sometimes friends seem retract from your life, or so it may seem. We need to remember that we all have issues of some sort, and sometimes to have to take on someone else's problems just seems to hard to bear.
Don't be too hard on your friends... maybe some are just waiting in the wings, knowing that you need to bump yourself a little in order to learn, and possibly have their own burdens and full, busy lives to deal with.
I'm one of those who help people - I enjoy it - it's not for the glory as I do it in my own quiet way... BUT I have also learnt (big time) that I/ME/MYSELF comes first in my life. If I am weak, how am I to help others? I first have to help myself. Some call it selfish... I call it self-ish... get what I mean? Do for Azzi FIRST! It's the oxygen mask in the aeroplane story: put your own mask on first in order that you are able to help the others find theirs.
This may seem so............ but you DON'T know who remembers those little good things that you did. I remember teachers at school who uplifted me, and I can even remember their names - the rest are hazy in my past. Don't put yourself down girl. You are magnificent in your own right, and you don't need another person to hold you up. Know your own worth... it will never let you down!
Good luck, you're okay!
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
sometimes friends seem retract from your life, or so it may seem. We need to remember that we all have issues of some sort, and sometimes to have to take on someone else's problems just seems to hard to bear.
Don't be too hard on your friends... maybe some are just waiting in the wings, knowing that you need to bump yourself a little in order to learn, and possibly have their own burdens and full, busy lives to deal with.
I'm one of those who help people - I enjoy it - it's not for the glory as I do it in my own quiet way... BUT I have also learnt (big time) that I/ME/MYSELF comes first in my life. If I am weak, how am I to help others? I first have to help myself. Some call it selfish... I call it self-ish... get what I mean? Do for Azzi FIRST! It's the oxygen mask in the aeroplane story: put your own mask on first in order that you are able to help the others find theirs.
This may seem so............ but you DON'T know who remembers those little good things that you did. I remember teachers at school who uplifted me, and I can even remember their names - the rest are hazy in my past. Don't put yourself down girl. You are magnificent in your own right, and you don't need another person to hold you up. Know your own worth... it will never let you down!
Good luck, you're okay!
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss