Try doing a search on here - there's loads of info regarding school and family life here. Another good site is Lots of moms and mom questions on there. See this link for a mom newsletter:
Top 3 schools in my opinion (no particular order)- American School, Doha English Speaking School (DESS), Doha College. I believe the waiting list is closed for DESS and DC, possibly American School as well, for Sept 08. You will probably have the best shot at American School. Hopefully your husband's package includes education because ASD is the most expensive. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't even come here without education paid for...Don't be upset if your kids have to sit it out at a less-than-your-idea-of-perfect school for a bit while they ride out a waiting list. It usually sorts itself out quickly seeing as people are in and out of here all the time.
Keep your sense of humor, look at it as an adventure and try to stay positive. Good luck with the move and I hope you get lucky with a school!
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Hi -
Try doing a search on here - there's loads of info regarding school and family life here. Another good site is Lots of moms and mom questions on there. See this link for a mom newsletter:
Top 3 schools in my opinion (no particular order)- American School, Doha English Speaking School (DESS), Doha College. I believe the waiting list is closed for DESS and DC, possibly American School as well, for Sept 08. You will probably have the best shot at American School. Hopefully your husband's package includes education because ASD is the most expensive. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't even come here without education paid for...Don't be upset if your kids have to sit it out at a less-than-your-idea-of-perfect school for a bit while they ride out a waiting list. It usually sorts itself out quickly seeing as people are in and out of here all the time.
Keep your sense of humor, look at it as an adventure and try to stay positive. Good luck with the move and I hope you get lucky with a school!
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.