Mmm! Exactly on the miles issue. Even though your company paid the flight, you most certainly can have the miles. The only difference is that your mileage club isn't already on the ticket. So you will have to either have your number at check-in, or just your card. When you get to the counter, have a neat package with your ticket/receipt, passport, permanent visa printoff, and your mileage card. They know what to do from there.

Qatar Airways. If you're moving to Doha, I strongly, strongly suggest you go onto Qatar Airways and register for their air miles program. You will get much better benefits through this than with crediting the miles to another Star Alliance card (Lufthansa/United, etc.) For instance, you only need 6,000 miles to take a free round-trip in the gulf on economy. So your trip from Germany will almost put you at enough miles to go to Dubai for free.

You wouldn't need your physical card at the counter next week, just your number. So after you register you get your card number right away. Most will provide you with a temporary card you can print and show. This will work fine for you. In fact, you could even send the membership stuff to your new Doha address.