Thank you all for your help.

the reason I wrote the message in portuguese was because I am trying to target portuguese speakers (and exclude supernurses Wink). Nothing against others, its just I was looking for the cultural common ground to celebrate this special day.



thank you for your input. You seam to know about the day Portugal celebates freedom and democracy.

Do you know about any celebration? 


It does mean a lot to us, as you mentionned it ended a few decades of dictatorship and a few centuries of imperial colonialism.

On 25 April 1974, the army took over the fascist government without any killings. instaed they put carnations in their machine guns and it is also known as the carnation revolution. 


If you want know more about it, click here:


Portugal is now a free and democratic country where for example its ranked on 8th position for freedom of press compared, to 48th place to the USA and 79th for Qatar.