I absolutely agree with you.
And that pretty much means that things will go on as they are for many generations to come.
The only way to address problems is to recognize them. If their recognition is not allowed, the problems will remain to eventual catastrophic consequences.
I just wonder where are the few Qataris educated overseas? What are they doing to change this hidden intellect stagnation, disguised with an "amazing façade of development”?!
If they don’t have a voice, nobody else can have it!...
...unless the International Media Big Players start to be less “buyist”, by only promoting the facades and glamour and actually start to expose weaknesses.
At the moment, they are playing the same, not addressing the uncomfortable facts!
I know they are conditioned by local restrictions but I also believe they have an important role that is not currently being fulfilled. And this is, in my opinion, because this sort of information doesn’t sell as well as the glamour and grandiose façades.
Very few outside Qatar, care about what is happening in Qatar and inside Qatar is what you said, they are afraid of exposing their mess.
Nevertheless, I’ve come across with a few articles published in relatively small foreigner newspapers, covering accurately some society problems in today’s Qatar. Unfortunately they don’t have the same eco as a CNN or a BBC would have.
If ever these big shots would expose with more honesty, the problems Qatari society is facing, the Qatari Authorities (extremely worried about appearances) would definitely take the issues more seriously and would eventually come up with more adequate and effective improvement measures!
Just if...
I absolutely agree with you.
And that pretty much means that things will go on as they are for many generations to come.
The only way to address problems is to recognize them. If their recognition is not allowed, the problems will remain to eventual catastrophic consequences.
I just wonder where are the few Qataris educated overseas? What are they doing to change this hidden intellect stagnation, disguised with an "amazing façade of development”?!
If they don’t have a voice, nobody else can have it!...
...unless the International Media Big Players start to be less “buyist”, by only promoting the facades and glamour and actually start to expose weaknesses.
At the moment, they are playing the same, not addressing the uncomfortable facts!
I know they are conditioned by local restrictions but I also believe they have an important role that is not currently being fulfilled. And this is, in my opinion, because this sort of information doesn’t sell as well as the glamour and grandiose façades.
Very few outside Qatar, care about what is happening in Qatar and inside Qatar is what you said, they are afraid of exposing their mess.
Nevertheless, I’ve come across with a few articles published in relatively small foreigner newspapers, covering accurately some society problems in today’s Qatar. Unfortunately they don’t have the same eco as a CNN or a BBC would have.
If ever these big shots would expose with more honesty, the problems Qatari society is facing, the Qatari Authorities (extremely worried about appearances) would definitely take the issues more seriously and would eventually come up with more adequate and effective improvement measures!
Just if...