PortAl/Air.. is the one who lacks humour so far that I've seen and noticed. The many laughs we are all gettin from this 'character' is due to his incessant ramblings, like a stuck CD player, stuck in its rightness - it just doesn't get it. Clowns having nothin on this one!

Talking about avoiding, I have done this thus far, and this is just a comment (anything else is waste of precious air) as I will stick up for my friends - DaR bud you're a sweetie, sweetie... ignore the dude, don't go near that grave.

Portal... go look at your name calling to DaR - that's actually YOUR mirror - go figure - LOL - leave us in peace. Your village just called - their village idiot is missing - SOMEONE loves ya, must be mum!!!! lol

Hey guys, don't PM me just yet - off to the gym and shops - see ya all later... mwah.

(Portal don't waste your time either - I won't be reading it.. he he - cos we all know you will come back with some 'clever' retort.. )