You absolutely have to get schooling paid for. 4 kids in school would gut your wallet! Places in the school are another story. If you husband works for oil/gas company, then they usually buy up places at the American School for their employees. American school is outrageously expensive and is the only one that follows the American curriculum. They have a website. Also try checking the "Qatar Schools Database" on this site and you can do a search on here as well. Also, try Try searching on their too. Lots of info. Most schools have websites. Some of the main ones are American School of Doha, Doha English Speaking School, Doha College, Parkhouse, Compass International, Qatar Academy. Any questions feel free to PM me if you want.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
You absolutely have to get schooling paid for. 4 kids in school would gut your wallet! Places in the school are another story. If you husband works for oil/gas company, then they usually buy up places at the American School for their employees. American school is outrageously expensive and is the only one that follows the American curriculum. They have a website. Also try checking the "Qatar Schools Database" on this site and you can do a search on here as well. Also, try Try searching on their too. Lots of info. Most schools have websites. Some of the main ones are American School of Doha, Doha English Speaking School, Doha College, Parkhouse, Compass International, Qatar Academy. Any questions feel free to PM me if you want.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.