Jauntie, I am in my 30's and I think most people my age used to have Nativity plays, Harvest Festival and Advent Calenders (In the 70's there was no chocolate, just a picture of an Elf). I sympathise with you and quite understand the point you are trying to make. I think MattyHarding and Dweller have summed it up. Last year the Muslim Society asked local authorities not to rename their lights and celebrations on their behalf. They are not offended by it. When I worked at Charing Cross Hospital in the 90's a memo was sent out to all staff saying we had to ask for "coffee without milk" instead of black coffee in the canteen in case someone else in the queue was embarassed. I don't want to offend anyone and I agree with many of the "limp wristed, bleeding heart leftie" ideas put forward by New Labour that ensure that people are not offended or made to feel uncomfortable but don't agree with patronising anyone.