excelfriend - firstly it is not a racist comment. I'm sick and tired of people shouting "RACISM!" all the time (not just in this thread).

He did not say that he should be treated better than a Nepalese labourer. He said that in this country he normally is. It was merely a statement about the situation in this country - i.e. that westerners are treated better then non-western expats. Whether we like it or not, that's a fact and there's nothing wrong with someone putting that fact down in writing.

I'm not going to get into an argument about what does and does not constitute racism, the above is all I have to say. If you disagree then you have obviously read different definitions of racism to me.

So he does not need to apologise for being racist. If you read the post update you will see that he does apologise if his comment upset anyone, and says he wishes he had chosen his words more carefully. I think this is more than adequate.
