The British Montessori school is COMPLETELY across town from the West Bay area. My child has gone to Starfish for 2 years now and my son is about to start. I really love it there. They are about to open a new one even closer to West Bay - directly across the street from College of the North Atlantic. Might want to call and see if you can get into #2 for the Summer or September.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
The British Montessori school is COMPLETELY across town from the West Bay area. My child has gone to Starfish for 2 years now and my son is about to start. I really love it there. They are about to open a new one even closer to West Bay - directly across the street from College of the North Atlantic. Might want to call and see if you can get into #2 for the Summer or September.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.