Rent and schooling costs will be the most expensive things to worry about. Getting your kids into a good international school is even more of a headache than the fees. Most decent schools are already filled and have waiting lists.
I believe there are other threads/links on here that can give you approximate housing and schools costs at various places in Doha. But as I said, it won't matter how much things cost if you can't get your kids into a good school. I suggest you call schools directly and find out if there are even any openings. My guess is there aren't any at this point.
Rent and schooling costs will be the most expensive things to worry about. Getting your kids into a good international school is even more of a headache than the fees. Most decent schools are already filled and have waiting lists.
I believe there are other threads/links on here that can give you approximate housing and schools costs at various places in Doha. But as I said, it won't matter how much things cost if you can't get your kids into a good school. I suggest you call schools directly and find out if there are even any openings. My guess is there aren't any at this point.