Only porn and gambling sites are blocked as far as I know, so not really a problem. All my books, (about 300) came through no problem. No dvds are actually banned as far as I know, they are just checking to make sure that there is not an illicit recording in the box instead of the pre recorded dvd. I think you are allowed to put them in your suitcase when you come through, they are unlikely to check. But, unless you are bringing in something illegal, it is not a problem. I know it sounds harsh but it really isn't an issue in day to day life. When I went back to the UK in the summer, I missed the ordered society we have here. There are no problems with freedom of speech but you must respect Islam at all times. If you are arriving during Ramadan, I suggest you read up about the rules during this time if you don't already know them.
Only porn and gambling sites are blocked as far as I know, so not really a problem. All my books, (about 300) came through no problem. No dvds are actually banned as far as I know, they are just checking to make sure that there is not an illicit recording in the box instead of the pre recorded dvd. I think you are allowed to put them in your suitcase when you come through, they are unlikely to check. But, unless you are bringing in something illegal, it is not a problem. I know it sounds harsh but it really isn't an issue in day to day life. When I went back to the UK in the summer, I missed the ordered society we have here. There are no problems with freedom of speech but you must respect Islam at all times. If you are arriving during Ramadan, I suggest you read up about the rules during this time if you don't already know them.