If you go into it knowing you can't find everything at one shop, it will save you tons of frustration. Stocked shelves are hard to come by. Some of the bigger ones are Carrefour (sort of like a Walmart), Giant, Al Meera, Megamart and Shoprite (carry lots of western items but very pricey), Lulu's and Family Food Center. You'll probably have a small one near your house that you'll like as well. If you find something you like -- buy in bulk!
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
If you go into it knowing you can't find everything at one shop, it will save you tons of frustration. Stocked shelves are hard to come by. Some of the bigger ones are Carrefour (sort of like a Walmart), Giant, Al Meera, Megamart and Shoprite (carry lots of western items but very pricey), Lulu's and Family Food Center. You'll probably have a small one near your house that you'll like as well. If you find something you like -- buy in bulk!
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.