Saad Buzwair's dealership is not in the industrial area it is on C-Ring across from Oriental Carpet. Acording to GIS Qatar it is...

Zone: Al Sadd
Zone No: 38
Street: Ibn Khuzaima
Street No: 902
PO.BOX: 5922
Phone: 4341414
FAX: 4341313

The Saad Buzwair Audi and Volkswagon Workshop and Service is on Street 10 in the industrial area and can be reached at 4602415 or 4906880

Gulf Automobiles service is still claims to service Audis and can be reached at...
Zone: Industerial Area
Zone No: 57
Street: Street 15
Street No: 15
PO.BOX: 3899
Phone: 4654777 4600655
FAX: 4654333