this!!!)