It doesn't get more partisan than this article, avinis.

The article mentions the third war that Israel launched. Do they mean in 1967 when Egypt, Jordan, and Syria (and others) all lined up their armies along Israel's borders and blocked their boats from the Straits of Tiran? Do they mean the Six Day War when Israel launched a pre-emptive strike because they were in danger of being imminently attacked by several Arab armies? When they bascially kicked some serious military butt in only 6 days, and expanded their territory threefold by taking the Sinai, Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan?

(I mean, c'mon, if you had a bunch of guys surrounding you, threatening to attack, I think you'd feel pretty justified in swinging the first I wouldn't characterize this situation as Israel's offensive.)

I'm just trying to add a little bit of the "other side" to this discussion much on QL is so blatantly one-sided that it's ridiculous. I genuinely feel for the civilians who have been caught in the middle of not just this current event, but DECADES of conflict...but let's not malign one group when it's obvious that both sides (and many outside countries and interests) have contributed to where we are now.